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View Full Version : Don't the Kiwis just love "lock-outs"!?

Chocks Away
21st Apr 2009, 06:22
I read Air NZ are threatening a lock-out of their A320/Zeal crew, who are looking to strike over Mothers day weekend.

Lock-out's the answer! :ugh:

(P.S. I don't know what their claims are etc, this comment is just on the face of things and a comment on the Kiwi Industrial Relations)

21st Apr 2009, 06:26
From my professional experience, Kiwi Industrial Relations are a very complicated bag of tricks. I think there would be more to this than the simple proposition you have put forward.

Any other relevant facts you are aware of that may be of interest?

21st Apr 2009, 06:26
oh they have been locked out all right!

Don't believe the propoganda the company are putting out - they have a very clever way of turning things around and making themselves sound good!

Chocks Away
21st Apr 2009, 06:33
No other details except what was just on the news. Sorry.

21st Apr 2009, 08:33
It's standard NZ union tactics. First, you wait until times are tough and airlines are looking for any excuse to shed staff. Then you "negotiate" yourself into a corner in which your only identiying characteristic is the weakness of your position. Then you hand you employer the excuse they are looking for to end you.

Wonderful stuff. Now let's just wait for all the ex-Ansett NZ guys to bite and tell us how it SHOULD be done... :ugh::rolleyes:

21st Apr 2009, 09:46
Unlike the Australian EBA, New Zealand had a similar Howard-seque's
Employment Contracts Act and it operates similar to the now museum display "Work Choices" proposed by John Howard, which saw the whole nation ran him down to even losing his seat entirely in his constituent and his party lost the last election mainly due to this. But in NZ, I supposed they did not have the numbers to thrash the Employment Contracts Act. The people seemed unmotivated to rid this piece of legislation.

Old 'Un
21st Apr 2009, 23:15
iriver88, just a little point of fact: The NZ Employment Contracts Act (1991) was repealed and replaced with the Employment Relations Act as of 2 Oct 2000. In essence, the new Act returned the right of employees to be collectively represented in negotiations (by a union or any other "representative") and required the employer to negotiate with the collective negotiator "in good faith". It is that last phrase, "in good faith", that has become a bit of a sticking point, as "good faith" is not defined anywhere legislatively.

As for the current issues between Air NZ and the Zeal 320 staff, I'll keep my own counsel.

Le Vieux

22nd Apr 2009, 08:12
I see them every day at work, and to be honest, they should be grateful that they are being locked out and not fired.

A captian of one of the A320s today refused to have one of the cabin crew on board today. Thats how rediculous they are making themselves look in attempts to trash the AirNZ name and brand.

22nd Apr 2009, 11:06
I think thats a bit rough. While in this current climate its good to have a job there is a an undercurrent of lowering terms and conditions across the industry. In the boom times there seems to be little in the way of improvement and in the down times it does seem to be cut, cut, cut.

It needs to be done with care but I hate this defeatist attitude of taking it all lying down will ruin this industry