View Full Version : Air India Express Recruitment

18th Apr 2009, 19:50
Does anyone have any information on current lead times from job offer to start date?
I was offered a job with them a few months ago but still have no firm date for commencement. Also what is the timescale/process for the ground/flying training for type rated pilots. Apparently the group which went through ground training in Palma are still not in India. Are they being paid?

19th Apr 2009, 05:49
The group from Palma are starting now, allready getting visa etc.
Next group still waiting for a ground school date, should be in May

19th Apr 2009, 11:13
Thanks Niss, I had heard the same too.
Do you know why it took so long to do the ground school though, and can the rest of us expect the same? The norm for type rated pilots can't be more than a week or two of CRM, company procedures etc. The Palma course started in the second week of Feb, which makes it 9 weeks.
Was it because the DGCA approvals weren't through and were they paid for waiting around all this time?
Is the next course intake dependant on the Palma group completing ground training in India, or on them completing line training.
All basic questions but there is minimal information from the agencies.

20th Apr 2009, 05:07

Things take time in India. The regulator (DGCA is understaffed), seems to have a bone to pick with us expats. They don't want us, but have grudgingly accepted that our presence is required. Air India is also a bit disorganized at times, and also have a very busy and understaffed training department, so can only accomodate so many new hires at any given time. Patience is unfortunately required. It took our group of UK expats three months from offers to feet on the ground in India.



20th Apr 2009, 14:05
Understood Muddy.

Can you quickly outline the training though, once you start.
ie time and content for groundschool, sim, line training etc.
Also where the current new starts are being based. We were told probably Kerala.


Donkey Duke
20th Apr 2009, 23:25
What aircraft and bases are they hiring into? Cheers.

21st Apr 2009, 05:36

The visa for the Palma group has come through. Looks like they are leaving for Mumbai sunday. Things are speeding up.

21st Apr 2009, 08:18
Does anybody going to Air India need an NG diff course? I do and need a partner so we can get this done ASAP. I have researched it and ready to go.
Just send me a mess.

21st Apr 2009, 10:37
Does anyone have direct contact details with Head of training for AIE?


6th May 2009, 15:28
737 sr,
I would hold on to your money for a bit if I were you. The course has only just started in India for the people who were screened in December, and they are now being delayed in India, (broken sims etc.)
The course for the guys who screened in February has been ready to start for nearly two months, and still has no definite commencement date. This is for people who are NG rated. For people who have to undergo the differences course you could still be a while away from starting

28th Jun 2009, 18:07
i am Pilot Kaptan from last air india course London. they have told us we needed soon by told Rishworth something else. now told in aug. other guys now look for a different thing. they waiting long time and other company like them. 29 for course, 15 arrive london. india make it to long no peoples wait.
moja rada to: nie bierz tej pracy.

brit bus driver
28th Jun 2009, 20:25
A pint of what he's on please.....:ok:

1st Jul 2009, 07:59
That would be interesting!! " Rangoon Rangoon ...come in Rangoon"" with a Non native English speaking gentleman F/O in the other seat!! :ok:

5th Jul 2009, 09:36
Just out of interest, since just about every recruitment agency and his uncle are in on the Air India Express deal, is there one agency which is particularly good there?

Unfortunately this is now an acedemic question because I now find that the age limit is under 58! Although I have details from Rishworth a month ago or so showing 62 as the limit! :ugh:

16th Jul 2009, 22:03
The CEO of Air India Express has just put on hold the latest group of Captains to go through the induction course.
There has been no explanation. The pilots have not been told why. They have just been told that maybe there will be a place for them in Aug/Sept/Oct, maybe.
Does this mean that the Captains being recruited by Rishworth at the moment won't have jobs and if they do will it be this year or next? What is the agency telling them if anything?
Is this a sign of internal trouble or is the credit crunch hitting them too?
It is a very strange situation, seeing that Jet Airways has gone into full recruitment mode. Does this mean that Jet Airways is more successful?
I wish the guys luck and hope that Air India realise that these guys have already been waiting for upto 6 months for work....:)

17th Jul 2009, 12:18
Air India is in trouble and being Air India express parent company only makes sense for them to stop recruitment since they dont have cash flow to pay their mainline staff and also making job cuts, with job cuts on the main line most guys with connections will go directly to AIX instead of the job market and guys with no connections will just wait in the line to see if they get given a position with the company.