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View Full Version : Why are you proud to be in the RAF?

fablon biff chit
13th Apr 2009, 12:30
With all the doom and gloom lately, lets have a ray of sunshine - why are you still proud to serve? Come on people!!! Please no lamp swinging stories from those of you who have left. This is for serving members only. Thank you.:ok:

Ginger Beer
13th Apr 2009, 13:11
Still serving..........not proud, in fact embarrased to say I'm still serving.................can't wait to leave.

13th Apr 2009, 13:20
Bye then. Make sure you hand all your kit back on your way out.

Czech MaShortz
13th Apr 2009, 14:04
I'd like to know why Ginger Beer is embarrassed to be serving?

Red Line Entry
13th Apr 2009, 14:18
Proud, 'cause on the whole I work with a top bunch of chaps & chapesses doing a job that's far more meaningful than earning an extra couple of percent dividend for a bunch of faceless shareholders. How many other professions can you look at your co-workers and know that they'd risk their lives for you and vice versa?

Blighter Pilot
13th Apr 2009, 14:27
Because I can trust the whole team with my life and vice versa.

The sense of humour and comradeship that never dies - even in the worst of s:mad:holes.

The fact that even with the worst leadership and management from above the girls and guys on the front-line give their all to support our customers.

And the fact that at the end of the day we can always find an excuse for a huge shed-on!

13th Apr 2009, 15:05
Agree with Ginger Beer.

Wizard - Can't wait to hand in my kit. Thanks for the farewell.


mad eng
13th Apr 2009, 15:38
Proud of everyone at the coalface who, despite the 'best' efforts of our increasingly politicised leaders and a lack of resourses even the son of God would have struggled with, still manage to achieve results with dignity, compassion and humour.

Proud to serve?? not so sure, just who are we serving? Our Queen, our country.... or a bunch of self serving, money grabbing back stabbers who would not know the above traits if they found them in their taxpayer funded soup.
Perhaps if we believed in our political masters and/or leadership we would have more pride in serving. How many top brass or politicians would you 'take a bullet for'? Me neither, but I would step up for every member of my crew or Sqn. (only til wednesday that is.....last day)
Sorry rant over.

Ginger Beer
13th Apr 2009, 16:18
Wizz... my kit's already on ebay.

Czech.... I'm embarrased because just about every time me and my oppo's try to achieve the task, even with the best will in the world, we tend to fall short more and more these days and are becoming a laughing stock in the eyes of other services and nations. We tend to fall short due to poor management and lack of resources, not a lack of desire to succeed.

That is why I'm not proud to serve. Who could be?

SL Hardly-Worthitt
13th Apr 2009, 17:12
I used to be proud...very proud, but lately have been feeling increasingly let down by the most senior leadership who, in their bickering fight with the Navy (including trying to cut Harrier numbers so there aren't enough seats for the Navy to transition to JCA) have let it be known exactly what they think of all of the rest of us non-FJ pilot types who, in CAS' opinion are not worthy of senior (3* and above) appointments as we don't possess

"...the very intellectual and mental capacity attributes that help distinguish a FJ pilot.....".

Of course, when raised elsewhere (a bit like our PM at present...) no apology or retraction has been forthcoming!! I can only quote from Tory MEP Daniel Hannon's recent rant against the PM in re-addressing the point to CAS/ACAS:

"You know, and we know, and you know that we know that it’s nonsense!"

I, along with many others, are severely saddened, angry and ashamed by the current leadership....roll on the upcoming changes, then maybe we can all get back to being rightfully proud again. :* H-W

13th Apr 2009, 17:28
non-FJ pilot types who, in CAS' opinion are not worthy of senior (3* and above) appointments as we don't possess

"...the very intellectual and mental capacity attributes that help distinguish a FJ pilot.....".

Hardly Worthitt - that passed me by. Where on earth was that said, by whom?

13th Apr 2009, 17:43
I'm proud to serve with people who still work to achieve a task, to be part of an organisation where acheivement is still more important than saving money, or coming up with more and more ways of making money.

Certainly the people (not all of them by any means, but many) are the most important factor.

13th Apr 2009, 19:15
It's only a matter of time before the top jobs go to non FJ mates and eventually non aircrew. Equality will have its day in this antiquated organisation as those that are proud and wish to remain pull the organisation back from the brink of 'no hope' and make it the efficient, effective, world class organisation it is supposed to be.
Then I will be proud.
It's not whether we are all on the same train (or get out), but whether CAS is still on the Slam Door whilst the rest of us want to get on and catch the Express.:ugh::{:{

SL Hardly-Worthitt
14th Apr 2009, 10:42
Chaps, you are absolutely 100% right - we do deserve to be proud of all the people at the coalface (and those that support the coalface under increasingly difficult circumstances!). :ok:

I felt moved to post last month on the Harrier dispute thread (page 9,10 ish) when it came to light what CAS, in a written statement to the neutral investigation team, said regarding FJ pilot "intellectual and mental capacity attributes" which clearly denigrate the rest of us.

".......the majority of key appointments are held by FJ pilots (indeed exclusively at 3* and above at the moment). This is not by accident.....the very intellectual and mental capacity attributes that help distinguish a FJ pilot.....drive these statistics."

No apology / retraction / explantion has been forthcoming - I doubt it ever will!!:* H-W

Torque Tonight
14th Apr 2009, 11:20
The sense of humour and comradeship that never dies

Please no lamp swinging stories from those of you who have left. This is for serving members only. Thank you.

Spot the irony. Some elements of the 'RAF family' slam the doors pretty quickly when someone leaves. I would have told the poster who asked the question how proud I was to be a serving officer until fairly recently, but it would appear that my experience and knowledge is of no interest to him. It's no biggie but that attitude really grips. Anyway, I have a feeling that with a first post like that, he's probably a journo looking to pad out his copy.

14th Apr 2009, 12:10
I'm proud of the RAF's heritage, but not of the corporate politico direction it has taken in the last ten-ish years.

I'm proud of the uniform, as it's been worn by some very brave men and women over the years, but not proud of my uniform - it's uninspiring rubbish that was clearly manufactured by the cheapest bidder.

Personally, I'm proud to have left with my integrity intact, while pitying those who sold theirs for the next rank...:ok:

14th Apr 2009, 12:48
As one who has left, FBC, I don't intend to lamp-swing but don't really care whether you want to hear from me.

I've been out for 10 years now, and only left because my remaining 20 years were going to be in HQs somewhere, not on units as I would have liked. I feel you guys and girls should be bl**dy proud of what you do. I still take an interest in the mob and see some/hear of what you folks do, where you do it, and some of the stuff you're given to do it with. I miss the banter, the professionalism, and being able to rely on people who do what they say they're going to do by the time they're required to do it. Civvy street is SO diffferent:ugh:

14th Apr 2009, 19:03
I felt I had something to add here, I am proud to have served, over the world in the RAF. I left as I felt the RAF was sliding into an organisation I did not want to be part of.

I still watch and look for any information of my old units, see how they are doing in the very nasty places of the world knowing the tasks/risks that the press cannot convey to the rest of the civvy world, a world I now am part of. However I make sure those I work with know of the sacrifice, pain and toil that still serving face.

I do wish ZaNu Labour and the Conservatives had had the ba**s to make good the services when I 'was in', during and post the Cold War instead of raping the Defence Budget to make good on promises the great unwashed and undeserving (my opinion, not a political statement).

To sum up in the past 12 years (11 years when I was still in) I have seen the degradation of one of the most proud (if young) military services in the world, overseen by one of the most self serving administrations. it is to the shame of all CAS and CDS that they have presided over this sorry state since ZaNu came into power.

For me the blame lies there, not willing to ensure the cohesion of the commands below them, you want leadership well we should look to the top to provide it, not ask if you want to get off a train to Glasgow!:ugh:

Anyway going to go back and enjoy the Weissbier now.

Good luck to all left in and I do pray for all to be safe on Ops and Training.

15th Apr 2009, 09:53
'By the nature of Crown Service, every leader in Defence is also a follower. Therefore, as followers, leaders in Defence should exemplify those qualities they wish to see from those they lead'


15th Apr 2009, 14:41
I'm long gone. Present set up is under-manned, under-resourced, underpaid, unappreciated and poorly led/managed. somehow people keep their spirits up and do their best but, as noted above, our Military is becoming a bit of a laughing stock

15th Apr 2009, 22:10
As ex RAF, but (hopefully) of suficiently recent vintage to retain credibility, I can say that without any doubt it is the people who make it special. The amount of grief that has to be endured from crap acomodation, self-serving leaders (within and without)... I just can't be bothered to catalogue the issues as I'm sure you are all familiar with them anyway. My point is that when you take our people away from their comfort zones and ask them to "do the business" they invariably do. It doesn't matter if it's in a war zone or foot and mouth or just a domestic work crisis, they always deliver and that is an incredible, collective, attitude that (you will discover) does not univerally exist outside the forces.
In two words, "Can do".

15th Apr 2009, 22:15
Well, I am struggling to "Do" but the nice lady in admin says theres no money in the kitty.

It used to be so easy.....

1 year left.

The Magic Rat
16th Apr 2009, 17:33

"Spot the irony. Some elements of the 'RAF family' slam the doors pretty quickly when someone leaves."

First hand experience of this!

Not from fellow blue suiters though(PSF were A1) but from civilians doing jobs that used to be staffed by them. The minute I was made redundant they were literally frog marching me out of SFA.

Also...why does MQ rent suddenly become "Violent Profits". Simple answer he said..."you are trespassing!" Kind of hard to stomach that after 22 years service.

18th Apr 2009, 18:09
Most people joined up to get a job or a trade, a few joined because it was a way to get trained - to fly, to service, to learn, to eat, to have somewhere to live and some money in their pocket.

Novel writers, politicians, PR people are the kind of ****** who go on about being 'proud'.

Get real for Christ's sake.

Pride seemed to come in at unit level when I was in, it certainly wasn't for the bunch of wankers both service and politicos calling the shots (literally) at the moment.

18th Apr 2009, 18:42
I hope no one minds my comments as a civilian.

i am a bit depressed at some of your replies to the original question.

I see most politicians as wanting one thing, a complete military intergration with Europe. Which seems to mean you lot, our Armed Forces; becoming a small part of the overall military might of Europe.

I think the idea is to reduce and mould you into what Europe, including our politicians; see as our place in the overall combined european states' military might.

Labour never seems to have appreciated the Armed Services but seem to see them as a necessary evil. Not a respectful attitude.

But all politicians now seem to see England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland,- Great Britain, United Kingdom - however you wish to view our nations - as a Corporation and not a Sovereignty in any form.

Idiot politicians say stupid things such as, ( to paraphrase ) "We will take Afghanistan without a shot." they should visit front lines after making crass comments like that and see how they fare.

They do not have a clue what the reality of your positions are. Neither do I in all honesty as I have never been in the Forces. At least I and many others try to.

Whatever your views on this reply, I hope regardless that none of you regret taking the path in your life you have.

19th Apr 2009, 16:23
...20 years service nearly completed and I still feel a great sense of pride putting on my uniform (...regardless of quality). Yes there are some real challenges but the people are some of the finest you'll find anywhere.