View Full Version : Class One Expiry

11th Apr 2009, 12:01
Hi all

Does the expiry on a class one medical run to midnight on the date that's on the medical, or midnight of the night before.

Eg. If the expiry is the 20th May, is the medical valid until midnight of the 20th, or midnight of the 19th?


20th Apr 2009, 14:28
As you can revalidate a JAR medical up to 45 days prior to the specified expiry date without loss of time, is there really an issue here?

If the expiry date is say 21 April, then it remains valid until midnight [local ?] ending on that day. :)

20th Apr 2009, 17:01
Does the expiry on a class one medical run to midnight on the date that's on the medical, or midnight of the night before ?

The former (ie midnight [local] on the date shown in the "expiry date" box on the certificate). You are legal to fly all day on the stated expiry date, if a revalidation medical is not undertaken by then.

However, leaving it to the last minute is not to be recommended for professional pilots. If a desperate rostering department phones you, even on what is supposed to be a day off, "sorry, my medical has expired" is NOT likely to go down at all well with the company ! !

As ecj rightly said, you can renew within the 45 days prior to expiry without losing any validity at all. Much more sensible.