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View Full Version : NetJets Europe

8th Apr 2009, 18:43
Hi, I'm new to this forum. I was wondering if NetJets Europe is hiring, and what some realistic and competetive quialifications might be (the only technical ones listed on the website were 1500 hours).


8th Apr 2009, 19:09
Welcome - this should really be in the Interviews and Jobs forum, I'm sure the Mods will move in due course. Good luck!

8th Apr 2009, 20:18
1500 hrs are a must. My (frequent) chats with their crew transiting here now and then tell me that hiring will be very slow this year. This was confirmed over the phone by the HR dept. in Lisbon about 6 weeks ago: no hiring for the whole year. This might change though and I really do hope so!

You will find better ground for your query in the BizJet forum, me think.

Best luck

PZ :ok:

wind check
8th Apr 2009, 21:39
You will need 1500 hours (JAR25 hours are much prefered), Experience on lots of european airports, be fluent in english and 1 or 2 more languages much appreciated. They also have a cadet scheme for wannabes but I am not sure they will reopen it because there are now so many experienced applicants behind the door.
At the moment they are not recruting, in fact the are well overcrewed and if the crisis still exist by next year, then they will start to offer unpaid leave/salary cuts or more...:ouch:

29th Apr 2009, 18:31
Was in NQY the other day and Netjets had three hulls all grounded there due to be put in storage in the disused military hangars. Ground staff said they had just prepared the hangars and heard the three hulls were due to be in the hangars all summer.