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View Full Version : getting job but on 7 years contract?

indian eng
6th Apr 2009, 16:12
hi guys i am really confuse about that should i take job or reject ?pls help me i am having just one day to make decision on it .these r the details

i have been offered a job by an airline which operate only dornier 228 aircraft and they will send me on course and will pay all TR cost but they want me to sign 7 years contract.

i am really confuse because dorneir i dont think i will have any future when i leave the company because no where in world right now dornier is flying.this could be good offer if i see because i am just 21 and passed out my AME licence course 1 year back and offerd a job to be AME which is something that matters to me in this bad condition of aviation because from last 6 month i am sitting jobless at home?

6th Apr 2009, 18:27
Go for it and you'll have reasonable amount of time to learn english properly:E

6th Apr 2009, 19:01
What is the name of the company? If they want you to send them some money, be very careful.

7th Apr 2009, 15:28

I would tell them to screw off. A D-228? They are acting like they are training you to fly the -777 or A380. Jobs will open up, and you won't be stuck there.


7th Apr 2009, 18:05
smirnovoleg85: I suggest you take a long, hard look at your own grammar before you get smart about someone else’s command of English. Muppet :ouch:.

Der absolute Hammer
7th Apr 2009, 20:39
Look at it this way.....perhaps so?
You have no work.
There are no works.
Then comes Do228 opportunity.
ll paid for. You spend nothing.
You sign contract to work for company for 7 years.
Make sure contract protects your life style-not to mess you around.
Make sure- if possible-contract can be broken by you - example-for non payment of regular salary.-protect your rights.
Make sure contract allows and makes certain promotion to Captain after ???time hours???

The recession will go on for at min 2 more years.
The aviation upturn if comes at all will take 4 years.
If the company is existing in 4 years at this time it is not doing things so bad?
Maybe they will requip. The 228 becomes very old.
At worst you are in work for next four years.
At next worst you have to carry on with same old 228 for another 3 years.
Then you are 28 with thousands of hours and a command on a 228 - which is something good.
So heh! there is good and bad and if you were 18 I guess you would have to go for it. So what is so grizzly about being 21.............
Hope that is a little of a positive note. It is a hard choice to make but then what is the other part of the choice?
I know-that makes it what the English call the Hobsons Chioce-when you have only the one option. 'Which horse would you like to ride?'
'Well, what choice do I have Mr Hobson, you only have one in your stable.'

8th Apr 2009, 15:28
2 Der Absolute Hammer:
I think he is AME,not pilot...

gabon flyer 2
9th Apr 2009, 07:48
Hi all;

Is this company from Gabon ,Nigeria or south Africa.....first 2 cases DON T TOUCH IT....the gabonese is well known for being crap....i can tell you more should you need it....PM me

20th Apr 2009, 01:23
check out with salary