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View Full Version : Emirates and the "no allowances" scam

2nd Apr 2009, 12:45
Notice how more and more layovers are going to "full board", therefore totally zero..zilch..not a sausage in allowances. Latest is LOS...not a cent and you have to eat the crap food there, when it's dished out.

Hong Kong...zero for breakfast, which means if you want breakfast, you have to get up before 5.30am body clock to eat it!!

I don't have a problem with those sort of deals in a hotel within an hour or two of your body clock, but to have to get up at all hours of the day or night to have a meal is just ridiculous. If I'm hungry at 3.00am in New York, I'd like to be able to pop across to the deli to get something to eat with my allowances, not have to wait another three hours to have a complimentary meal.

I can see the day when there simply won't be any allowances paid out with this company.

It even ends up a safety issue, as I'm sure many of our crew simply won't eat properly if it means spending their own money. Bloody rubbish policy.

2nd Apr 2009, 14:01
Is the STAR at least included in LOS? :}

2nd Apr 2009, 18:13
I believe Quantas has that same policy. Your gonna get a lot more cabin crew sick calls with the food instead of cash policy. There is a company in Mexico thats only give out food stamp/or vouchers istead of cash.

Ahad Adump
2nd Apr 2009, 19:02
Mensa man

Not "apparently"...front page of gulf news business section.
This is to allow them chance to study, persue hobbies and visit family.

3rd Apr 2009, 03:31
GBB..normally I wouldn't admit to not knowing what you're talking about. I would normally give you a jolly rorkous pat on the back and shout "good one mate"...turn back to the bar, swill my pint, and think to myself "what the f*2k was he talking about..I'm too embarrassed to admit I have no idea"

But I'm really curious..please enlighten my obviuosly fatigued intellect:confused::ok::ok:

(hope it's nothing to do with those ladies of the night that frequent that dodgy bar in the corner of the LOS hotel)

3rd Apr 2009, 07:04
Hey KaMEL, the walk of fame, ya know hollywood stars... yadi yadda!!!:ok:

3rd Apr 2009, 08:03
This is not the place to be moaning. In LOS take the hotel to the cleaners and challenge your BMI.

In HKG, put in a safety report stating that you had insufficient rest, you had to get up to have breakfast and therefore have not rested properly.

That's really dirty for HKG, I never thought they'd stoop that low!

3rd Apr 2009, 09:44
It even ends up a safety issue, as I'm sure many of our crew simply won't eat properly if it means spending their own money. Bloody rubbish policy

Although I am against such silly policy, this argument works both ways. With allowance payed out, a lot of CC just put it in their wallet and eat cheapest rubbish, like cupnoodles and tap water. On the flight back they are then badly nourrished, thus even more fatigued. Maximising profit at safeties cost, GREED, is not a Arab-only characteristic.

I fully agree with the body clock issue though, and this needs to be addressed. As our "leaders" are all but that, it will only work with ASRs, and they can only come from our side.

4th Apr 2009, 14:00
What if a crew member is allergic to specific foods?
Say the hotel has has a seafood buffet and you either can't bear to swallow a shrimp, squid, or oyster, or are allergic?
Great situation when a crew comes down with food poisioning having all been coralled into the same restaurant to eat.
Obviously, the Big Head has realised that crew are pocketing the cash and having noodle parties then sending the cash home to support their families, or worse, going out and happily spending the money shopping while being forced to layover in some place they would rather not be.

4th Apr 2009, 15:41
Boys (little) you need to get a life, there is way more improtant things than a breakfast buffet and its timings.

5th Apr 2009, 01:17
Just curious, are the outstations where EK are going full board also stations where a lot of crew have gone sick previously with food poisoning and related illnesses? Are they just trying to keep people away from street stalls with doubtful hygiene or is it a 100% money saving scam?

5th Apr 2009, 11:35
Living out allowance also gone!

5th Apr 2009, 21:50
As ketek400 posted before, Living Out Allowance has been cancelled.

Just as quite some people were looking to buy some affordable property to live in now the prices are coming down, EK decides to cancel any new living out allowances. Probably one of the Sheikhs can't get rid of one of his developments and EK can take it on the cheap, providing they need to fill it, so bin the LOA!! Or one of the habibis has some empty housing and looking for tenants.. This brings us actually to 2 separate contract among the pilot group. Personally I was looking for a property to buy and with the prices now I could have EK allowance to pay for the mortgage, basically reducing my risk and living in my own place which I might sell once I leave this lying bunch to get the retirement plan filled up with a nice little extra...

Guess they need to help out the locals who are feeling the pinch of the credit crunch... Who cares about the expats? Getting extremely fed up with these lying b@st@rds!!!

Frustrated & extremely p1ssed off,


7th Apr 2009, 19:36
Ages ago Her Majesty's flying club tried the all inclusive thingy at hotel in Norway.

Never had so much booze on a lay over ever ...............

"We will have another bottle of cheese please ............make it the '74 !"

Everybody ate drank and made more than a little merry and said policy was dumped sharpish.

It was supposedly THE most expensive detachment to Andoya ever.:}

8th Apr 2009, 04:20
Except in Lagos you can only eat at specified times, have only ONE drink with any meal and no water in the rooms!!!!!!!!

8th Apr 2009, 06:50
So in Lagos for example. I have to eat at a specific time. ( same at a certain hotel in Mauritius by the way). No choice as to how I can manage my rest/diet on certain layovers.

Forget about ordering more drinks ( alchohol is not included in MRu anyway).

So now I cannot sleep when I am tired ( the choice is food or sleep) I am a lazy pilot and dont deserve both. I think ASR,s about feeling a little weak / undernourished might be in order. Then I get on the plane and am given a sandwhich that makes a Big Mac look healthy. I am unable to transport "my own" food to many of these places because of local regulation . All along worried about my BMI.

As for using my personal Credit Card in Lagos , YEAH RIGHT !!!!

Its one thing to include everything , but you must allow for individual sleep/ eating patterns. Make it all inclusive I dont give a toss. Bit give us the flexibility to manage our lifestyle. This is yet another safety issue.

8th Apr 2009, 13:45

does this mean we will see all the crew sat together being sociable. Drinks afterwards on the Captains credit card tho !!.
