View Full Version : Emirates airline offers staff unpaid leave

2nd Apr 2009, 12:35
Sounds like an April fools joke.....

Dubai: Emirates airline yesterday announced that it has decided to offer unpaid leave to its cabin crew."After a careful review of our operational requirements, we have decided to offer our cabin crew staff the opportunity to apply for unpaid leave on a purely voluntary basis, starting from May 2009. In anticipation of our growing fleet, Emirates' recruitment efforts over the past 12 months have been highly successful in meeting our operational requirements. Combined with a sharp drop in cabin crew attrition, we now find ourselves in a position to be more flexible as an employer," an Emirates spokesperson said in a statement."We believe some of our staff will welcome the opportunity to take time off to pursue personal interests such as: further studies, hobbies, or simply to spend time with family and friends," the airline said.

Cabin crew may opt for unpaid leave from a period of one month up to a maximum of six months. "While on leave they will still be employees of the airline, and continue to be eligible for various benefits including paid accommodation and travel concessions."

2nd Apr 2009, 13:40
Starting with CC, wonder if the pilots will be offered the same...

2nd Apr 2009, 13:57
Asked and turned down already but that could change with the short term crewing change on the 380

3rd Apr 2009, 01:07
Aren't there a number of pilots already on unpaid leave?

3rd Apr 2009, 02:17
Just read that unpaid leave will become avail, details to follow. Not good news for the poolies. My guess no hiring or upgrades this year.

3rd Apr 2009, 03:59
Hey guys come and join Etihad. ,No Racism and more relax atmosphere.You can help us to get more benefits. Come and enjoy! They are desperate for A330/40 drivers
Assessment starting in april .

They need 8 guys right away (F/O 330)


3rd Apr 2009, 05:02
They are desperate for a reason...No thanks.

3rd Apr 2009, 06:03

Hey they are getting more planes,that's all.

Wake up!

Chandler Bing
3rd Apr 2009, 06:27
All the F/O's fly their ass off !!!

Wait for the new package to see your salaries decreased by 20 %, the same amount that will go directly into JH's pockets..... with an increase of productivity......

EK has the proper attitude with offering unpaid leave to volunteers, here in EY you just have one single right :

FLY beyond safety for minimum wages and shut up. Good recipe for disaster. A few guys even fall asleep during take off run.... impressive :=:ouch:

3rd Apr 2009, 06:47
Dubai is broke and EK have screwed up the recruitment numbers....put whatever spin you want on it but that is the bottom line! :rolleyes:

Chandler, if EY is so bad why hang around?.....find somwhere less tiring....as for falling asleep during TOR....you had better see the Doc...

3rd Apr 2009, 06:47

Are u TAking Drugs?

A320 = 50 to 60 hs

A330 = 50- 65 hs


3rd Apr 2009, 08:22
a month or two off would be just what the doctor ordered! Bring it on!:ok:

3rd Apr 2009, 09:27
KRUGERFLAP what about your colleagues A320 FO :ugh:waiting to go to A330 A340?:}

3rd Apr 2009, 09:47
a big line i must say.But now finally starting the MFF.
But the good thing is that everybody will be upgrade in the A330
not in the A320 (They say,they don't want to mix new cadet pilots with new born captains).


3rd Apr 2009, 09:53
Just wait for the "conditions"! :}
I guess it will be:

- minimum 4 days, maximum 30 days with a MAA TA in between
(just that you don't lose the touch of working)
- not in conjunction with existing regular leave
- only if you have already taken the full regular allotment
- only in top bid months
- only in crap seasons
- a COC before and a DAC TA right after
- paired with the rest of the month with only ADs

If no one wants it, then it will be allocated

3rd Apr 2009, 17:36
The EK/EY mergers in its preplanning stages.