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31st Mar 2009, 05:45
Hi I hear monarch at LGW are looking for engineers and was wondering what they are like to work for? I have read on some other forums that they are a hire and fire company and if the management think you don't fit the mould they make your life difficult till you leave or it has been suggested they may even make you redundant.

I am b2 with A320/330 and always thought it was the aircraft types and experience that were the important issues when recruiting not how you relate to management.

Any info about them would be good as I work for a reasonable boss but felt monarch could be a way of getting back into the country and a way of getting some new types and expanding my career.

31st Mar 2009, 10:54
Steer well clear, hire and fire sums them up , they have just sacked a large number of engineers at LGW/MAN/LTN and are still by all accounts threatning more sackings if the remaining staff dont agree to wage cuts and reduction in benifits ,they were once a good company to work for by all accounts but things have changed for the worse sadly, sad fact is with these people when it all does go horribly wrong due to management incompetance its not the top brass who suffer its the "poor bloody infantry," why not look at contracting? plenty of work for B2 engineers with your ratings, check out aviation job search

31st Mar 2009, 11:44
Monarch redundacy farce - Aircraft Engineers Bulletin Board (http://www.airmech.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=9457)
Sad saga detailed here:ugh:

1st Apr 2009, 08:57
I dont see why the lads dont hit management where it hurts, either walk out and go contracting as without maintenance means no airline or take their concerns to a solicitor? Would the CAA have any bearing on this as management are creating worry among employees with bully boy tactics, this could be classed as a safety issue!

3rd Apr 2009, 11:20
So obviously Monarch isn't the way to go as I haven't found out anything positive about them at all. The main problem seems to be the management.
I have been digging further there was some real technical issues with their fleet last summer and also it seems even this last month. I would hope it wasn't down to the downtrodden workforce but if it is then the Authorities should be made aware of it.
It also seems they lost some good experienced engineers in the redundancies and left themselves with the younger less experienced but more compliant engineers.

3rd Apr 2009, 12:26
You got it in one aj138. Great team of lads led by a bunch of backstabbers. It's one of those places where if your face fits you'l be OK, if not then they will have you out the door before you can collect your tools! As for the fleet, some are getting on a bit but they do maintain them to a high standard. There work quality is better than many (thats the guys again).:8

3rd Apr 2009, 13:17
Monarch engineers have a first class reputation in the aviation world, its a real pity the seem to be treated in such a shabby fashion.