View Full Version : EY new package

30th Mar 2009, 16:01

Any news regarding the EY updated package that will come out in June. I know it probably won't be much but any rumors regarding basic/flight pay raise, allowances....etc


31st Mar 2009, 17:56
Unless you know something that most of us don't, EY is not going to increase anything this year as EY's books doesn't look too good.

1st Apr 2009, 02:27
now this one is surely a heads-up!

1st Apr 2009, 14:02
New Package in June??
Thats not good they must have found a new way to take more money from us to pay the New Chiefs.

1st Apr 2009, 18:20
New package in June!...........Dream on :rolleyes:

1st Apr 2009, 23:54
Why do all of you think a new package, would be a better package! Maybe this so called package has less holidays, less money and etc.

2nd Apr 2009, 02:40
look what is happening with the neighbours (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hs=f9C&ei=bCXUSfP4It3VlQfGnd3LDA&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=1&ct=result&cd=1&q=neighbours&spell=1) :

Emirates airline offers staff unpaid leave

Staff Report
Published: April 01, 2009, 23:20

Dubai: Emirates airline yesterday announced that it has decided to offer unpaid leave to its cabin crew.
"After a careful review of our operational requirements, we have decided to offer our cabin crew staff the opportunity to apply for unpaid leave on a purely voluntary basis, starting from May 2009. In anticipation of our growing fleet, Emirates' recruitment efforts over the past 12 months have been highly successful in meeting our operational requirements. Combined with a sharp drop in cabin crew attrition, we now find ourselves in a position to be more flexible as an employer," an Emirates spokesperson said in a statement.
"We believe some of our staff will welcome the opportunity to take time off to pursue personal interests such as: further studies, hobbies, or simply to spend time with family and friends," the airline said.

http://gulfnews.advertserve.com/servlet/view/banner/image/zone?zid=36&pid=0&position=1 (http://gulfnews.advertserve.com/servlet/click/zone?zid=36&pid=0&lookup=true&position=1)

Cabin crew may opt for unpaid leave from a period of one month up to a maximum of six months. "While on leave they will still be employees of the airline, and continue to be eligible for various benefits including paid accommodation and travel concessions."


Chandler Bing
2nd Apr 2009, 04:37
Ey should think about it, 6 months unpaid leave, keeping housing and travel benefit, that would of great interest for a few of them, especially the ones close to retirement age.
But who says they have the ability to think .....? You should have a brain for that, and it wasn't included in the recruitment requirement for these Head office guys :}

4th Apr 2009, 04:34
Canada seems we think on same lines.
Great minds think alike!!

4th Apr 2009, 05:24
i herd about the new package. their be giving us a nice package of dates, carefuly handpicked by yindian migrant workers in al ain. i herd the company will be spending as much as 20 dhs per head. something to look forward to for shur.

BCF Breath
4th Apr 2009, 10:54
LWOP for EK Cabin Crew......

Could think of a few that would do very well on the ..er..."pro" circut...accom paid for, travel still available.....if they grouped together they could do quite well for themselves...:O