View Full Version : Adagold

27th Mar 2009, 13:00
Does anyone have any info concerning the australian operator Adagold? It has just been awarded a contract in Denmark, and seem to run into heavy flak in that respect, being characterised as a dodgy operation, frequently operating "across borders" normally adhered to.
Go direct if you prefer: [email protected]

27th Mar 2009, 19:07
Dodgy operation? (http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2008/05/16/223759/atr-may-have-been-damaged-in-barrel-roll.html) Who could possibly say such a thing?

27th Mar 2009, 20:16
Sorry if I misled you. I have nothing to do with the danish company, just a mere scribe trying to research a company so far away that it is hard to find out anything about it. But judging by you throwing stones in a glass cage, it must be something rotten in not only the state of Denmark? When did you do your barrel roll? I've done mine! :O
[email protected]
Pst! At least I've got the balls to face up to what I'm saying. You however, seems to be a coward?

27th Mar 2009, 22:02
Somewhere between Samsų and Kaldred.
Do you think that an email constitutes an identity?

28th Mar 2009, 10:21
Adagold are essentially a brokerage/ middleman. In a previous life I did quite a bit of work for them but operating for another operator.

Something like I work for XYZ Aviation and Adagold have the job, they speak to ABC, DEF & XYZ, who ever had the best deal won.

Lots of governmental work went their way when the government concerned did not have internal lift capability or needed discretion.

Very above board, they have been around a very long time and are NOT the kind of AN-12 in the middle of the night full of "used machinery" kind of operator............

Well not when I knew them:E

Mach E Avelli
28th Mar 2009, 11:28
Adagold are indeed quite reputable brokers. They do not own or operate aircraft in their own right. Recently they became embroiled in a bad deal with a very shonky Australian operator run by a total Walter Mitty character and funded by a father-in-law with more money than brains. These peanuts promised Adagold an aircraft and crews for a contract out of Denmark. For various reasons ranging from overspending to corporate misconduct, it was doomed before it started because Sky Air was already going under.
But Adagold themselves are reputable. Unfortunately on this occasion they got sucked in and may have suffered some loss of credibility as a result. They really needed some independent technical advice before embarking on something as ambitious as this contract. Technical advice was thick on the ground at Sky Air but it was the wrong sort.
I believe that Adagold have distanced themselves totally from the former Directors and Management of Sky Air World. This company is now under administration and is almost certainly about to go into liquidation.
For all the dirt on this go to the Dunnunda section and look at the Sky Air World thread.

28th Mar 2009, 23:45
Brokers are dominated by sales people. Not known to seek out proper technical advice before launching into deals, just do the deal.