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23rd Mar 2009, 07:16
I remember seeing a their very smart G3, at the MEBA show.

Recently I was told that they are getting a G4, and that they required crew.

Is this to be based at RAK, DXB, or in Saudi. ?

Also heard that they are taking over the G5 from Dana, their neighbour in RAK.

Just rumours, but thats why we are here on PpRuNe.

23rd Mar 2009, 07:19
Why not, DANA are not doing much with it !

el sol
7th Apr 2009, 07:12
I hear Infinity have a few problems mainly related to manuals and outstanding audit items from some time ago. Also an extremely high staff turnover seems to be causing concern. Anyone have any more details ? :bored:

13th Apr 2009, 10:35
I heard that Infinity Aviation is getting a new Hawker 800xp soon as it is under registeration with GCAA and another nice GIII which is still under full new interior and exterior in united states and will join within another 2-3 months along with their nice first one in RAK airport ,, looks they are doing well :ok:

el sol
13th Apr 2009, 14:38
looks can be deceptive...........

or in this case ARE deceptive !

13th Apr 2009, 14:45
i hear this is not by any means assured ??

17th Apr 2009, 05:57
Word on the street:

they were in the labour court last week, in regard to an instant dismissal.
Both parties lost. remember no one wins these battles.

17th Apr 2009, 06:09
If that was the case, it's about time that some of these bullies are brought to book for their cowardly actions. Too many times are employees made the scapegoats for the total incompetence of people using the misnomer of 'manager' or 'director', many of who could not manage or direct their way out of a paper bag.

It will be interesting to follow this case's outcome.

If anyone has an update, please let us have the details.


28th Apr 2009, 07:49
If there are any infinity people checking this out - how did the inspection by the authority go the other day ??

How can you have an aoc renewed when your only aircraft has had its c of a suspended due to outstanding maintenance items ? Just a general question...

12th May 2009, 12:44
all a bit quiet isn't it ?

CL 604
12th May 2009, 18:18
yes it is....

How is this company doing with the crisis?
Are they hiring flight attendant?

Anyone who knows...

17th May 2009, 07:40
Who are the backers behind this one? Potty and gang? or a different bunch of goombahs?

Take a dose of aspirin before you attempt to read their website, it's cornier than a mexican turd!

What ever happended to Dana Jet's in Rak? They were / are a similar type of 'idea' right?

17th May 2009, 11:01
Two chaps, one from Iraq and one from Pakistan, currently without an AOC, but still out there trying to deny this state of affairs to all potential customers.
" It's a mistake, the GCAA got it wrong, we're really good folks, honest.....",
screwing their staff as fast as they can, including, I am told, trying to submit a photoshopped contract to the local labour court when they were not happy about the real one being used as evidence against them in the court. Not paying on time, or not at all, trying to bully and intimidate employees, banning staff from contacting other staff, threatening to break into staff accomodation to search for imaginary 'evidence' of conspriracy..... oh yes, these two are classics.
These two clowns make the other local aviation management look like angels !

18th May 2009, 11:15
The Pakistani wouldn't by any chance be the original Hawker Capt (T.I)from old Hamra-Air would he?

19th May 2009, 04:36
probably from the same whelping...............
Although he's back with his original company after 6 months in the wastes to teach him respect.
He's now flying the G5..............

cries of "good grief it can't be true...."

19th May 2009, 22:33
Hi,guys i have complet deferent story here in Jeddah ,, i heard from a guy who has just come back from there that a pilot who has been nominated to be their DFO of Infinity aviayion has been refused by the Civil Aviation (not Infinity) after they discovered that he has only one EYE and couldnot even come out with class two according the UAE regulations , and as per this technition ,,he told me that they are offering excllent treatment & accomodation for their crew ,, staying in Rotana resort villas for the pilots and in Hamra resort for airhosetes ,, and there was not even for once that their sallaries been delayed ,,always on time that,s why this technical person has almost decided to leave his job and join Infinity,, by the way they got back their C of A and their AOC has been expired few days ago and they will get the renewed one , it only a matter of few days. i will update u guys with all details about this issue ,,,,

29th Jun 2010, 02:01
You're wrong.... I won! Thank you very much.

29th Jun 2010, 02:08
yes, you are right the "Office Managers" had to be getting money from somewhere because we were not generating enough money from flights, that's for sure. 15 people in the office and they couldn't run one airplane, never mind take on the Hawker. The G-5 was just a rumor... I never heard of it in my 9 months there as DFO.

29th Jun 2010, 02:11
onhmss, do I know you? you seem to have a pretty good grasp of the situation.

29th Jun 2010, 03:04
GCAA111, I'm that guy... your mechanic friend seems to know only that same as you... the rumors. You want the truth talk to Capt Kamali our POI of the GCAA in Dubai, or Mr Addasi the official investigator... I worked closely with them.

They were never going to get the AOC back, Adassi and Capt Kamali made that perfectly clear.

I have a 1st class JAA and FAA Medical. At this late point of my career, my ability to fly is moot. It was about my refusal to lie to the GCAA. I was in the boardroom in RAK, your friend with the misinformation wasn't even in the country. He's reporting from JED, 953 nm/2hrs 30min by G-III away... hmmm.

Your rumors make for a good story except they're about me and they are wrong. BTW I did sue them and I did win and collected some of my money. But the two scumbags have disappeared.
So as we both know your Mechanic friend didn't quit his job and join Infinity as they no longer exist. And if he did... boy would he have gotten a big surprise!!!