View Full Version : ExWife

16th Mar 2009, 20:15
Does anyone know how successful an ex-wife would be at obtaining all your EK pay and contract benefit history, including provident funds for the time you worked at EK if her lawyer served a a court order for the information to an outstation. PM if you have any info. Thanks

hot tuna
16th Mar 2009, 23:37
you could be a divorce lawyer out fishing..as it's your 1st post :oh:

17th Mar 2009, 01:34
That's true. But I'm not. I'm just another poor sucker from the wrong country getting shafted in court again and again. I was just looking for a little help, but I can understand your level of caution. That's also why I wanted a PM. If you have some insight and you can't trust this sight we could meet for coffee in Dubai, I'll show you my company id and I'll even pay.If you think I'm a lawyer after that I'll still pay for the coffee but not the dounut. Gotta go, I'm hearing those foot steeps again!

NZ X man
17th Mar 2009, 04:11
Mate, your a pilot, you should be clever enough to keep that info from most people in your home country, let me see could that be west of your position. Open a bank account far far away.

Good Luck on the future finances

Ahad Adump
17th Mar 2009, 04:48
I am in the same boat. I have learnt the following:

The country the first paper work is filed in, laws' apply (multi national marriage)
EK will reveal your total package and prov. fund to a lawyer in dxb.
Some home countries use "grossing -up". They convert your tax free income into a pre-tax gross and your maintenace is determined on this amount.
Do not sign a maintenace plan pre-divorce, this remains binding and enforcable after divorce.
Do settle ONLY for DHS based maintenace plan on your BASIC only.

I have done the following:
Sell all you have and go into cash, physically hold the money. Keep this burried in the garden not safety dep box (no annonimity in dxb anymore)
Have no money in any account anywhere in world. Hold the cash.
Run up as much dept and personal loans as possible. All goes into the pot + and -.
When the lawyers ask about the dissapearing assets, say you where scammed when you tried to buy gold bars in BKK/JNB/Deira. The rest you lost gambling.....sorry.

Go thru the divorce then:
Make sure EK HR removed all her details off your records, no med cover.
Now pay the w***e what you think is fair. To come after you once she has left dxb is very hard.

Then go on a 14 day holiday/fest to BKK, this will take all sadness away.

Good luck.(sorry no spell check)

ima birdbrain
17th Mar 2009, 08:36
When the lawyers ask about the dissapearing assets, Tell em you invested in a Ponzi Scheme called F1

17th Mar 2009, 13:39
I think perhaps that my present First Officer has the right idea...'Why get married when all this free skirt is around, it's a bit like taking a ham sandwich to a banquet.'

17th Mar 2009, 13:51
You could be lucky like I am, come March 31, no job. Pretty hard to get blood from a stone.................... (oh yeah, a little too late for the 'stay single, lots of skirt out there'.........)

Lucky Me........ :ugh: :mad:

17th Mar 2009, 14:29
... you can marry a lawyer!... but then you must forget every 'single' duobtful behavior, cause you are married again and with a lawyer this time!

17th Mar 2009, 15:31
Thanks for the help.
If they release my info to a DXB based lawyer is he obligated to send it out of country. This is taking place back in my home country.
I have no problem with the debt thing, her lawyer has haunted me for a long time so its quite massive. As for hiding my cash in the garden, I think a matchbox and a few coins would be all I could come up with.

17th Mar 2009, 17:15
Dogged,above all be careful when you fly...

21st Mar 2009, 03:36
anybody know what happen if you don't pay the full child support amount?
Is it anyway that they could impound your salary from a European country?

21st Mar 2009, 04:02
anybody know what happen if you don't pay the full child support amount?
That's just being cheap. You brought them into the world, you ought to pay for them. Anything less is just inexcusable. Your fight might be with your wife, not your children........If you are cheaping out on your children just to teach your ex-wife a lesson, then you deserve not only a court whipping but an arse whipping as well......

21st Mar 2009, 04:21
MAn i used to say that .I could have 300 kids,but i don't want even 1/4 of wife.

The guys who get married again after a divorce are STUPID.

Support your kids.Help your wife to keep their life on track ,but don't give her a easy life.

And another thing ,if you wanna get divorce,you have to wait her to ask for it.Never ask for it,especially if she loves you and u got busted jumping the fence.She will @#)$*#@)$@#* your life FOREVER,lol.

I think the best option is stay married and do ur tricks outstation and you gonna keep the kids by your side.Because live in the SandPit without family(especially our children) sucks.

21st Mar 2009, 06:40
dear saywhat,how dear do you give sentences,without knowing the case,I asked something just to have some help and trying to solve a difficult situation like I'm in.It is evident that you don't have any other matters to think about in your life,please refrain yourself from answering I don't think people are interested in your bull.........

21st Mar 2009, 08:32
Other wives locally will be sure to tell them exactly what you make/made and how much the bonuses are/were! They will band together like a pack of wolves.

21st Mar 2009, 20:26
good thread. It confirms what I always thought: never ever ever get married.

Good Luck :ok:

Ahad Adump
22nd Mar 2009, 03:57

No they can not lay their hands on your dxb income from abroad.
Your home country might cause trouble when you enter as a pax.
On the GD you are OK except Canada. Unless the w***e knows you are in town and calls her lawyers.
Always pay something, on a monthly basis so she can not claim desertion. Pay this via a source which can provide a record.

Then go to bkk for that well deserved fest. You will not be sad anymore.

22nd Mar 2009, 07:48
Its really hard to belive.Thank God i am a Pilot not a wife.

22nd Apr 2009, 23:30
Does anyone know of a referance in any EK manual stating that the company will not get involved in personal matters of this sort.


White Sausage
26th Apr 2009, 13:49
They will not! Happened to me a couple of years ago, went to big boss HR (JH) and he told me that she can get lost. He was very p:mad:d about, and I phrase it, "these b:mad:es trying to rip off my pilots" and promised me to do whatever he can to help me.
And he did! So relax, itīs not as bad as you would think.

4th May 2009, 02:44
Thanks WS. I have spoken to company lawyers and they have been very, very helpful. Gone above and beyond what I was expecting. My hat is off to them. I'll slip an update in here later for those that may be in the same boat.

4th May 2009, 08:19
Dogged, please post the info here if you have a spare moment. There are plenty of us in the same boat. PM if you want to.


6th May 2009, 21:00
To srew in (every time I thought it will happen only to others)
1. Question : as we are the sponsors for our spouses is there any way to refuse this ?
2.Question: In case we got rid of >>futurious<< ex wife to their home country, how fast and how precious can they approach an Emirates court to get money ?
3.Question: Any good laywer known ?


Don't care tippex, just pissed off

13th May 2009, 20:58
How many of us are happily married, separated, divorced? Here at EY I believe a very high percentage of the pilots are in failed marriages.

14th May 2009, 04:22
Why don't we start a "HAPPILY DIVORCED IN EK CLUB". Get togethers etc at Longs Bar or wherever else to drown those "happy" sorrows!

29th May 2009, 16:37
While I don't for one moment condone infidelity on the part of either in the marriage, and fully understand how acrimonious divorce can be, I am still appalled to find out that the man who tipped off the Dubai Police of his wife's adulturous affair is in fact a Capt at Ek. His wife no doubt understood the risks that she was taking, but this is in no way a society where the female miscreant can expect fair treatment. What is particularly sad in this case are the children, aged 11 and 13, who are now without a mother who is languishing in custody in Dubai. This should have been sorted out privately.

29th May 2009, 17:26
I don't for 1 second agree with some of the laws under which we live. But, if the guy had been the one caught with his pants down then I guarantee that the wife would not have blinked twice before divorcing, suing for custody, the house in the UK, the car, furniture, pension fund, shirt off his back etc, etc ….

The bottom line is that in this twisted world in which we live, through no fault of his own, had V.A. filed for divorce in his own country, the adulterous wife would probably have walked away with a large chunk of his wealth and would most likely be shagging the new boyfriend in her newly acquired house still being paid for by the poor ex-husband!

Boolsh*t I tell you!

In this case, kudos to V.A! :ok:

(Once bitten twice shy – ask any divorced guy!)

29th May 2009, 18:58
He had to know that it would get press attention after what happened to the first lady that got tossed in jail. So how stupid can you be to air you private life out for everyone to see.

V.A. It comes down to this....Everyone in the company, most of Dubai and more and more people in the UK now know that you were so lacking in horizontal skills that your wife had to fly someone down from England, put him up in a 5 star hotel and get filled in like an ek application form for the whole weekend just because you cant cut it buddy!

You should have worn that helmet when you played cricket as a kid....and the cup as well.

29th May 2009, 19:06
Or maybe his employer was working him so hard, he was never at home to do the business? This career does wreck marriages.

30th May 2009, 07:00
Does anyone know of a Lawyer in Dubai that specializes in Australian Divorce Law?

30th May 2009, 07:59
My God the s**ts really hitting the fan,,how many are out there....???UUghhh!!!!
I guess the ""SWINGING"" did i say S(*)INGING..??OOpps!! going on isn"t helping either..

Happy marriages.....

Desert Diner
30th May 2009, 12:31
I think most western expats have mixed feelings about VA.

But if Mrs VA had the "balls" to fly out her toy boy and put him out in a hotel (I wonder who's money was spent on that) then VA having the balls to grass them out puts it into perspective.

I've seen too many times what it does to expats out here who's wives just move in with others (be it expats, locals or even other women) and they really can't do much about it for the sake of the kids.

I guess in VA's case enough was enough. He just now has to explain to the kids why he put mummy into jail, and that chapter will be closed.

30th Jul 2011, 20:25
No they can not lay their hands on your dxb income from abroad.

Not sure about that. In a certain north European island there are certainly court orders for payment, which I know is not exactly the same thing but ammounts to it!

Your home country might cause trouble when you enter as a pax.

Not just as pax. A certain Captain who I'm sad to say is a fellow countryman was arrested on arrival when operating a flight. Should have paid for his kids. :mad:

30th Jul 2011, 23:07
Sounds like he is well shot of Can Chick.

Sounds a bit bitter, and a little twisted, not sure about libel or defamation laws but calling him a wife beater could well land you in trouble.

31st Jul 2011, 04:39
Why get married?

Just find a woman you hate and give her a house

White Sausage
31st Jul 2011, 15:29
Not just as pax. A certain Captain who I'm sad to say is a fellow countryman was arrested on arrival when operating a flight. Should have paid for his kids.

Well, I think I know this Captain very well: He always paid for his kids, but not so much for his vicious, lifesucking b:mad:tch of exwife. Thatīs when she decided to get him arrested upon arrival in Europe. But then she is after destroying him anyway, so she doesnīt care if he loses his job or not because of her actions. Anyway, he still is here and enjoys life with a hot, much younger, decent and supporting girl that loves him, unlike his exwife who is a freakinīgolddigger :ok:

White Sausage
31st Jul 2011, 15:31
Back to the thread (sorry, got carried away a bit...;)): Basically, nothing much can happen to you here in UAE, EK is supporting you in this case (at least), so donīt worry too much about da ex-bitch

31st Jul 2011, 19:53
White S

Surely not the same guy, this one didn't pay or withheld the money. There's more but I'm not posting here.

I don't support pond life of either side :=

31st Jul 2011, 22:33
I am not in UAE, but I did most of my divorce online.
Actually divorce is the easy bit, its the property settlement and the child support that really hurts.
I am sure you could use a lawyer in Oz and do it all by phone and email.
Lawyers are all blood sucking scum anyway.
From my experience, if there are 2 kids give her 66 percent and get on with life. I think the standard equation is 50/50 and then allow 8 percent for each kid.
As far as the Child Support Agency CSA goes, just pay them, they have reciprocal rights to most countries, last time i looked not the UAE. But if you dont pay and you fly to Oz, you wont leave until you pay, you will be stopped at immigration. The CSA website has lots of info Child Support Agency | Child Support Agency (http://www.csa.gov.au)
I paid for 2 kids for over 5 years approx $2K /mth but it depends on income. I have never seen or heard from them in that time. the CSA dont care and wont help, they just want the money.
If you can make an agreement with the ex and just pay her direct, and keep the CSA out of it.
Life goes on, if you cant salvage the marriage, try to settle it out of court, otherwise youre lukin at maybe $75K each in legals.
Good Luck !

1st Aug 2011, 02:57
I think every case and country is different.
As an American married to a Turkish one divorced in Turkey, working in the UAE.
Fought for 5 years in the upper courts for a house I paid cash for.
Finally just gave her the house in the courts.
My advise to you is get out and look at life differently from this point forward.
Go to BKK or MNL lots of good quality ones there.
I did this and am quite content now.
Some how the western ones will drag you down to there trailer park levels.
Courts and companies in the UAE wont even listen to these western ones.
I get coffee every morning,,massages at night,,and never any complaints like i experienced from the american or middle east ones.
Go Asian,,the only way!

1st Aug 2011, 03:10
if you have divorced and have kids make sure you have the ex sign a consent form for you to take them traveling or she (ex) can de-facto file for abduction which may lead to some very unpleasant things.

same way as both parents need to sign on the passport application form.

1st Aug 2011, 09:08
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned !

To the men: Protect yourself x 2. If you're only thinking with your dick, protect it. If that is ALL your thinking with, then you should of protected your finances first.

To the wives: Handle your business at home girls ! If he wants a W***e, put on your Eff me stilettos and saddle up. Pilots are easy to please. Feed em, F**k em and let em go FLY.

To the X wives: Don't mistake Alimony for Salary. Because you're no longer earning it.

White Sausage
1st Aug 2011, 09:55
SPW, thatīs a good one, me liking verrrry much! Says it all! :ok:

1st Aug 2011, 15:37
QF 22,

Pretty much spot on, CSA are the most vindictive government department I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with. The bi*tches can get anything and everything in Oz law, make sure you get an agreement to paying for the kids drawn up, its pretty straight forward but the minute CSA gets involved your doomed till they turn 18 or longer if they go to higher education.

Big advice to any one who is contemplating marrying one..... don't!

1st Aug 2011, 18:00
Kinda off subject.....but if you get your GF cabin crew girlfriend in the family way....is there any way out except marriage? Is this the ultimate f***up? Don't have too much fun on those layovers.....double up on the raincoats!!

1st Aug 2011, 19:05
If you have her living here, you won't get to marry her. single woman+ deliver baby in UAE = JAIL

Fred Garvin M.P.
1st Aug 2011, 19:49
Menegoc. What a sh*&ty way to post. Regardless of your personal situation, to come on and imply on a forum that you are not paying for your kids represents a true scumbag. I don't care what happened. If they are your kids, they deserve better than "anybody know what happen if you don't pay the full child support amount?"

"What if you don't pay full child support" or whatever crap you are spilling. Don't be so naive to post a stupid post like that and not expect back fall. You live on Raman noodles and take care of your kids, regardless of what happened. I don't know what you are or who you are, but anyone who suggests not taking care of their kids isn't much of a man, regardless of whether you were treated fairly or not. Do not take out a maritial problem on your children.

1st Aug 2011, 20:16

Nope....just trying to connect the dots....

A past acquaintance of mine posted wed pics with a mention of a new baby--almost a confirmation that she was knocked up on their wedding day. Just guessing that he got in big trouble real fast and had to make a quick move or end up in jail himself.....poor guy, all over a night's fun! What a nightmare! Hope it works out for him! All the best!

2nd Aug 2011, 03:54
Even with a CSA agreement your still not safe.
A mate of mine had a child support agreement with his ex.
He flew into Oz for a few days between contracts.
He was at home packing his bags to go to the airport when there was a knock at the door.
His ex found out he was in town and she went to the CSA for more money.
He was served with a summons and couldnt leave Oz until it was all sorted.
Missed his new contact, was out of a job for months and nearly went bankrupt!
Talk about biting the hand that feeds you !
As another poster said, steer clear of white trash.
Go Asian but dont ever get married again !

2nd Aug 2011, 06:36
Earl you are so right!

2nd Aug 2011, 07:13
:ok:It's a truly conceptual situation. Hard to define with today's relationships. Most Marriages are based on an Alpha male and a "good little" wife. It worked out well until the "empty-kitchen " syndrome occurred.

With that evolvement, the basic concept of a marriage has erroded into the modern day process of "I'm fat and ugly, my man is cheating on me and Opra says I'm using a facilator to run my life".

Marriage nowdays is a failed concept because many of the gals want to blame someone for their misfortunes or they are "over-acheivers" and a -"good enough" man doesn't exist.

So why would you stick your nose in the mess to start with....Have a relationship, enjoy your times together and then move on. Marriage is an institution of the past.

You want a lasting relationship, great, have one. But don't think the concept of marriage will solidify it. If it fly's, floats, or makes little "willy" happy...then rent it.:ok:

2nd Aug 2011, 19:54
Dear Fred Garvin MP I think you really need to look for some counseling, it is very clear your frustration, for what I don't know

I hope You will get better if you follow my advice


3rd Aug 2011, 07:57
A lot of views & a fair number of posts but I wonder if you got the advice you sought. Legal views are well intended but not always correct. Stacks of humour too & I hope you gained some comfort. It is all very unpleasant. A colleague of mine faced same deal as you. While in the Middle East, he was chased by wifey's aggressive, Lesbian, cheroot smoking Lawyer . My mate fully supported what was a split marriage for some ten years previous & lived, pretty rough while sending back to the UK just about everything he earned so as to ease the pain, mainly for the kids. But, he was still hounded for the last drop when it all went Legal. Very lucky break for him was when he discovered that throughout the years of solid support, she was claiming DSS support too, including mortgage payments. GOTCHA. When HE threatened Court action, they dropped most things but he still settled, out of court & lost the house plus contents. In return, they agreed not to pursue him any more & he saved, ( a spectacular move) any future claims partcilarly disregarding his pension. It still took him just over ten years further to place himself somewhere half decent. The UK Courts, certainly, favour wives & the over generosity awarded to these leeches has resulted in this gravey train for many. A blinding indictment to all those working in the Courts from the Judges down. Oh and, finally, a big , husky, Afro American mate of mine just told me he NEVER wears a condom; "Nah Man, if I do, I don't feel nuthin".......I said, "try half your salary; you'll feel that !".

3rd Aug 2011, 20:54
I totally agree with Fred. :D Why would he need counseling?

4th Aug 2011, 07:47
Hey guys, just a little tip here; your ego's are getting in the way of your own happiness. So your marriage failed, okay, did you learn anything from that experience? Have you looked yourself in the mirror and asked the tough questions;

- What role did I play in the success or failure of our marriage?

- Did I listen more than I spoke?

- Am I giver or a taker?

I'm guessing the bitter among you not only haven't explored these issues, but you're now sitting there saying; "stupid bitch, who's she think she is?"

Who I am is a pilot's wife. I'm an American. Not an Asian, an American. I love my husband, I put his happiness above my own. I care about his happiness, he cares about mine. We work at our marriage. Yep, there it is ... marriage is work. Nothing good comes easily, you have to work at it. Careers, hobbies, and marriages too. And we do work at ours, just like we work at our careers. We talk things over, we sometimes negotiate our personal priorities and needs, and we each give in for the other sometimes. We make our marriage the priority before everything else and it pays off BIG TIME.

Get over the bitterness and get your ego out of the game. You're missing out on so much. Let the anger and pain go and move on. There really ARE good women out there (lots right here in California!!), not only in Asia!

Toruk Macto
4th Aug 2011, 09:32
Its all alot simpler when you have an Asian wife. :)

White Sausage
4th Aug 2011, 09:42
Aero Angel,
you talk easily on your high horse. We are not talking about marriage, we are talking about failed marriages, no matter whose fault it was (and yes, it does take TWO to Tango, I know!). Nobody here says it wasnīt his fault. But what is common here is that once itīs over, itīs time for sucking the life out of the ex-husband. Again, no matter why. My vicious, lifesucking b:mad:tch of ex is trying to destroy me since nearly 10 years . She sent letters to EK trying them to fire me, she got me arrested upon arrival in Europe and she is trying to get the last bloody cent from me. All in the name of revenge. So much for the defenses of the poor, abandoned wifes. Thanks god EK is great when it comes to that and they support me (and other poor losers like me) as good as they can. And I think this was the original question. Yes. EK supports you and NO, the ex cannot get hold of you here in DXB. She can, however, get you by the b:eek:lls as soon as you enter home turf. And funny enough, most of them wouldnīt care if you lost your job over this (together with your salary and ultimately their own alimony) as long as they can take you down.

Uuuuh, rant over, feeling so much better! Now getting back to my much younger girlfriend which happens to be NO white trash ;) Going the coloured route is so much better!:ok::ok:

4th Aug 2011, 10:51
I'm done with the institution of marriage 7 years ago. Forever.

Since then, I've been a happy camper with a younger Asian g/f who is a trolley dolly and understands the airline world. We enjoy the DINK lifestyle: Double Income No Kids. :ok:

4th Aug 2011, 16:10
Asian is the way to go. Once you experience it, it's hard to go back.

4th Aug 2011, 17:58
First of all, AeroAngel is NOT a pseudo name for me. I wouldn't post so much crap. But my ISP address is San Francisco lol. Only so me and the hubby can visit all the porn sites and use our Apple TV and Netflix thru a VPN.

This thread began by a pilot needing advice regarding an Ex Wife. What happened during the marriage, is not relevant. It didn't work out. Bottom line.

Here are the facts.

1. If you have children. PAY YOUR DAMN CHILD SUPPORT ! I got news for ya.. the 25 to 30 % you pay, does NOT cover even 20% of what it takes to raise a child(ren). Please don't assume that CS covers birthday gifts, school outings, new clothes for school etc.

2. Aero, that is great that your marriage works. But honey, I'm a pilot's wife too and its no picnic. And there are no guarantees in life. How many of their wives said the same thing? They may have said the same thing you just said until.. ( you get the drift). Your perception of your marriage is yours, your husband will probably tell it much differently when in the cockpit or over a few beers on a layover with the guys. And Pprune is very much the same. Boys talking boy stuff. I can assure you, some of the same guys saying "I'm single, I'm loving it and beat their chest and swing from a tree as they say it don't prefer it. Let them come home to an empty house, hang out with their friends who have a lovely wife, great kids, the biggest bbq grill on the block and the family dog. It's not that great either. Especially 90 hours a month. There are the man whores though, but they usually code ( full arrest aka heart attack) in flight, leaving open the next upgrade :) ( nevermind that part, what a way to die!!!!).

3. Gentlemen, there are pros and cons to dating women from any country. If you think its great having an Asian wife because she's so " easy" and not westernized? Don't confuse a successful marriage to someone so submissive. You're not there when she cries to her family and friends that her needs are not met. They aren't all about having a western husband who makes alot of money. You honestly think they wanna massage you every freaking night ? Nope. They don't. They do it out of fear they will be sent back to their country and back to the **** hole 3rd world environment you pulled them from. Why else do you think they are with you? You honestly think the 20 to 40 year age difference is a turn on? Seriously? The massage you get, is so that you will 1. fall asleep and she can go back to talking to her family back home or 2. Get you worked up so much, that when sex begins.. BANG! 5 minutes later... she's .. yep you guessed it back on the phone with her family where she wants to be. I have many many many asian friends who are wives and gf's of pilots and 99% of the time, they talk more crap behind your back that last longer than the long haul flight from DXB to IAH, SFO, LAX etc.

** please not though, NOT ALL ASIAN WOMEN FEEL THAT WAY and NOT ALL PILOTS FEEL THAT WAY. I've met a few pilots who are married to asian women and the wives are happy. And the husbands treat them like WIVES and the marriages work because they are WIVES, not Asian WIVES !

4. Get back to letting us wives know how to squeeze you dry if we decide to leave :) I never learned so much. J/K ! If my marriage goes sour.. it won't end in divorce I can tell you that :) " it's cheaper to keep her" says him. " Good morning darling! try this new coffee creamer, taste just like almonds :) Says me, the medical professional :)

4th Aug 2011, 18:38
the 25 to 30 % you pay Some of us are in the middle east BECAUSE we pay our child support. 33% of your GROSS income {the oz 'apportionment'} leaves you living like a pauper (the 1-bdr-flat-dads)- 1/3 for tax, 1/3 for CS, and eek out an existence on the rest.

Couldn't agree more varigflier- have gone asian and would NEVER go back. Where did we go so wrong in the west?

Roll on the 18th birthdays.

White Knight
4th Aug 2011, 21:46
Some sad middle-aged balding men here on this forum who WON'T GET ANYTHING BUT ASIAN:ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:

For f*cks sake, what attracted you to your original wife in the first place? Was it 'cos she was YELLOw?



I doubt the above - but it's what you're going for now:hmm::hmm::hmm:

5th Aug 2011, 10:44
middle-aged balding men here on this forum who WON'T GET ANYTHING BUT ASIAN That's entirely true. WK. However, after finding my good-looking, intelligent, WHITE wife turned out to be a self-obsessed/interested frump expecting a totally compliant husband/lifestyle facilitator...I decided to be happy. Wouldn't expect you to understand. But I CERTAINLY don't want to hook up with yet another bitter, middle-aged frump seeking a pay check- which is what I am able to attract in 'white society' (as you correctly surmise). I am SO much happier now.
I expect you think you are insulting me? How many beautiful, young, intelligent white girls do you attract? Given the choice, what would you choose? The sanctimonious often haven't found themselves in the situation they pontificate on.

BTW; you do yourself a disservice by characterising asian women as stupid.

5th Aug 2011, 11:42
after finding my good-looking, intelligent, WHITE wife turned out to be a self-obsessed/interested frump expecting a totally compliant husband/lifestyle facilitator...

Entirely your own fault Ferris, you followed your dick and got married before you had taken the trouble to properly know your wife, no one else to blame but yourself, impetuous youth!

5th Aug 2011, 12:36
Once upon a time, a Prince asked a beautiful Princess "Will you marry me?" The
Princess said "NO." And the Prince lived happily ever after

... and rode motorcycles and ****** skinny big titted broads and hunted and raced cars
and went to naked bars and dated women half his age and drank whiskey, beer
and Captain Morgan and never heard bitching and never paid child support or
alimony and ****** cheerleaders and kept his house and guns and never got
cheated on while he was at work and all his friends and family thought he
was ****in cool as hell and had tons of money in the bank and left the
toilet seat up... The end.

5th Aug 2011, 13:18
". . . middle-aged balding men here on this forum who WON'T GET ANYTHING BUT ASIAN"

Hey, that's ME. (But I'm not bald yet).

It's because I want YOUTH, and I can't get it in USA, Europe, Australia...where one would have to be a millionaire to hook up with a g/f who is 22 years younger. Most Asian ladies have no problem with such an age gap; and in general, they are not high-maintenance, back-talking b!tches. :eek:

5th Aug 2011, 17:04
What the expat life taught me: find a good woman in a 3rd world **** hole, take her home and give her everything she ever wanted including love.... affection and some play money. Treat her well, let her have your children - give the children the best life they could ever have and reciprocate the love and affection to the entire family. You will have a family unit that is strong and enduring... stay away from western women who are still single or divorced and older than 25......

5th Aug 2011, 17:53
Are you serious???

A b:mad: is a b:mad: no matter where she's from...!

(Same goes for the men too)

6th Aug 2011, 00:12
You are 100% right... YOU women from "western modern world" you don't know how to handle a man...the only thing that's matter for you is MONEY... regarding what your ex-husband did for YOU in the pass...:yuk:you can go to hell I am more happy now, you don't suck my life and money any more...a good prostitute is chipper

6th Aug 2011, 00:28
He was at home packing his bags to go to the airport when there was a knock at the door.
His ex found out he was in town and she went to the CSA for more money.
He was served with a summons and couldnt leave Oz until it was all sorted.
Missed his new contact, was out of a job for months and nearly went bankrupt!

QF22 a 5.56 is shipper and faster:)

6th Aug 2011, 02:18

Only if you plan on staying in the sandpit....bring her back to the states & she'll become Western real fast!

6th Aug 2011, 06:21
Whatever your preference in women is I wish you luck. But one thing with this thread strikes me as illogical.

You say that you don't want white women "only looking for money". So, what do you think the 25 year Asian girl is seeing in a 50 year old man? The love of her life?

I can recommend a book called "Private dancer".

6th Aug 2011, 06:56
I wonder what Rupert Murdoch's view would be on this subject?:ouch:

6th Aug 2011, 11:34
What always amazes me is just how vindictive and cruel the ex-wives are, even if they are the one's who initiated the split. Relationships can go wrong for many reasons, but as to why :rolleyes: the fairer sex can't seem to leave it at that is a mystery to me. If there are kids involved, then paying your share is the decent thing to do, even if the ex is using them as a weapon against you (it's a sign of the character).

Choosing well in the beginning and getting to know your partner before committing is the way to go, yet 1 in 3 marriages/partnerships goes to the hills so something is going wrong. Asian women do have more of a reverential regard towards men starting within their home/family and culture and an older/wiser partner is seen as a bonus due to security and stability. I don't think, in general, that women can deal well with partners that don't come home each day and within the pilot community that is the nature of the beast.....

6th Aug 2011, 11:35
totally agree with 400tons easter women knows how to handle their western men:

Friend 1: Found floating in a BKK klong after his wife hired a hit man. Ex Bahrain resident. She was later caught when trying to use a dead man's visa card.

Friend 2: Same as in 1 but in Indonesia.

Friend 3: Committed "suicide??" after his russian wife milked him dry (money)

Friend 4: 60% on the same path as 1. In BKK with his money dwindling fast, which seems like an impossible thing but nevertheless.

9th Aug 2011, 20:32
Have None of you Guys watched Eddie Murphy Delirious/RAW >?




9th Aug 2011, 23:51
What I was trying to say is that maybe instead of whining about how bitchy and vindictive "white" western women are, maybe you should be asking yourself what happened to the nice woman you married. If you treat a lady like a lady she'll usually behave like a lady. If you treat her like a servant, doormat, or hole in the mattress... she will eventually turn into a bitch and make you pay for it. It's actually really simple; it's about respect and fairness. But too many men, Western, European, Asian, want their cake and a tasty little cupcake on the side as well. Call it carelessness, absent minded, call it bored ... but eventually enough isn't enough anymore and their eyes start to wander. A wife represents responsibility and duty, but the cupcake represents freedom and fun.

What exactly surprises you about a wife (Western or otherwise) turning into robo-bitch when she feels she's been taken for granted or played for a fool? If the stiletto was on the other foot, you'd do the same.

And just as a hooker is only with you because of your wallet, what on earth makes you think an Asian woman is with you for your looks, your sense of humor or your prowess in bed? She's with you because you're her ticket out of the hell hole she's living in. She's with you because you're a meal ticket. She's smiling and massaging you to get it over with so you'll buy her pretty things and take her nice places, things she'll never have in that hell hole she came from.

Go ahead and fool yourself into thinking Western women are all money-grabbing bitches. Lull yourself to sleep tonight believing Asian women are all about making you happy. You can fool yourself, but you can't fool the world ... not forever.

We make our own heaven and hell ... ALL OF US ... and we reap what we sow. If you want a good marriage, work at it. Play nice, play fair, be honest, be trustworthy, be loving. A wife isn't a doormat, or servant. Don't treat her like one. Treat her like a Goddess and she'll make you her GOD. And after all, isn't that who you think you are anyway?

10th Aug 2011, 22:58
The age old aviation saying rings very true...

If it flies, floats or f#ck's, it's cheaper to rent....:D:D

Pitch Up Authority
11th Aug 2011, 13:17
You cannot thrust EK for anything, they even sent my medical records to the divorce lawyer of my wife, emptied all my accounts and gave her a 2 year sponsorship with a Royal stamp.

It's called pussy power and every Macho in the EK management folds for it in a split second.

11th Aug 2011, 14:38
It's called pussy power and every Macho in the EK management folds for it in a split second.

You say that like its a bad thing :)

I wonder how many of them were pilots once :ok:

Miss Aviator
12th Aug 2011, 11:11
I notice how many say Asian is the way to go... however none would marry an Asian, just use them (both ways of course, the Asian is milking her fat, old, unattractive expat cow.. yeah pun intended). Kind of like all the "massage technicians" here that escape the farm life just to be a prisoner in a massage parlor because they can't afford to pay off the debt of "training" to become a technician in the first place. Only difference is the pimp is an expat but she doesn't want to go back to the shi#*y life on the farm so she puts up with the old fart.

Seems like too many have AIDS : Aviation Induced Divorce Syndrome

...and it will continue until the cows come home... :E hahaha I kill me.

12th Aug 2011, 11:42
Read your posts re 1/3rd, etc, Asian etc.
Good luck and best wishes.:ok:

Pitch Up Authority
12th Aug 2011, 11:54

As a manager you have to stay objective.

12th Aug 2011, 21:10
Lovely to read that all. I see that now for more then two decades that Pilots are cheating on the wifes and the wifes of all kinds are milking the "Bloke"

If there is honesty left after love died then there is still a way of finding a solution who both can live and excist with..... I do not turn the coin, I have seen both sides of it, I was unfortunate that I could not pay a Lawyer.

Be fair, that is important, especially for your Kidīs sake if you have some, they will realize later what you have done wrong (not paying what you should) and you cannot fix that again nore you can rewind the clock again.

If she was the Bi... then punish her and not Your Kidīs they are Victims and not the guilty ones.

Fly safe and land happy


12th Aug 2011, 22:04
Not always easy to punish them, B737NG, when, through a lawyer, they have a vice like grip on your goolies!:{

13th Aug 2011, 03:55
"If she was the Bi... then punish her "

For a second there I thought, WHAT ? punish her for being bi ? i didn't see " the"

If she was bi, you would have kept her. But then she may not have kept you :) but at least you wouldn't have gotten screwed ( literally) :E

ok back to topic.....:oh:

13th Aug 2011, 07:48

after reading some of your posts about the " advantages " of having an Asian/third world wife/girlfriend I realise that luckily ( and for our passengers' benefit ) being a chauvinist, racist, narrow- minded and emotionally inmature human being is not an obstacle to perform a safe landing.

White Sausage
13th Aug 2011, 12:53
You are just sooooo jealous that we have a great, new life and you donīt. Must hurt you to see divorce cripples getting onto their feet again and enjoying life. Are you a bitter ex-wife maybe? :eek:
For the records: I couldnīt care less what you whiners think of us guys that started all over again and found happiness. I am enjoying life to the fullest and you donīt, itīs that easy! :ok:

13th Aug 2011, 13:51

I smile broadly as the frumps frown at you when they see you walking along with the beautiful, YOUNG, 'niece'.