View Full Version : Moving from Qatar to Abu Dhabi?

16th Mar 2009, 18:44
I just wondered if anyone new how easy or difficult this would be? If i worked for Qatar and got a job with Etihad at a later date, how would it be for me to leave Qatar and join Etihad in Abu Dhabi? I know i have to pay back monies to Qatar and they will take my visa away but will i have some kind of ban imposed on me for when i can re enter the middle east?

Emma Gemma
16th Mar 2009, 18:48
It would be more or less impossible for some time. As far as I know there is an agreement between these airlines (poaching regulation: to stop airlines from stealing crew from each other). In your case, you would have to resign from QR, go home and wait anything between six to twelve months before you could join EY.

sec 3
16th Mar 2009, 20:11
You're full of crap Emma, you obviously know nothing on the subject:confused:

16th Mar 2009, 20:45
SEC. Im not saying you are wrong, but with a comment like that can you provide evidence for your statement.

17th Mar 2009, 03:13
Yes you can !

I know some Cabin Crew and Pilots former Qatar Airways employees now working for Etihad

17th Mar 2009, 04:19

I did apply to most of these middle east companys but no response at all , atleast no or yes to the application. i have fullfilled their requirements hundred percent.. i heared now that they made distinction and a ban on some pilots from africa. it is sad to say that the HRM in these companys are useless in recruiting pilots from africa. . they should recruit pilots for their abiity instead of their colour . they should stop signing contracts with airlines not to steal pilots.the pilots will respect their contract if they are well taken care .
please check out your selection process is fair .you are loosing the best pilots .

capt observer

17th Mar 2009, 08:58
newcrewm- ever heard of the saying...out of the pan n into the fire...:ugh:

Emma Gemma
17th Mar 2009, 11:42
Sec 3,

I would say you are probably full of it. For everyone's pleasure, at least mine, don't bother replying again.


Did I even say it's impossible to go from QR to EY? No!