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View Full Version : jet2 man 757 contract

5th Mar 2009, 11:09
hy guys, I need some info,

I've got an offer for a temporary contract as 757 pilot man based,
I need any kind of information, expecially about rosters,off days, flights,crew,lifestile,workin codition.
and also about manchester and living and find anhouse there.

anyone that can help me?
any jet2 757 pilot that can write me?

thank you very much, hope in your help


7th Mar 2009, 17:50
so guys nobody has infos?

7th Mar 2009, 18:54
One suspects your credentials are being passively questioned as you are, apparently, a 757 driver with only 4 posts on PPRUNE and one has to question why you should ask a blogsite for such professional information that your employer would supply you with.

7th Mar 2009, 19:23
..and cannot spell either !

I would worry if you have to spell QFE or QNH !:ugh:

7th Mar 2009, 20:07
In fairness the guy is Italian!! :ugh:

MAN will be very busy on the 75 this summer as we have a lot more routes now and 4 aircraft.

The last I heard, jet2 were inviting a select few of the contractors back this summer but I haven't heard anything in regards to 'new' contracts.

Alemxp - I fail to see why you would ask for such info if you weren't really in this postion and I would imagine that any details from jet2 regards to T & C's via a contractor would indeed be limited.

There are many other posts on PPRUNE about the T & C's , mostly the unfortunate reduction in T & C's. :(

8th Mar 2009, 15:13
I have an interview coming up with Jet2. Any info on what to expect much appreciated. Also, anyone with inside info, whats the chances of the contract becoming a permanent job?

8th Mar 2009, 17:24
Hi there!!!

To the people having interviews, did you apply directly to Jet2 or via
an agency/contractor? (couldn't find anything in the Jet2 website)

All the best!!!


8th Mar 2009, 17:26
you 've been very unfair and cold in your replies, probably you are just like the weather you have 365 days here in uk..
sorry guys..but I was just looking for some infos..
yes,I am a 75 and expecially 76 driver.
and I'm not english...

I spoke with the airline but I was interested in the "pilot" view...

but thank you very much...

dear bagso, we know very well qfe and qnh, and we also know how to spell it.usually we do it, having a very good dinner,with a very good glass of wine and looking beautiful girls in the sunshine...enjoy your sandwich and your beer.

hope all the uk colleagues are not like you

for all the others thank you and sorry for my english,I know it's not perfect

Spooky 2
8th Mar 2009, 19:01
Alemxp.....your answer is beautiful. I only wished I could speak Italian!:ok:

8th Mar 2009, 19:01
Dear Alex
Unfortunately I can not help with your questions with regards to Jet 2.
I also wanted to apologise for the response you had. Not all British people are like this and I try to treat people the way I would like to be treated. More often than not I have been working or training with different cultures and in different countries who generally have made me feel very welcome and have been very helpful.
I hope you have better experiences in future and wish you well in your job search.
P.s enjoy your wine and wx.

9th Mar 2009, 07:19
Strelnikov, what is the point of your post? Pprune is for people that want to share useful information, why do we have to waste time browsing posts like yours that do not add anything useful but simply insult another user?

9th Mar 2009, 09:47
Post number 3 of this thread sums up everything bad about PPrune.A honest question is met with a smug arrogant reply.Shame on you.

9th Mar 2009, 10:02
ahahha.... thank you guys,(spooky,tlb,bob) thank you very much,

I knew that the two guys are not representative of british style!:)

infact two of the best captain I've flown with are british.very nice.

so,thank you very much for all the kind answer and pm.

thank you for your help,

still looking for more info,


9th Mar 2009, 13:53
Alemxp, would you mind me asking when you applied for this position?

Was in through their recent application for contract pilots via the web site, and when was your interview?

The reason i ask is that Jet2 informed me that there were no jobs available despite them advertising.


9th Mar 2009, 14:58
That would not surprise me, their HR admin is bad. I heard the other week that they have lost the details of their holding pools and offerred jobs to new candidates - now i imagine that won't please those who were waiting!!

9th Mar 2009, 15:27
Just seen that Eagle Aviation went insolvent a few days ago, another 757/767 operator bites the dust, is this type cursed or what?

King Halibut
9th Mar 2009, 15:54
The 757 rocks ... sadly it seems Scarebus are the choice of aircraft that the operators like. Fair enough, times move on.
It'd be a bummer if they did lose the hold pool info but who told you that?

9th Mar 2009, 16:14
As merely SLF I am sorry I can't help regarding Jet2 but may be of help in the housing area. I live north of M/C but work near the centre. I have lived in most parts of the city at one time or another over the past 35 years, got here aged 21, so have a feel for it. Like most cities it has good and bad parts. PM me and I will be happy to help.

As for my fellow Brits, I am not going to apologise for their arrogant and boorish posts (#3 & #4), they should do that. Enjoy the sunshine, wine & pretty girls while you can but there are a few things here that partially make up for our Northern European climate. Gimme a couple off weeks and I'll think of some.

Happy flying. Ciao.

9th Mar 2009, 18:31
HR have apparently been confirming it !

They have also had problems regarding their website application for jobs, its kept crashing and other applicants details kept on appearing!

mad manc man
10th Mar 2009, 08:43
Enjoy the sunshine, wine & pretty girls while you can but there are a few things here that partially make up for our Northern European climate. Gimme a couple off weeks and I'll think of some.


How very dare you. Manchester is the Capital of the North, ask any Northerner:E

I'll also have you know, some of the prettiest girl's I've met were in Manchester - admitably it was at a European conference for beauty therapists, unfortunately the British contingency had to pull out due to a late development of measles!!!!!

As for the weather, please remember here in the UK we are blessed with the gulf stream which kisses our shores provinding endless Months of.......errrrrrrrr......... rain......ahhh!!! Don't you just love it!
We are particularly blessed in Manchester due to it's oragraphic position and predominantly Westerly winds, which provides us with let me think endless.....errrrrrrrr........RAIN!!!!:ugh:

Never mind, every cloud....at least you can still get a pretty good bottle of wine (if you don't get mugged at the supermarket! harsh I know!)and we do have Sattelite TV in Manchester, so you could always sit back with your wine and watch the latest episode of 'Jaula de Lobos' - will give you a reminder of the Sun and pretty Italian girls at least!!!!

Wait a minute........big mistake by me, your going to be working for Jet2, sorry, no time for Soaps' or wine my friend, and don't even think about holidays!!!!!!!!

Good luck, many look towards Wilmslow for accomodation, others Didsbury, take your pick, just stay out of MossSide:eek:

See you on the line:ok:

julie marshall
16th Mar 2009, 15:00
With the demise of XL in sept last year and an abundance of very qualified B757/767 British pilots (some living with wives and children) in Manchester, why would this airline even consider an application from a european who has difficulty with the language and who may not even like the weather and leave after his first taste of boddingtons.

This global economy sucks,,,,, try getting a job in germany with Condor, the whole application is in german. :mad:

King Halibut
17th Mar 2009, 09:52
Oooh meow, saucer of milk for Julie

The Real Slim Shady
17th Mar 2009, 11:02
Ah Julie it's called the free market economy: which is, of course, much free-er in the UK than anywhere else in Europe!!

Or in fact in the US or Canada, or Oz or NZ. Listen to how many "foreign" accents there are on the R/T with callsigns of UK reg aircraft and compare that with the national carriers of said countries!

18th Mar 2009, 03:45
This question was posed at a BALPA conference a few years back, the gathered plebs were told that as English was the lingua franca of world business and consequently aviation, then most qualified fATPL/ATPL pilots should speak it to a certain degree of proficiency. Therefore English speaking countries are open to them (especially if they are EU citizens), unless the come from countries that can still go for the Green Card Lottery with the US (The UK isn't on the list because it is deemed that too many people of British decent already live there and the whole purpose was to diversify the population - Ireland is still on the list, nothing to do with the Kennedy's and significant Irish lobby in Congress .... don't get me started).

You apply for most (not all, including Italy) European countries and you are told unless you speak the local lingo then you are goosed. In the UK we can't use that old chestnut, however we watch other countries enforce a no foreign hire rule. No issue for the Dutch as they speak 23 languages from birth. We are lazy though so to a degree we have ourselves to blame.

However its a result of our imperial past, our colonisation of the world and the adoption of our language by the many and significantly the dominant power of the past 100 years. Also a lot of Tri-Rugby playing nations nationals are here on ancestry visas. Fair play to them, I hope to do the opposite in the future.

I see talk of Canadian pilots coming here for our summer season and reciprocation in the winter with TCX. Its saddening but its governed by the 2 overwhelming factors in aviation ... cost and risk.

I will never like this setup as how is it meant to foster UK talent, a portion of these 19,000 new pilots required by 2020 or other B/S I keep on reading in the press.

Lets look at what can British born and bred low houred pilots do?

I think in terms of the world industry the opportunity here is lower than most other 1st world, industrialised countries.

18th Mar 2009, 10:48
...why would this airline even consider an application from a european who has difficulty with the language and who may not even like the weather and leave after his first taste of boddingtons.

Take you complaint to the EU ministers.

King Halibut
18th Mar 2009, 11:28
I thought this post was about an Italian chap asking for information about Jet2 manchester?

18th Mar 2009, 12:04
Off Topic.

As one of those who speaks 23 languages from birth and flies for a UK airline I think I am qualified to reply to Julie and Slim Shady.

I try to understand their view of the whole situation with non Brits flying for British airlines while not a lot of Brits fly for Dutch, German, Spanish etc. carriers.

However as has been said by Dreamshiner a lot of it is by your own making. (not trying to offend anybody, please let me explain.) In Holland you start with basic English lessons from the age of 10. From then on, for me, it has always been a mandatory subject till leaving school at the age of 20. At college besides English you get French and German which you can drop after 1 or 2 years if you choose to. In the UK (as far as I understand) you get a similar deal as in that you have a few foreign languages which you can drop if you choose to.

As I haven't got a talent for languages I dropped my German and French as soon as possible. After finishing my flight training I choose to apply to Lufthansa and got invited for the selection. However as my German was way below what was required I took the latest possible selection date and in the meantime did a full course in German. They don't necessarily want to see that you are fluent in the language but that you at least give it a try.

So the system for the guy's and girls from the continent is exactly the same as for the Brits. If we want to apply to any airline outside our own homecountry we also have to learn the lingo. If you are to lazy to put in the work then don't blame it on the guy's and girls who have put in the effort. :=

So I am very sorry, but your comments that the global economy sucks is bullsh*t.

And by the way, even while being Dutch it is still impossible for me to apply to KLM. But thats a different discussion which has done the rounds many times on here.

18th Mar 2009, 12:21
Given the history Jet2 has had with foreign pilots, you would have thought they would have learned from the hard lessons of the past.

It seems not. I guess the foreigner must be cheaper. It is only about cost. Nothing else matters for Jet2.

18th Mar 2009, 15:13
To be fair,

the guys that left us in the lurch last year -- it was NOTHING to do with their nationality, it was their PERSONAL morals and principles. One guy even rang Ops at 2200 to tell them he was no longer available for a duty next day as he was leaving instantly.

Whether they were foreigners or not matters not at all. The cost was the same for subcontractors. We had a particularly exceptional Captain from Oz called Dave Reid on time off from Qantas. :ok:

By the way, there is a fantastic new sport called Welterbaiting. If you want to know the rules then please PM me.

19th Mar 2009, 20:50
As a former Welterbaiting referee, I can advise that a BLK FO retired as undisputed champion, following a magnificent effort and that consequently, Welterbaiting was discontinued.:ok:

19th Mar 2009, 22:06
Welterbaiting? What's that, I do like a good game to break up the long days :)


20th Mar 2009, 14:19
You can't retire boy, we'll be short handed.

Rather than answer all the PMs individually, here is a brief explanation of the next Olympic sport, Welterbaiting.

Once upon a time in a land far,far away was an airline captain who could moan about anything and I mean anything. I even jumped in a taxi once and the driver asked me if I knew this captain. It was because the captain had been in his taxi and moaned for a whole hour to a complete stranger about...well everything. The taxi driver was glad the trip was only for one hour. As it happens, I did know him.

However moaning was not his best attribute. I don't know the noun to describe what he was best at, but it went something like this.

Anything you had done, he had done better or faster or first, you get the idea. If you had climbed Everest, he had climbed it higher. And so on.

But it gets even better because he was so full of sh!t, he would get even more remarkable in his unbelievable boasts. Imagine the poor FOs who had to listen to this guy for hour upon hour in the cruise.

Eventually the FOs came up with a new sport, yup Welterbaiting. Essentially they would feed him a ridiculous line and see just how much further he would go to beat their story. The responses were phenomenal. From being the New Pope's best mate to being a Plastic Surgeon specialising in boob jobs before being a Mig Pilot and so on.

By all accounts he wasn't a bad pilot, and he was actually one of those characters that are sadly missing in our industry now that the requirement is for robots.

I thought I could bullsh!t really well, but I realise now I'm such an amateur. You see, he could even bullsh!t BETTER than anyone.

20th Mar 2009, 18:28
This just sums up the UK at the moment.

Lots of 757/767 BRITISH drivers on the market and out of work after XL/Zoom/Silver Jet and an English company like Jet 2 is givin the job to an Italian.:ugh: while guys like me have had to leave our home country and families to secure a job.

And before you all say well were all European OR my post offends you in any way JUST stop and think about it.

Uk guys draining the UK benefit system just so a company like Jet 2 can..... Well i dont know why?
Maybee someone could help out on this one.

Wasn't it only last month that we had all sorts of walkout all across the UK for a situation very similar to this one.

And its not about being able to speek the lingo this is just a smoke screen. I can speek both French and German BUT I should not be allowed to take a job in these countries if there are nationals which are as equally quailified.

It makes me sick and I really couldn't give a sh*t if I offend anyone.... those who are however need to walk a mile in our boots before even considering to post on this matter.

And Hallibut let me guess your a non national flying in the UK:suspect:

20th Mar 2009, 20:32
There is of course the flip side, there are many of us English blokes who have had to leave lives and families to work in Italy because the wonderful country that we have contributed to so generously cannot provide us with employment.

All the boys and girls I work with speak very good English and fair play to them. I am trying to learn the Italian lingo and boy is it hard but times is hard life ain't fair.

The advantage of being English is that we don't have to learn a foreign languauge which realistically a disadvatage because it does restrict where we can go.

I've looked at the Jet2 option but to leave a permanent job to get home, to face the ever likely prospect of £57 a week again come October ain't worth the risk unfortunately.

I wish you luck with Jet2 and I have to say the cost of living in MAN is much cheaper than Milan, especially the beer.

20th Mar 2009, 21:08

Is this said captain still with us, 73 or 75?


King Halibut
20th Mar 2009, 21:09

No, I'm not a non national. Just making the point that the bloke was asking a basic question!
Why not bring this up with your local spineless MP or Jet2? I brought this up with my local labour warmongering turd MP and was given a blank look!
In fact a few Jet2 guys are going off to fly for foreign carriers , one to Japan, one to Switzerland etc

20th Mar 2009, 21:45
Welterbaiting? Genius, pure genius!

I had the pleasure of flying with this guy in a previous life, glad to see nothing has changed!

Our FOs would often share tales of how he had piloted 747s/Tornados/Concorde/Harriers/A380s/Space Shuttles whilst also performing open heart surgery/defusing bombs/running international companies and the like. Makes Jack Bauer look like a boy scout.

23rd Mar 2009, 13:32

He is no longer with us, or his cash-obsessed mate.

23rd Mar 2009, 14:01
saintexupery (http://www.pprune.org/members/195919-saintexupery) and zuz

You've been had - this nob jockey is not a 757 pilot and has zero credentials. Find another credible post by this jackass.

23rd Mar 2009, 19:09
Haha, there's a few characters like that floating around at my airline too :ok:

What did this BLK FO do to win? I wait with (Welter)baited breath..


24th Mar 2009, 13:03
if you are talking about me, you are very stupid.

I'm sorry I cannot post my licence, it's very nice,with a 75 76 type rating stamped on and with a couple of renewal.
I also cannot post my logbook, with 1300h of 75 76, maybe not so much,but I think enough to write on pprune and ask for some infos.

for all the other:thank you very much for all of yours reply and pms, I really appreciate.

unlikely I had some problems here with my family and I couldn't leave from my country on time for the beginning of the training
I hope to have another opportunity very soon

thank you all guys,except strelnikov, see you

24th Mar 2009, 19:27

This BLK FO got a statement that said Captain is big mates with the Pope and has had dinner with him. Unbeatable in my opinion.:}