View Full Version : BMI new livery on the MME route

Fly Airways
8th May 2001, 22:01
It was nice to see the new bmi livery flying into Teesside today on at the morning and evening flight. Also, good news for Teesside was the news of the 6 million pound investement from OneNorthEast which will provide for a new road into the airport as well as improving the airport infrastructure.

Nice to hear some good news for a change

Fly Airways

9th May 2001, 02:57
Fly Airways.........ironic name..considering you have to go thru the FIR to get to MME :)
" XXX 123, Pennine good morning, AVOIDING ACTION......" :)

Matt Spartou
9th May 2001, 12:21
What happened to the massive cargo facility MME were supposed to be getting last year - £80m was available for investment in that if I remember right.