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View Full Version : CNN Dream Job - Commuter Pilot

7th May 2001, 03:22
>>When a day goes badly: "I just remind myself that I have the best job in the world. If that fails to work, I simply consider that I can always give this up and return to management. That always does the trick!" <<


Notso Fantastic
7th May 2001, 13:50
You know these days, you used to be able 'do a naughty' somewhere around the world and perhaps even get in the local paper, but likely as not get away with it. Now- no matter where you are in the world, a ppruner will see and plaster the gory details all over R & N! There is no place to hide anymore!

7th May 2001, 14:02
Now there's a feelgood story.
Well done Robert.