View Full Version : FlyingExam.com , is it any good?

Aussie John
1st Mar 2009, 18:30
Alright there. I've been taking a look at flyingexam.com for a question bank for my ATPLs. I know people say to go for Bristol, but I'm a cheapskate and could do with the £20 saving! What's it like, particularly with relation to the real exams?

Rodders the great
1st Mar 2009, 19:21
Its awesome mate, I used for my exams in January. I took four and can count on the fingers of two hands the questions I hadn't seen before. I got over 90% in all four of them. I highly recommend it to you.

1st Mar 2009, 19:27
From what I can see of the questions people have struggled with from their Qbank it's basically the same, if not similar to Bristols... looks like it might be worth it. :ok:

3rd Mar 2009, 21:08
Its good and has a few features that you don't get on bristol, eg the question bank is divided up into individual subject areas and they have a nice "save question" feature so that you can put questions aside to do again later. Re how representative it is of the real thing, ill let u know when I get my results, but I like what Rodders the Great is saying.

27th Mar 2009, 15:16
I have been subscribed to Flying Exam for the past 3 months and have done my exams recently. I am more than happy to say that I have passed all the exams I sat, which were 10, and achieved an average over 90%, in quite a few of them I got full marks. I would most certainly recommend this to anyone.

Like mentioned already, the feature of saving questions to retake them later helped me quite a lot on tricky questions. Plus the subjects are broken up into subtopics which also helps during revision.

Regarding the how close it represented the exams I sat, I could say it was almost complete.

7th Feb 2010, 20:30
looks like these chaps have February discount - all subjects for hundred days for tenner!
FlyingExam.com: Comprehensive JAA Question Bank, JAA CQB, ATPL Online Central Question Bank: (http://flyingexam.com/index.php)

8th Feb 2010, 11:32
Theres a lot of other QB's out there.
See the thread about JAR question banks..

In general I don't think it really matter which one you use.
If you can answer the questions correct, and you actually know why they are correct, you'll be home safe.

Some take the memorization approach and thats gonna bite you in the butt eventually - regardless of which bank you choose.
Personally I used jaaqb, but also tried aviationexam and Bristol.
All have their problems and advantages.