View Full Version : Do cigarette contain drugs?

28th Feb 2009, 16:45
Why is it hard to quit smoking, are cigarette sort of drugs? And can anyone tell me why smoking is considered cool

28th Feb 2009, 17:00
This is a wind-up right? I can't imagine anyone reaching 23 years of age in CA not knowing about nicotine.:ugh:

28th Feb 2009, 18:34
A friend of mine has just died from "smoking related diseases". I don't suppose he thought it was particularly "cool" in the last few months....

28th Feb 2009, 21:58
My understanding was that natural tobacco as produced in the C19th used to give a 'high' akin to that of cannabis (hence the original N.American 'pipe of peace'). It was only later that Govt mandated changes to the curing process eliminated the high but left the nicotine addiction... well, thanks a lot!

Would be interested to know if this is a myth or fact. :confused:

1st Mar 2009, 07:51
Do cigarette contain drugs?

What sort of cigarettes are you talking about?

1st Mar 2009, 08:43
It's considered cool up until the point where someones performing radiotherapy on your tongue.

Good question though, guess I started 'cos all me mates did, but initially I didn't like the taste/smell- in fact, I seem to remember that I had to work at liking it.

scooter boy
1st Mar 2009, 23:17
"It's considered cool up until the point where someones performing radiotherapy on your tongue."

Brachytherapy wires never seemed all that hip to me!!
Nicely put GN!
Now, where did I leave that lighter? (only joking - I'm a non-smoker)


10th Mar 2009, 10:01
Smoking is not cool, especially when it is a major effort to dry and kick the habbit,trust!:ugh:

10th Mar 2009, 12:23
Cigarettes contain drugs, definitely.
We call their content "drug" - because it is "bad"...
The following are not "drugs" - but "habit forming" -
I adore red wine, cannot conceive a dinner without 2 glasses of wine.
When thirsty, hot summer days, the only drink for me is a cold beer - "lager".
The "good people" say "because I am an alcoholic" - so wine/beer is a drug.
However I realised this, when I was in Saudi Arabia, no alcohol.
Yet my favorite drink remained beer (non-alcoholic beer).
So I understand my body likes beer by taste. Not for the alcohol contains.
Thirsty...? If I would drink Coca Cola, my thirst would get worse.
So never a Coke or any soft drinks for me.
Water, fruit juices, ice tea, non-alcoholic or alcoholic beer is my choice.
Coffee is a drug. I adore good coffee, expresso, cappucino etc...
Caffeine is a drug. Need a lot of caffeine, I am an addict of caffeine.
I drink "yerba mate" once a day. An Argentina social tradition. Drug...?
I adore chocolate. Need a chocolate bar snack at least once a day.
Love to enjoy a hot chocolate cup in winter when cold.
I am a chocolate addict.
If it was anti-social, coffee+chocolate would get me "drug addict title".
And I admit to a glass of after-dinner cognac or calvados 2 or 3 times/year.
A smoker, drinking beer/wine, occasional liquor, coffee = I am a drug addict.
According to those of you who are "holier than thou" types.
And I enjoy a good life. Red meats like you would not believe.
Never touched "marijuana" or other drugs. Nowadays, not many can say that.
Dont worry, I practice sport, watch soccer on TV, play chess and bridge.
Health nuts, joggers, dieters, what a miserable life.
Especially if they die of heart-attack at age 35-40. Known a few like that.
Sorry, need to go, buy a carton of cigarettes and some beer at the market.
Happy contrails

10th Mar 2009, 12:31
We're not holier than though, and most of us don't sit in judgement.

We're just closer than most to the devastating effects it can have.

10th Mar 2009, 12:36
though - spell check inoperative...?
Happy contrails

10th Mar 2009, 13:17
Or maybe we have been close to the people trying to cure it.

I come from a family of medics (nurses,doctors, physios etc) and everyone of my family is non smoker. They always tell me about the effects and nasties of smoking so I choose to avoid it because I know about the horrid side.

If I drop off my perch aged 35/40 because I have to, then at least I can rest peacefully thinking I made the best of my time. I made every effort to keep myself in shape, and I enjoy doing so. You only need to put in a little effort to gain a big reward. A 5 min walk every day will do wonders.

Anyway back to the thread,

yes muchos chemicals/drugs in a cigarette, although I seem to remember that there are some similar ones in coke.....

Coffin Dodger
10th Mar 2009, 15:29
I smoked for about twenty five years and mostly hated it for the last ten or so of those years. Both cigarettes and cigars. So damned hard to stop though. I tried patches, hypnotherapy and willpower - none worked. But one morning I woke up and didn't want a cigarette. I got through a whole day not wanting one. Next day the same thing.

After a week I was feeling so pleased with myself and a lot healtier both physically and fiscally, I was ready for the inevitable pangs. They came and I resisted. They went away for a bit and came back and I resisted again. So I suppose it was willpower really. Three months later I knew I'd finally licked it. That was over ten years ago and I wouldn't dream of ever going back to being a smoker.

A quick Google reveals what can be found in your average ciggy.

Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 different chemicals. At least 43 are known carcinogens (cause cancer in humans).

Cigarettes are one of few products which can be sold legally which can harm and even kill you over time if used as intended.

Benzene (petrol additive)
A colourless cyclic hydrocarbon obtained from coal and petroleum, used as a solvent in fuel and in chemical manufacture - and contained in cigarette smoke. It is a known carcinogen and is associated with leukaemia.

Formaldehyde (embalming fluid)
A colourless liquid, highly poisonous, used to preserve dead bodies - also found in cigarette smoke. Known to cause cancer, respiratory, skin and gastrointestinal problems.

Ammonia (toilet cleaner)
Used as a flavouring, frees nicotine from tobacco turning it into a gas, found in dry cleaning fluids.

Acetone (nail polish remover)
Fragrant volatile liquid ketone, used as a solvent, for example, nail polish remover - found in cigarette smoke.

Particulate matter drawn into lungs when you inhale on a lighted cigarette. Once inhaled, smoke condenses and about 70 per cent of the tar in the smoke is deposited in the smoker's lungs.

Nicotine (insecticide/addictive drug)
One of the most addictive substances known to man, a powerful and fast-acting medical and non-medical poison. This is the chemical which causes addiction.

Carbon Monoxide (CO) (car exhaust fumes)
An odourless, tasteless and poisonous gas, rapidly fatal in large amounts - it's the same gas that comes out of car exhausts and is the main gas in cigarette smoke, formed when the cigarette is lit. Others you may recognize are :

Arsenic (rat poison), Hydrogen Cyanide (gas chamber poison)

10th Mar 2009, 16:17
Why is it considered cool................gawd knows! Stupid, smelly, waste of money. I gave up fifteen years ago. Presently on a course of antibiotics and Prednislone for yet another raging chest infection. Now permanently on an inhaler of Salbutamol. I suppose struggling for breath after the most menial task could be considered cool. My personal conclusion though is........totally dense!!:hmm: