View Full Version : Youtube and Such

Ancient Mariner
26th Feb 2009, 10:13
My computer knowledge level is lower than my 8 months old grand son's, meaning any help is required and appreciated.

We just changed from external to an internal server. Suddenly I can not watch Videos on Youtube, voting results from my newspaper and worst of all....................the Volvo Ocean Race site is just a blue square and I can neither see nor control my good ship Skomvaer.
What happened, what's missing?


Saab Dastard
26th Feb 2009, 10:28
We just changed from external to an internal server.

What does this mean?


Ancient Mariner
26th Feb 2009, 10:47
I wish I knew. :sad:
What limited understanding I have of this is that we (my company) used an external server (located elsewhere, connected via the net) to store all software, folders and files, but due to downtime and delays we decided to install an internal (here at our premises and hard wired) for the same tasks.
I just use the darned thing, I don't need to "understand" it. Hmmm, somehow reminds me of my relation with wifey. :ouch:

26th Feb 2009, 11:32
Sounds more like a change of firewall - you do need to provide more detail tho :)

Saab Dastard
26th Feb 2009, 11:50
To be honest, it's something for your company to sort out.


Ancient Mariner
26th Feb 2009, 11:52
Thanks, guys. I obviously don't know enough to even ask the correct question. The IT-person who did the job is in London getting pi$$ed and watching football. I'm going to call him at 06:30 hrs Sunday morning. :cool:

26th Feb 2009, 11:53
Sure sounds like a Firewall issue. You need to get the guy who set it up for you back in, sit him down and have a good old chat with him about how your new inhouse server is set up. Make sure he knows exactly what you need it to do and more importantly allow you to do, things such as watch YouTube videos and the progress of your wee boat!
So what else do you do all day in the office?:hmm:

Also you need to find out what if any access (remote) he has allowed himself into your 'secure' system now that is REALLY important.

Have fun:)

Assuming it is your company?

Ancient Mariner
26th Feb 2009, 12:25
Thanks for the tip, Bladepilot.
The IT-person in question will be here first thing Monday morning to fix this and other issues with printer and scanner drivers.
No, it is not my company, but I'm located high enough in the hierarchy to be provided with a certain "leeway" provided I deliver the goods. ;)

26th Feb 2009, 14:11
Whey! Hey! I can see a size ten boot being applied to said IT blokes sitting area:)
Please keep the forum updated with progress and let us know how the wee boats been getting on without you at the helm, Aye Aye Skipper:ok:

Ancient Mariner
27th Feb 2009, 07:21
The wee boat is actually getting along much better without me, maybe an indication that Chief Engineers should know their place. Sensory deprived in the Engine Control Room.
I'll keep you posted on any "progress". :E

cockney steve
27th Feb 2009, 23:35
[QUOTE][Whey! Hey! I can see a size ten boot being applied to said IT blokes sitting area/QUOTE]

That's a surefire way to REALLY piss him off!
The BOFH (look it up on "the register") has the unenviable task of trying to allow the users to access all the official business requirements, whilsy ensuring that malware, spyware, spiders, sniffers , keyboard loggers etc. do not compromise the company's security and well-being.

It's a thankless, uphill task just filtering out the millions of ads for "adult" sites, penis enlargements, erection pills and the like....not to mention the graphic pron, paedophilia and the like.

He draws a narrow line between keeping the "legal" traffic flowing and blocking the unwanted and illegal.

Keep him onside and he'll tell you WHY it's not desirable to allow certain traffic........any employer who has paid his staff to browse "facebook" several hours a week, will understand.