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View Full Version : Passed PoF!!

20th Feb 2009, 11:56
Just received the big white envelope from CAA and passed Principles of Flight with the optimum mark of 75%!! CAA gave me 2nd choice venue so had to rebook accom (no refunds from first), had nightmare journey down in snow then couldn't get Wi-Fi to work so no last minute question banking. :):):):):):):):):):)

20th Feb 2009, 12:06
Well done :ok: AVgus

20th Feb 2009, 12:06
Congratulations! :ok: No wasted effort there in getting over 90% I see.

20th Feb 2009, 13:26

20th Feb 2009, 13:59
Thanks guys!! And may your endeavours be successful too!

20th Feb 2009, 17:22

Since I see myself coming in with the same, wondering is it possible for a prospective employer to see the result of an ATPL exam?
I see people are saying 90% is wasted effort, but could a 'non-optimum'(!) mark put you in a better position in the screening for interview?

Congrats again!

20th Feb 2009, 17:51
75%, well done mate. Sounds like the CAA messed you about though. You pay them 60 quid for the privelidge of ticking a few boxes on a piece of paper and they can't even give you the right exam venue!:mad:

20th Feb 2009, 18:05
AvGus, I'm pleased for you, I really am - but this kind of message is not eeeeeeexcatly what the forum is for, buddy.

Best of luck with the rest of the training, by all means ask your questions (after reading the stickies at the top).

20th Feb 2009, 21:39
i aggree with keygrip...
if every person was posting here after a successful result seeking for the "congrats" (i dont know for what reason, should be psychological i guess) this forum would be packed...and boring!

anw....congrats if thats what u were looking for... i really mean it!

20th Feb 2009, 23:16
Sorry, but I disagree Keygrip, this is a wonderful opportunity for someone to share much needed good news - as with most threads, it may well lead to an interesting read as a result of others posting similar or queer experiences. I for one am fascinated that CAA continue to issue conflicting dates, venues and so on!

- Again, congratulations!:ok:

21st Feb 2009, 00:23
I too had to go through that pain, change of venues, no refund, having to pay extra to get to Gatwick on the train, dodgy wifi - it drove me up the wall but the end result was well worth it. Well done!

21st Feb 2009, 08:31
Here here. It is great to hear from somebody celebrating something amidst all the tales of woe. Well done AvGus. :ok:

Sometimes Pprune can be depressing: too many holier than thou and you'll never get a job coz you're thick, mate attitudes. I'm not pointing fingers - the comments on this particular thread are not belligerent - but Pprune can be an unpleasant place.

Rant over. Back to my orange juice...:p

21st Feb 2009, 10:07
Well, I tried to be polite, but you had to push it - so let me rephrase and remind you that we (mods) are not particularly interested in whether YOU think a post is deserved or not. There is a huge amount of administration that goes on behind the scenes of this monolith known as PPRuNe and there is a set of guidelines that our only purpose in our PPRuNe mod life is to comply with.

The original PPRuNe, over ten years ago, was a (very difficult to read) string of e-mail comments. It has grown into what it is by controlling the anarchy that the members have tried to lay upon it.

The site was designed for professional pilots - all fully qualified, all very experienced. The idea that someone would even dare to come on and proudly announce that they had passed a single examination would cause them to become a laughing stock.

Of course the site has flourished and grown. It's expanded to allow many other facets of the industry join in, but it's core is still monitored and controlled for what it is meant to be.

Of course I am genuinely pleased for AvGus, of course I am genuinely pleased for the individual when a message comes along saying "Yay, I passed my PPL" - but does anyone "really, really" care? No. We've all been there, a long time ago.

We do welcome you into the industry, we do give countless hours of time to monitor the drivel that some want to post, we do (all) do our best to guide you along with advice and, we do do what we are here to do - your individual comments as to what should, and should not, be allowed are irrelevant.

If you think we are going to open a forum which automatically sends out a greeting card to congratulate Tom, Dick or Harry for passing his RT test or PPL nav exam you are very sadly mistaken. So why this one particular comment from the 4.2 million posts that are on the board?

Without wishing to take anything away from AvGus's success, hundreds of students pass thousands of exams every month, so one "I passed" comment is so minutely unimportant in the grand scale of things.

I'm still pleased for him and I still wish him well on his travels through the industry - but this is not the place to list individual exams from individual pilots. We've all passed all the exams in much harder circumstances than exist nowadays, and we didn't sing from the rooftops, we just had a skip in our walk for a day or two.

Now, had AvGus started a thread about CAA screwing up the exam venue, that would have been a completely different issue that I would have supported 101%.

21st Feb 2009, 20:59
Keygrip, I stand reprimanded - Your explanation appears logical and just! :)

21st Feb 2009, 21:13

congratulations on passing the exam.

Regarding the question on whether it matters if its 75% or 100%, the answer is no !. A pass leading to the issue of a licence is what matters.

Quite a few of my tech exams were passed with the minimum of 70%, so as not to run the risk of failing due to the dreaded negative marking that existed back then.


23rd Feb 2009, 13:47
OK, as suggested, let me ask a possibly useful question:

How likely is it that CAA will give you your second choice venue? Should I wait until I have confirmation a week before the exams before I book accomodation and miss out on all the good deals?

23rd Feb 2009, 14:10

If you book your examination/s well in advance then the CAA will almost certainly give you your selected venue.

Given the present climate I wouldn't think they are exactly overwhelmed.


23rd Feb 2009, 14:26
To be honest I don't think any airline gives a to$$ what pass marks you have in the exams as long as you have a valid licence and pass the interviews.

Keygrip, looks like your patience is being tested to the limit the past couple of days! :}

So a thread about 'I flew my first purple liveried and upholstered aircraft today' wouldn't be appropriate? (Apart from desperately trying not to vomit over the panel of an exceedingly old Piper Arrow with dodgy gear!)




23rd Feb 2009, 17:54
Not just Keygrip's!


24th Feb 2009, 19:12
Totally agree with Keygrip, pprune is not the place for blowing smoke up each other's ar$e's. Nothing more boring than a list of posts saying "congratulations", "well done mate", or "RIP" and "condolences" etc, its a waste of bandwidth. Let's not make pprune a mutual back-slapping society and just stick to objective questions, answers, opinions and reasonings.

Celtic Pilot
25th Feb 2009, 15:59
Maybe PPRuNE isnt however im glad someone has posted something positive on this site.... Because the negativity between schools and the recession is seriously dragging this forum to the ground.

This would be a boring site if everyone started to blow their own trumpet however a little bit of positive in times such as the present does not go a miss!!!!!!!!!

Well done for passing!!!!!