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View Full Version : ATPL funding

Pantera Negra
19th Feb 2009, 15:52
Please allow me to express beforehand my sincerest apologies for breaking any taboos or even the slightest annoyance caused.

Now that our current state of wealth, comfort and security turns out to be existent mainly on paper I don’t see any constraints to why I should not take the risk in chasing childhood dreams. This 9 to 5 job of mine, that never pays enough, also might turn out to be obsolete any time now. Not that it’s such surprise or anything –quite a while already most of the office hours are spent wandering aviation websites-, but it increasingly frustrates me to see that I'm still not living the dream. And even though that dream might savour nightmare from time to time, it will always be more enjoyable than the corporate life.

Anyway, in the ‘process’ I am wondering whether anyone could provide some pointers on those financials who are still willing to even discuss a loan for an ATPL course. Thanks in advance.

VFR Transit
19th Feb 2009, 15:57
http://www.pprune.org/search.php :oh:

Pantera Negra
20th Feb 2009, 09:21
Thanks for the reply

I like planes & stuf
20th Feb 2009, 10:02
Yes - and if only you had typed in the very title of your thread to aforementioned search, result #11 leaps out at you. And lo - it doth contain relevant information - who would have thought???


I hope you have better luck finding your airfield in marginal conditions.

Hey - you know what else - take a look at the bottom of this page, someone has kindly thought to do a bit of additional searching for you ..

{EDIT} - Looks like the wisdom of the search function has now been acknowledged :hmm: