View Full Version : How long for loading

19th Feb 2009, 10:32
Just wondering how long does it take to fully unload and load acfts like the 737F, the 757F and the 747F. Basically turnaround times. I now this depends a lot on the airport and existing conditions, but just to get a realistic idea.


19th Feb 2009, 12:44
737 and 757 within 2hrs, Md11 2:30/3.00hrs; B747 4hrs.

19th Feb 2009, 13:43
B747F 1 hour off, 1 hour on. 2h30 turnaround time at civilized airports.

Some uncivilized airports I've done: BCN 26 hours loading, AGP 9 hours loading. And everyone talks about Africa :p

19th Feb 2009, 15:34
We use B737 - 50mins, B757 - 60 Minutes & B747 - 2.5 hours but that is with standard ULDs & no special loads.


19th Feb 2009, 17:38
747 load through nose while offloading through side... about 70 mins off and on....

19th Feb 2009, 17:55

I was expecting times to be much better for the 737 and 757. However O suspect that this must largely depend on the number of people working around the acft.


19th Feb 2009, 19:24
"However O suspect that this must largely depend on the number of people working around the acft.

Another brain surgeon on the loose. sheeeesh

P.S. CR2 what position do you hold in this buss. (just curious)

19th Feb 2009, 19:54
Spent 20 years as an L/M (all 742/744), now do Ops Control for a different freight airline.

20th Feb 2009, 10:07
I saw an MD11F on a transatlantic service turned in less than 2 hrs this week, if you're ready for it it can be done.

Pacific Tedybear
21st Feb 2009, 00:27
From on blocks to off blocks 45m usually the hold up is customs and paperwork not the ground handling:ugh:

22nd Feb 2009, 12:45
TNT Express - 30 smart and one TNT Boeing 747: Guinness World Record broken! (http://www.tnt.com/express/en_hk/data/news/tnt_builds_up_its.html)

24th Feb 2009, 01:04
Interesting, have done lost of fiddling with cars, Smarts included. You can get two side by side on one PMC pallet for belly loading... that would make 18. If they got 30 in, I assume they drove them/pushed pulled em..... I have driven an Audi A6 and a Volvo S80 into the belly... better know how to use be gentle with the clutch LOL. As an aside, once sent 2 L/Ms Europe to US to offload (ie drive off) a full charter of cars. They were all stick shifts and no-one over here felt comfortable with that operation.

28th Feb 2009, 21:00
Hi all,

we turned one MD-11F around in 58 minutes with 9 persons at Brussels
The plane (GEC8285-8284) was full of AMJ containers and PMC pallets some above 4.5 tons
since then we never turned around a plane so fast ...
