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View Full Version : VISTA SP1 Snag

18th Feb 2009, 14:22
Hi all

Just installed Service Pack 1 on an HP laptop. The Wireless connection is working, it's connected to the router and to the net but...

Internet Explorer is unable to display any web-pages! I've searched through Microsofts troubleshooters etc etc, no joy.

Anybody got any idea how to fix it?

(I can't use a restore point as SP1 seems to have set the only available point at the time it was installed!)


18th Feb 2009, 14:58

Has your internet explorer got stuck in offline mode?

To check this go to the file menu and second from bottom option should be work online.

Another thing to check i whether you can navigate to your routers built in web page - usually or - if it can then it sounds like it could be a DNS issue - come back and let us know.
