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View Full Version : Aerodynamics of a flat spin

18th Feb 2009, 02:45
Enjoyed the split flap so much, perhaps someone can enlighten me on the aerodynamics of a flat spin. I'm full bore on the ordinary spin but can't quite get my head round the process of flattening. Would appreciate comments.

18th Feb 2009, 02:56
Flat spin = do things to make the pitching moment less (or is it more?).

So, spin in the 'natural' direction of the engine (i.e. with the torque moment), apply into spin airleron (get that drag up), more torque from the engine to really get her going. If you're loaded with an aft CG all the better (weight at either end of the centre of rotation makes for more flatness).

Then do everything EXACTLY as per the manual to get her back before c'est Fin. EXACTLY as per the manual.

Please, those that know better - make with the corrections...


18th Feb 2009, 08:01
Almost everything that you'd want to know about spins is here (http://www.flightlab.net/Flightlab.net/Download_Course_Notes_files/10_Spins.pdf).

18th Feb 2009, 08:20
Thanks for that, been looking elsewhere without much luck on the aerodynamics. Rgds