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15th Feb 2009, 11:13
This may be a silly question, but here goes....I know you need 150 hours to start the CPL and 200 hours to have it issued. But the minimum hours on the CPL course are 25.

So presuming you start the CPL on 150TT and pass in minimum hours (25) you are left with 175TT, i.e. 25hrs short of the required for CPL issue. So where would the extra 25 hours come from? Is it just a question of continuing hour building up to 200TT or is my theory completely flawed and am I missing something?

Thanks, DS

15th Feb 2009, 14:20
dont forget the 100hrs PIC you need as well.

most people tend to do their ME/IR before they send their paperwork for licence issue. that way you get the hours done with the extra training.

15th Feb 2009, 15:58
dont forget the 100hrs PIC you need as well

ah yes, I was already including them in the TT :)

but if I don't go for ME/IR straight after CPL, say if I want to instruct for a bit...then what happens with the necessary 25 or so hours?

15th Feb 2009, 21:36
You would still need an instructor rating, which would bring your TT to above 200, surely?

15th Feb 2009, 22:38
RTN11, fair point.....to be honest I realised my last post doesn't actually make much sense :oh:

so let's just assume there is no ME/IR and no FIR before CPL issue...

15th Feb 2009, 23:18
I think I've read before that you can't send off the paperwork until you have the required 200hrs. As said above, if you complete the CPL and then go straight on to the ME/IR you can send the paperwork away along with a 'single payment' to have the licence upgraded along with having the ratings added.

However if you send your paperwork off after completing your CPL course and then social flying for 25hrs you will have a payment for upgrading your licence. When you eventually get your MEP / MEIR you'll have to pay the CAA another payment.

If you are looking to do your FIR after you CPL then you may as well send off the paperwork after completing your FIR. Although ... to start your FIR course you'll need:

200 hours total time, with 100 hours PIC for CPL/ATPL holders, and 150 hours PIC for PPL holders.

If you don't have a CPL on your licence does this mean you are still a PPL licence holder? even though the same school know you have passed the exams and skills test for the CPL? I guess that is for somebody else to answer.

My motorbike licence has (<33bhp) from when I did my motorbike licence nearly 10 years ago, this restriction lasts for 2 years ... you're then free to ride what you want. However should I get pulled by the Police they will see <33bhp on my licence and 1,000cc written on my bike?!? :(

15th Feb 2009, 23:21
Then do an extra 25 hours before or after the CPL course - the CAA require 200 hours to issue a CPL, and it's up to you how you get to that. Other posts point out that the majority of people starting a CPL at exactly 150 hours also intend to do an IR before sending the paperwork in for licence issue, which brings the TT to over 200h.

If you don't have a CPL on your licence does this mean you are still a PPL licence holder? even though the same school know you have passed the exams and skills test for the CPL?

It's not up to the school - it's up to the FIE who conducts the FI skills test. He will check your licence as part of the test, and you can present him with either a PPL and do the test as a PPL holder, or a CPL and do the test as a CPL holder. And yes, if you do not have an issued CPL then you can only exercise the privileges of your existing licence, ie PPL.

16th Feb 2009, 10:22
Assuming that your not doing an ME/IR rating then ... what is the time period permitted between the CPL skills test and sending off the paperwork for CPL issue? I was under the impression that it was 6months?

Basically, Im trying to work out how long i have to get the additional 25hrs (after the CPL skills test) to make-up 200hrs TT.


Mile High Nutcase
16th Feb 2009, 12:45
you have twelve months to send off for the CPL license after the skills test otherwise you'll have to re-do it according to lasors.