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View Full Version : SAA's CEO "on special leave"

11th Feb 2009, 14:41
SAA Press Release:

South African Airways CEO on special leave

Johannesburg, 11th February 2009: SAA CEO Khaya Ngqula is currently on special leave from the airline and the Board of South African Airways is negotiating further with him. An acting CEO is being appointed.

Further details will be communicated in due course.

What can this mean, I wonder? :E

11th Feb 2009, 14:56
Caught with his hand in the cookie jar?

11th Feb 2009, 15:35
Ahhha good old Khaya... the man with an ego the size of a mountain. Well I could have predicted it would all end in tears - I guess those millions of Voyager miles will now be null and void?

11th Feb 2009, 16:40
What worries me most is that they have been progressively worse since Coleman Andrews. Who will be next? Julius Malema.

5th Mar 2009, 13:46
Who is the new GM Cargo?