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Big Frank
10th Feb 2009, 11:57
Hi guys,

I've got a question about IR renewals, and having checked the CAA website and Lasors, I'm now even more confused!

My IR expired a couple of months ago, as I hadn't been able to afford to keep my flying hours up. I've now managed to save up a bit of cash to pay for a couple of refresher flights and then hopefully the IR test. The reason for my sudden panic is that I have been in a holding pool for a type rating for a while, and it looks as if things could start moving in the next couple of months. I know that you are meant to have a current IR before starting a type rating, but I've also heard that once you have passed a type rating, then subsequent IR renewals can be performed on any subsequent type ratings. My license (as a low hours pilot) shows that I hold a type rating on a Seneca, but I'm not sure if this is applicable?

Does anyone know whether I need to renew/revalidate my IR before potentially starting the type rating? If in doubt, i will ensure I have it before starting the rating, but if I can save myself a couple of grand I thought I'd double check! :}

10th Feb 2009, 12:09
I think im right in saying that in order to commence training for issue of your first Type Rating you must be in possession of a valid ME/IR.

So yes you will need to renew.

As for the mention of a type rating for a seneca, you have a MEP class rating not type rating. The MEP class rating is not type specific hence CLASS rating. :ok:

Hope this helps


PS your ME/IR is for SPA - Single Pilot Aeroplanes, your type rating will give you a new ME/IR for MPA - Multi Pilot Aeroplanes. They are different and will need revalidating seperatly.

Big Frank
10th Feb 2009, 12:30
Thanks Nick, it makes sense when you put it like that!

I'll start having a look at CAA examiners around the Bournemouth area, might need a couple of flights first!
Cheers again.


10th Feb 2009, 12:40
I would start by looking at Anthony Mollisson (sp?) at "Professional Air Training" in Bournemouth airport.

Doesn't need to be a CAA staff person for renewals - nor does it need to be in UK, btw.

Big Frank
10th Feb 2009, 13:13
Ah, ok. I wasn't sure as my IR had expired a couple of months ago. I'll have a look into Professional Air Training, thanks for the info Keygrip!