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View Full Version : Watch out with this guys in Congo DRC.

9th Feb 2009, 20:35
Hello Guys.

I want to shear with you a bad experience I had in Africa.
They were operating a Saab 340A based in Lubumbashi, DRC and hired me as Captain.

At first, to convince me to go there, they painted me a nice picture; fully furnished house, with swimming pool, air conditioning, internet, cooker, etc. When I arrived there the picture was completely different, it was a dark hole (let's call it appartment...) in a terrible area of Lubumbashi, with most of the days without electricity and water.

Regarding the operation, as with most african operators, from the begining, they were pushing me to fly with overloads and with many items under the MEL (Minimum Equipment List).

They were also operating a pair of LET 410, this is a Czech rugged airplane prepared to land in non-prepared strips and with STOL capability. They were operated by a bunch of guys coming from eastern countries. The "russians crews", as we use to call them, were friendly, nice guys, but used to a completely different culture of work. e.g. no-checklist, no weight limits, etc. Of course in the company started pushing me to fly the same way than the russians and pretending to go to the same places virtually with no runway were they landed a LET.

Anyway, as the atmosphere of work was not bad, and the roster was good (2 months ON 1 Month OFF), I stayed with them until they started delaying my payments. They owe me today two months salary.

So, Guys, be careful with the contracts outside there, once they owe you money there's nothing you can do, especially in those corrupt countries like Congo, were you can buy everything with money.

Giving us a hand this way we are going to enclose this bad guys and avoid they cheat more colleagues.


Siguarda al fine
9th Feb 2009, 21:53
If you canīt take a joke you shouldnt fly in the DRC, thats what I discovered 20 years ago; but I am a sucker for punishment.

9th Feb 2009, 23:13
Yes, you are right. You noted, after all, at the end it was the only serious problem...money.

B Sousa
10th Feb 2009, 00:50
They owe me today two months salary.

You want your money, take one of their planes somewhere and when they put the money in your hand they find out where their plane is.... Works every time.

10th Feb 2009, 05:57
It will be possible to know how much was the salary that were giving to you?
Just to compare with the offer that not long time ago were preparered to give to me

10th Feb 2009, 09:03
Heh heh, I worked in the DRC when it was still Zaire. No way I would trust an operator out there to have my best interests at heart. Not surprised to hear about the lack of concern for MELs and load limits. Lots of cowboys out there and not just in the aviation industry. One thing though, if an employer employs you as an ex-pat and does not provide decent accommodation (i.e. house in the suburbs, big high wall all around, vehicle to drive (or preferably be driven) around in, and at least a swimming pool then pack your bags and leave. Forget about living in one of the less salubrious neighbourhoods in Lubumbashi. It's just not worth it.

10th Feb 2009, 22:19
I like many others have had the fortune of flying (as an expat) in Europe. It was one of the greatest experiences ever! Africa seems to be a flying school though. The difference here is what is posted on the thread. You must understand the people, to get through the ordeal of polling in Africa. Overloading - Don't negotiate! :mad: off! I won't. No pay - Don't fly. Europe and the US, you deal with a different mindset. So unlike some of the other homophobic posts I have read on pprune before, all foreigners welcome, but don't take any :mad:, and learn where you are operating!!!! Africa is not for Sissy's!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11th Feb 2009, 04:32
Hi gautengflyboy.

No, I never flew with overloads. We all know what happens if you loose an engine.
And that was the begining of my problems with this Company.
After some years in the profession and many white hairs I learnt to say "no" to pressures.


11th Feb 2009, 05:26
Nearly all of the aircraft presently flying in DR Congo (around 150) have either their airworthiness certificates expired or expiring very very soon, not to mention their general conditions. Saying that fliying in Congo or Africa is for macho pilots only is misleading: it is only for desperate people who do not care for their lives and for the lives of the people on the ground. There are some very very few companies in Congo (one or two)that are managed in a nearly decent way, all the other ones are run by bandits and the most corrupted people I ever seen in my life.
Some pilots there believe vodka is a solution. Go ahead, and kill other people.
Pilots should refuse to fly in DR Congo until the government will not put order in the aviation sector (this is likely the only way to compel that corrupt bunch of cleptocrats to find some remedy and think about the population). It is not only about the aircraft, but also about the airports and airstrips and about the "cargo". A long history behind the kind of cargo they often transport.

11th Feb 2009, 09:56
"Pilots should refuse to fly in DR Congo until the government will not put order in the aviation sector"

hahahahahhahahahahahhaahhahahahaahahhahaahhahahahahhahahahah ahhaahhahahahaahahhahaahhahahahahhahahahahahhaahhahahahaahah hahaahhahahahahhahahahahahhaahhahahahaahahhahaah

11th Feb 2009, 10:56
Yes! Good joke!

11th Feb 2009, 11:12
Caboto, pls come with us on our next tour of duty - we need someone with a good sense of humour up there, it does get a little boring from time to time.

Anyway, I will also refuse to fly there and then let someone else take my job and my money so that I can't support my family.

Whoop whoop for Africa and the Congo!

12th Feb 2009, 11:59

RICCARDO couldnt even get a job with this mob. Must be something really wrong with you mate.

Coleman Myers
13th Feb 2009, 07:30
SAABFLYER, thanks for the heads up. I think I know the outfit. If we care about Congo aviation somebody should name and shame the "fly by nights". The civil aviation authority there has become more approachable in recent years.

Maybe we draft a list of suspect outfits and publish it wherever possible within the African industry. Many of the culprits are actually Belgians and Lebanese who operate aircraft as a sideline to their general trade and mining businesses.

I know of two Kenyan companies who have only horror stories to tell of Congo. To be fair though, there are some very good outfits there too.These too could be named and applauded to raising the bar ?.

13th Feb 2009, 10:00
Coleman Myers,
please cold mention those few goods outfits?

Siguarda al fine
13th Feb 2009, 10:25
DRC is not for "Pilots" it for aviators with a sense of adventure and no fear of ruin, or death by sudden impact and the ingress of molten metal into bodily orfices and whos daily mantra is Everybody gotta die some time.

13th Feb 2009, 11:21
Sig, I'm an aviator! Currently looking to get back into the air? Anything going at the moment?

13th Feb 2009, 13:33
HA ha ha....... what can I say you wanted it, and you got it.

Geeez guys this is the DRC for :mad: sakes, the most dangerous place to fly and you guys expect to get paid.
The only way to fly in this place, and you have to hang on to your bowels is for a contract company for the UN where there is a moderate chance to claim you meager wage with some hold on the rule book.

This place is the Gee Whiz jungle and flying in the DRC is what it was when the wright boys got airborne for the first time but with a jet engine strapped to the back of the ole flyer.

My advise:
1. Stay away
2. Stay away
3. If you foolish enough make sure you can get out fast
4. Cash up front
5. My way or I hit the highway

Lubs is really the best place in the DRC, you must try some Kissingani or a bit of Bunia, and the King of holes.

13th Feb 2009, 14:15
please can you tell me this place or this company you have been working for?I will apply immediately

15th Feb 2009, 06:57
Riccardo, Oh Riccardo, how do you land yourself up in this kind of sh!t everytime and every job you take on. Surely somewhere through this is a lesson for you to be learned.

You must be one of the best experienced pilots with the lowest actual hours flown. And everytime you return for more.

This is Africa my brother, not for sissy's, our pilots are very brave, money is in short supply because often uncle Sam's payments/donations/aid is late, and Vodka or Palm Rum is cheap.

In Africa you must fly for the love of it and the passion (Italiani sembrate avere molta passione!), not for the love of money! What is money after all, you cant take it with you, and you wont get out of the Congo alive anyway.

Use the opportunity to build your hours and contributing to a good worthwile deserving cause.

15th Feb 2009, 09:47
Well I guess the question is :
Where are those nice operators mentioned on the above posts?
Thank you.
Last job I had in Congo was in 2007 on the Be 1900 making 400 USD per day .Food ,accommodation,insurance and so on.Business class airline ticket and I came back alive from Congo.
I do love money.No passion for flying any longer I do only for money.

15th Feb 2009, 13:12
With that rate of pay, why are you still not there, instead of spending the last two years posting all your snivelling drivel on this site?

15th Feb 2009, 14:41
So I do help people do not become suckers and murder like you Phoenix Dc.
As you know all those pilots that die in airplanes accident are because of people like you that have been denigrated all out category of professional pilots considering us , Captain, less than what you expel every morning from there rear part of your back body.
Now due too this attitude of less self respect now days there is a tendency of accepting always less money with more risk involved and some times even accepting to loose our life to please people like you PhoenixDC that more likely you are one of those that try to impress some of the operators that comes on this forum in search of the next victim that will offer their own life for free.
Fortunately there are still Captains with some self respect left in their soul that fight and do not accept miserable conditions of life in other to have job .
I am happy that finally always more people and people are starting to speak up , because only in this way we are going to see always less posts on this forum expressing their "fake" sorrow toward others pilots that lost their life because of the Glory of some insane person like you and some stupid operator.
Please give a favor to everyone get out from this forum you are dangerous.

16th Feb 2009, 11:26
Good grief, that was quite some outburst :ooh:

Solid Rust Twotter
16th Feb 2009, 12:16
Be even more impressive if it was coherent...:}

16th Feb 2009, 15:12
If R.V. spent half as much time and effort as he does ranting and raving on this site, on improving his image and skill in aviation, he might get somewhere, instead chasing every little prospect that raises it head.

16th Feb 2009, 16:06
Sure PhoenixDC,
but as far I can see I am not so sure that what you said in your post would apply strictly to me , because I am not the one that with only 4 post in this forum have been reading all the post and threads for the past two years of another member .

Don t you have any thing better to do in your life?.
I guess this is the same story .

Now I would like to make an announcement:
To any Dracula operator on this forum , please give a job to PhoenixDC in any remote area with junk airplane without pay so , he will serve you as slave and will die for the Glory of you bank account.
PhoenixDC see how helpful I am toward my colleagues? Come now you are ready to go...

16th Feb 2009, 17:57
I concede, I'm lost, does anyone have a R.V. decoder I could purchase?

16th Feb 2009, 18:40
Um, I'm not entirely sure, but the posting style is oddly similar to a certain Oxaliza-Oxen who has been extemporising prolifically over in the CC Wannabes (EK) forum :suspect:

17th Feb 2009, 06:03
Now we are getting to far from the original topic for too long

17th Feb 2009, 09:58
Siguardo; "We're all going to die!" Heard that a few times on a certain Carvair. Good adventure indeed,still have all my legs and arms and other bits!:ok:

17th Feb 2009, 20:18
Hi Guys.

I originally placed a post here about some not so good buys in the DRC.
Day after day I came back here to see every kind of opinions and how this derivated in personal matters, this is not new, I have seen the same thing with other topics and in other forums.

Isn't it time we fellow pilots get together to give us a hand each other to avoid the kind of people I mentioned and to get through this difficul times?

Good luck to everybody.:ok:

18th Feb 2009, 05:31
so... i ask you this. ive been reading this forum for a year or two now...

just finishing my first season of work in the USA... will be done with about 1000 hours roughly...

and im STILL interested in this crazy place you call the Dark Continent...

does that mean I'm crazy?

and where do I sign up?


Gaius Westman
18th Feb 2009, 05:48
Another sucker for Africa.
Seem to be a lot of Yanks heading over here as your home market has tanked.
Since you guys keep lowering the bar at all your top airlines and that hasn't worked, you're coming over here to pollute the contract world by offering your services for free.

Good luck + remember: Anything north of the Limpopo just isn't worth taking.

18th Feb 2009, 05:55
LOL im insulted to say that I am offering my services for free!!

I am paid very well at my current job, and i enjoy it, and could continue on next year if I want to... it just doesnt have the 'romance' that Africa holds...

I am looking for work that seems more suitable, than sitting and pulling the gear handle and getting paid the same as working at MCDONALDS like most jobs in the US are right now!!

I am seeking the real work.... the hard stuff, not the easy life. I enjoy a good challenge. Africa seems like a place to find that.

18th Feb 2009, 09:56
Ah well, well why didn't you say so earlier.

If its ROMANCE you are after, then you are coming to the right place. There is so much romance available to a Yanky M'zungu like you. The girls will be all over you - literally.

Just remember that African romance often comes bundled with the gift that keeps on giving...:} > also known down here as " The Slow Puncture."

18th Feb 2009, 10:41
Ahhh yes their is nothing more romantic then Malaria, Cholera, poor pay shocking living conditions and more AK-47 than zeros at the end of the local currency:} T.I.A

Siguarda al fine
18th Feb 2009, 10:56
Africa is for those with good self awareness skills, those who have zero or dont even know what self awareness skills are keep away. Africa is not for the pedantic, moronic, arty farty, tree huggin, sundried tomato eating, trendy lefty, apron string suckin, sissyboys.
Got it?

18th Feb 2009, 11:14
Africa is most easy place to fly.
Malaria when you get it ,take chinino for 3 days and that is all, much easier to cure than a cold.I got 4 times my self .

AK 47 .... and ? I did see more arms in USA and Europe than in Somalia and Angola mix together during the early stage of the revolution.

The weather ...well I flown in Montana for several years I can tell you that it is the most challenging place I never flown in my life

18th Feb 2009, 15:45
From what I have seen on this thread, it is little wonder why Africa as the pitifully poor safety record it does. I am back in Africa (Nigeria) after 14 years away (Angola). It has not changed very much.

The improved areas include more VHF comm coverage and more ATC radar's. Weather services have improved, mostly due to the internet. And that is about it.

Poor International ATC communications. Poor ATC procedures. Poor Air Traffic Control. The airports have not improved much. Corruption and bribery is rampant. Many of the operators here make the USA bottom feeders and 134 1/2 operators look extremely professional.

I am still seeing aircraft flying without required parts installed. Including airframe parts. Pencil whipped maintenance is still common. Pushing to fly over weight is still the norm. I have watch an operator fly a B727-100 30,000 pounds plus over gross. Another time watch them load a B727-200 with 50 KG sacks of grain onto a standard passenger floor way over the floor limit.

In some whys India is getting as bad. Lying about the accommodations and trying to change the pay package after you get there. Trying to cheat you out of pay seems the norm for some operators. The operator I am working for here, just tried it and we just told him to get us tickets home as we were leaving. The tone changed rather quickly. But we also had an advantage of flying an N numbered aircraft.

As for pay, keep in mind the astronaut motto:


18th Feb 2009, 16:24
Well have ever flown for UPS in USA?
I did , Overload? Just normal procedure.
How about Federal Bank on the MU2 at night ?Cleveland to Chicago without
ICE protection?The company would even tell you that.
And I can keep going for quite a while with that.
Naturally I can tell you story also for the Europe side and the Asia side .
The way we fly is only up to us and not to anyone else.
Regulation are there we ,pilots , do not need to be checked up every single minute in order to fly safe , only we need is to implement those regulation by our self.

18th Feb 2009, 17:05
Yes I have flown UPS feeders. Plus Fedex feeders. Couldn't get it overloaded if I attached a trailer to the aircraft, as I would always bulk out. Federal reserve is a different story. Full of paper, you had to watch your weight like a hawk. And you ought to try on demand auto parts for Caterpillar or Detroit Diesel. Talk about heavy.

As pilots we personally need to keep ourselves not only legal, but more importantly safety. I have seen legal operations kill pilots also. Legal doesn't in and of itself mean it is safe.

The biggest reason that I see for Africa's poor safety record is the lack of a safety culture. Anytime you try to discuss a safety issue, the operator comes back with " well this is Africa". That is just an excuse on their part to ignore the regs. Plus the culture of bribery and corruption. doesn't help either. You just pay the regulation enforcement off.

As long as the type of response like I saw in this thread belittling the originator of this thread continue, pilots like some of the russian crews I have seen continue to operate in the manner they do today and there are pilots who will continue to fly in a manner that disregards the regs, these operators will feel empowered to continue their unsafe and illegal practices. And African aviation will continue to have a very poor safety record.

19th Feb 2009, 04:32

The biggest reason that I see for Africa's poor safety record is the lack of a safety culture. Anytime you try to discuss a safety issue, the operator comes back with " well this is Africa". That is just an excuse on their part to ignore the regs. Plus the culture of bribery and corruption. doesn't help either. You just pay the regulation enforcement off.

On that You are definitely Right .

In any case the problem is not related only to Russian but is to all nationality .

21st Feb 2009, 06:29
Dear Austral1998, Kinshas, and Klentjie, thank you for graphically illustrating and confirming my post.
Due to your attitude, I wish you to fly the most exciting birds there. Mr. Douglas (M.) is the most appropriate guy to ask for a very, very excting job there.

21st Feb 2009, 07:48
I am back in Africa (Nigeria) after 14 years away (Angola).:ugh:

might sound stupid but where is Angola????
are you part of the people thinking that South Africa is wedge of Europe or US but not an African country??

21st Feb 2009, 08:38
Talking about cowboys who should never be let loose anywhere near an aircraft. Is Bob Sobeck out of jail yet?

If in your travels in DRC, or anywhere for that matter, and you hear that name mentioned, Run for your life!!!!

Siguarda al fine
21st Feb 2009, 19:16
Being a pilot and critising flying in DRC is a bit like being sailor in the times of Cristobal Colon and only using your skills sailing close to the coast of Spain, all the time yorping to all who will listen that, Cristobal Colon and his crew are stupid, dangerous know-nothing, crazy, deathwish sons of satan.

21st Feb 2009, 20:06
S al fine, you related to R.V.?????

Siguarda al fine
22nd Feb 2009, 08:17

22nd Feb 2009, 08:50
Could you Explain better what are you talking about?

22nd Feb 2009, 09:12

I know where South Africa is. Have been there several times and will be going there again later this week. It is definitely an African country. But it appears that they are learning from the mistakes of other African countries and changing their policies to ensure that certain skills are hired on ability rather than race. In some ways, when compared to the rest of Africa, it appears to more of an European country.

As for Angola, it is on the west coast of Africa. Just south of DRC, in fact they share a border. And north of Namibia. I was there a couple of weeks ago. And it has improved greatly over the last 14 years. Enroute has VHF radios now, however not over all their airspace. Better command of English, much better radios. Luanda airport has better control over the foot traffic on the airport. Plus the ramps and runways are in better condition and the terminal is much nicer. However, the city has about 10 times the cars than the roads and streets can handle and there are absolutely NO taxis.

22nd Feb 2009, 13:30
Ricardo. This guy is like those politicians, allways shouting and trying to impose his way of thinking, you can see it in all his posts.
....another african bull**** cowboy...
Don't undertand also what he says....

Siguarda al fine
22nd Feb 2009, 13:37
African ? yes! Bull**** ? seen plenty from the likes of you! Cowboy? Sure I am and a rich one too!

22nd Feb 2009, 14:52
Tee Hee!!!!

Siguarda al fine
24th Feb 2009, 21:12
LJP you are cynical U know

Solid Rust Twotter
25th Feb 2009, 03:50
It's the heat....:E

25th Feb 2009, 08:07
or the Nigeria complex...:}

25th Feb 2009, 13:11
I am back in Africa (Nigeria) after 14 years away (Angola).

might sound stupid

Well, since you mention... :rolleyes:

but where is Angola????

Angola is where the gentleman you quote flew 14 years ago.

English comprehension skills a bit rusty, are they?

26th Feb 2009, 07:36
Looks like a job for Rittardo, the cunning linguist...maybe he can understand it. Cause sure as **** no one can understand him.

I say thank the Lord for English proficiency exams - should keep him firmly rooted to mother earth, where he belongs.

26th Feb 2009, 08:05
Sure at least I know where I belong .
And you ?Do you know who was even your mother ....?
According on what I can see you drink too much beer in the morning and that is why you are not even able to write properly my nick name Riccardo and not Rittardo.
If I was on you I would go to the AAA to cure my self for alcohol problem.
You are on my ignore list from now on so do waste your time in searching the way to go to ......
If you do not understand what I just wrote I guess ... you have some linguistic problem .

26th Feb 2009, 08:36
R.V. nobody has been insulting about your family members, so please refrain from making insinuations about others.
As for understanding what you write, I’m afraid I still have not been able to source a decoder!
Should you wish to improve your standing in the aviation community, may I suggest you invest some money in English language tuition.

26th Feb 2009, 09:08
Sorry I only notice now. Typo.

Should have been RETARDO - guess my play on words went overhead at FL390 (thats a flight level where big airplanes fly Ricco)

Now where is my breakfast beer.

I would put you on my ignore list, but then I would not get my daily dose of:
"Life might suck, - but it will never be quite as bad as Rittardo's."

Also I would hate to miss out your regular rape of the queens engrish which I find delightfully droll despite it making me cringe.

27th Feb 2009, 10:31

Sorry for not posting sooner but my Superhero costume went for drycleaning!

Good news - I heard last week the boys from Lumbum had their SAAB re-posessed - apparently the aircraft was under lease/purchase and you were not the only one to not get paid. So revenge is sweet.

HOWEVER - did you not realise when you took the job that Congo DRC is the third most corrupt country in the world(Officially) - Were you confused beacuse the owners have Belgian Nationalities - (this is only because Belgium unlike most of the world inherrits Nationality from fathers not place of birth) - They are all Congolese - born and bread! You are just a parasite they use like toilet paper - a necessity owing to few local pilots available for the moment.
Here is my advice to flying in the DRC - if it is contract flying paid by a company outside of DRC then fine but don't complain about ATC, runways, living conditions, security etc..... because your main reason for being there is the MONEY!
If you want to work for a local company there then like Mel Gibson said in Air America you have to be "Flying for a Cause" - either you want to save the world or you don't give a :mad: about it! And that's the truth.
Money, accomodation, safety standards, overloading - are not relevent because like the hijackers in 911 you either believe what your doing or don't give a rats arse!:E

27th Feb 2009, 10:47
Repossess the Saab 340?
So why they did put and AD on climb 350 that they were looking for Sf 340 Captains? Just few days ago.

27th Feb 2009, 11:47
Now I know this is an aviation forum and most of us are pilots and so the mystical world of finance is limited to per diems and so forth but to "reposses" an aircraft does not necessarily mean you lose it altogether but rather you have to re-finnance and re-negotiate your terms (Kind of like an ex-wife)
They may well have sorted out their problem for the moment however once bittten twice shy and pilots and leasing companies will be more cautious when dealing with them in the future.
The point about most of them is that they DO have the money to pay you however they choose NOT to.
Reco if you what to be their night in shinning armour then by all means pack your bags and head for the emerald city - unless that is they already know you!:rolleyes:

27th Feb 2009, 12:08
Sure they already know me and that is why they do not want me to work for them.I was working for their sister company.
I applied to them and also contacted me not long time ago, but I am too expensive for them.

27th Feb 2009, 15:59
I somehow don't see the repo man making it out of the terminal in L'shi alive, let alone getting anywhere near the ITAB ramp. Seriously - you couldn't pay me enough to repo that airplane in the Congo.

The ITAB/Air Katanga guys have deep connections in L'shi. Once they got that airplane to DRC, whomever leased it to them lost all leverage as that airplane ain't leavin' the country until its broken down into beer cans. Wouldn't be surprised if they renegotiated the lease down to about 500 Congolese francs a year..... ;-), because that country is the Wild West and laws just don't apply, especially when that Saab is only doing domestic hops.

If you don't believe me, just use the search function and read about the B707 9Q-CLK, a Congolese airplane which got repo'd in Lanseria about a year and a half ago. Congolese pilots came down and flew it out of there even though the aircraft was not airworthy and the gear wouldn't come up. Congolese people don't mess around, especially when the repo man shows up on their own turf.....


27th Feb 2009, 16:43
Any chance for some reason on this thread.....is services air any good? would like to know, thinking of joining there; not much else out there at the moment; if somebody knows....please post; not you riccccccccardo.....please!!!!!

28th Feb 2009, 04:34
Knowing the situation in Lum I have to say that Jtrain is right.
Even if I do believe that there is always a way to repo an aircraft even from there.

28th Feb 2009, 09:56
So how many hours did you get? Is timebuilding a reason for people going to DRC?

28th Feb 2009, 16:37
A lot of Yanks heading overseas because the industry has tanked in America.

To efatnas: Please heed the wisdom of Mobutu, who posted these words of wisdom earlier in the thread:

Here is my advice to flying in the DRC - if it is contract flying paid by a company outside of DRC then fine but don't complain about ATC, runways, living conditions, security etc..... because your main reason for being there is the MONEY!
If you want to work for a local company there then like Mel Gibson said in Air America you have to be "Flying for a Cause" - either you want to save the world or you don't give a http://static.pprune.org/images/smilies/censored.gif about it! And that's the truth.
Money, accomodation, safety standards, overloading - are not relevent because like the hijackers in 911 you either believe what your doing or don't give a rats arse!http://static.pprune.org/images/smilies/evil.gif

Keep in mind both ITAB/Air Katanga & Service Air (B727) are run by locals. You CAN NOT win against them. They will make fancy promises about the money they'll pay you, your living conditions, etc, and NOT follow thru on them. This is DRC, where corruption and b.s. is an art form. Anyone naive enough to sign up is ASKING for trouble.

'Nuf said.

Siguarda al fine
28th Feb 2009, 16:54
Retarddo the short version of Lubumbashi is L'ushi not Lum.

1st Mar 2009, 05:15
Thank you Bongo Bongo for being so precise , but when you choose an Italian word such "Si guarda al fine"make sure the meaning of it.
Ps another end do not use caps lock in order to impose your no sense incoherent ideas

1st Mar 2009, 06:30
And in your mind, what does it mean R.V.??

Jet Cockpit
1st Mar 2009, 12:18
anyone plz have a number I can contact these guys on regarding employment?
I know this this sounds stupid but I desperately need a job.

1st Mar 2009, 18:23
Hi Riccardo.

The way you write makes me very turned on. I like you and your opinions. I think I love you actually. Will you marry me? I also like to make the flight in the plane so we can do that together it is nice there.


1st Mar 2009, 19:43
Kleitnjie, are you the notorios Kleintjie Mabadasjhiima from Kisnagani, the sexiest ex-air hostess from LAC, designated to only service the cockpit?

Riccardo you cant miss this opportunity :ok:

1st Mar 2009, 20:50
come on guys, dont stop here, im almost falling off my chair............need some gloves?

1st Mar 2009, 21:44

Well it is no surprise Jtrain that not even the courts in South Africa can touch this one......it belongs to the family of the President of DRC....former President Laurent Kabila's personal Limo, paid for by the father of the Nation Nelson Mandela in the first place.......does South Africa want a repeat of the bad old days when they had to fly around Africa instead of over it.....as usual the South African's were in way over their head AGAIN and lost!:ouch::ouch:

2nd Mar 2009, 07:17
Thanks for that laugh Mobuto...

Africa as a continent, has, and always will be - the loser.

2nd Mar 2009, 09:18

I was just thinking about your original post..........

"a dark hole (let's call it appartment...) in a terrible area of Lubumbashi, with most of the days without electricity and water. " - During the Rwandan seige of Kinshasa in 98 we spent almost a month without power and water - sometimes in Kin 3-6 months no power in certain areas..:{

"overloads and with many items under the MEL (Minimum Equipment List). " - getting airborne 100m after the end of the runway in Goma with landing flaps and 15 degrees pitch up - a little heavy I guess......:oh:

"the same places virtually with no runway were they landed a LET." - we have all heard of Walikale landing on a curve in the road between Goma and Kisangani....how about less than 1m wing tip clearance landing on slippery, short grass and dirt "Tracks" linned with 30ft trees on all four sides.....:rolleyes:

"They owe me today two months salary." - That's amazing for Congo - ONLY 2 months - how did you do that? - Minimum 6 months for most companies here - insurance policy so you are not tempted to leave......:ugh:

"there's nothing you can do, especially in those corrupt countries like Congo" - Well said...you have to be prepared for anything....I've been shot at, held hostage, imprisioned, robbed, hi-jacked, crash landed and still I stay.....:sad:

Anyone want a job in the Congo????????:eek:

2nd Mar 2009, 13:39
the congo sounds a lot like detroit in the early 90s.....been shot at, held hostage, robbed and stiffed......never hyjacked though......anyway my story fitts in the congo....guess i could still go to dubai, have tons of heavy jet pic, i would bore myself to death though....sorry for the punctuation this keyboard sucks and thanks for the heads up.....i have to go to a place where i can forget something or else.....have fun flying everyone

Siguarda al fine
2nd Mar 2009, 22:47
Rettardo sorry for the typo with my name it should of course read Si Guard Al fine I tried to chnage it but it was not possible.

2nd Mar 2009, 23:54

where do i sign up? (seriously)

sounds interesting. boredom is my enemy.

3rd Mar 2009, 01:36
This thread has had some good discussion but has on occassion degenerated into some name calling disrespectful lingo. But hey, I will not throw rocks in a glass house.
However one thing that I would love to see is everyone in here jam packed in a small smoke filled bar and going at it.:ouch: That ought to be a sight to remember. How many here would have the "big ones" to say to someones face what they type in the anonymity of the internet?:rolleyes:

3rd Mar 2009, 01:46
Oh the Congo would be no good for me then, with 6 month salary arrears.

I cut and run after one month, any more, you are in too deep.

Siguarda al fine
3rd Mar 2009, 18:16
Im for a meeting were? when?

4th Mar 2009, 06:09
Saw the SAAB 340 yesterday doing its normal runs for ITAB....it definitely has not been repo'd!!!

Siguarda al fine
4th Mar 2009, 08:34
The first month you are not paid it is the bossīs fault, the second month it is totaly your fault.

4th Mar 2009, 16:32
As Jet C. I would like to know if some Congolese airline are hiring pilot.

I was in 2007 in that country "thanks" to Bravo and really I don't mind to go again, I need a job, I need money for my family, all you can say me sadomachosit but my situation is very bad. :ugh:

Mobutu, I know your country, all that you say is true, but also is true that If once visit Africa you fall in love of Africa je je je je.

7th Mar 2009, 10:30
Do you guys happen to know anything about "horus investments pvt ltd", based in namibia?? They claim to have aircrafts flying around africa and are looking for pilots! The chairman is ancor gledenhuys.....:}

8th Mar 2009, 14:04
Run! Run as fast as you can. And DON'T give them any money -- or details about yourself!

See this link: A warning - the fake loan offer scam. (http://www.data-wales.co.uk/ni_fake_loans.htm)

(You may even want to forward the info you have to those scam searchers in the UK.)


9th Mar 2009, 03:12
mobotu, does your company accept 500 hours TT? seriously man. il be in rwanda on the 18th of april.

9th Mar 2009, 10:20
:mad::mad: thank you but later lol I just asked that man:eek: