View Full Version : Cabin Crew Tax

7th Feb 2009, 13:42
Hi, Does anyone know what cabin crew can claim for as an allowance against their tax. Can they claim anything if they have to buy uniform, handbag and crew bag?

Any help gratefully received.


8th Feb 2009, 12:26
I am just trying to claim a so-called flat rate allowance for laundering uniform, called my tax office (nr on payslip) and was told how to do it. It should be £60/year, you can claim it 6 years back, but your airline might have a different agrrement, the amount might be more, check with payroll.

I have still not heard back though, that's the only reason Im not spreading the news on here yet.

dutch flyer
11th Feb 2009, 09:17
here in Germany I claim:
-my Uniform
-cleaning of my uniform
-1 p. of shoes (lifespan is much shorter )(f.colleages also thights)
-costs for 2nd creditcard
-transporation to AP
-costs made during training (this incl. time without income)
-languge course

Off course I have German courtrulings for these claims, but you can try where ever you are. Important is that you can make them plousable and convinced when you talk with these tax-guys. Good-luck