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View Full Version : Have you been ripped off by Avionco?

7th Feb 2009, 13:29
This may help.

Lawrence Ator, LLB, P.Eng.

T 403 298 3148 / F 403 265 7219 / E http://www.pprune.org/?emailimage=1ccc9712197d495509d01cf330856de1
4500 Bankers Hall East / 855 - 2nd Street S.W. / Calgary, Alberta T2P 4K7

His firm has had success with the Avionco Crooks in the past.

Good Luck

28th Apr 2009, 23:05
The Dodd's are criminals.......

19th Jun 2009, 17:12
It’s been rather quiet the last few months in the forums regarding Avionco, but in my little corner of the world things have been quite busy with them, so it’s about time for an update.

I have contracted with the attorney that Bandagg recommended to get my money out of Avionco, and things are working their way slowly through the judicial system. I’ll let you know how it turns out.

This of course this has infuriated Avionco and they have retaliated by accusing me of certain untrue things. These allegations were all aimed at robbing me of my current direct overseas job. Back in February, an employee of Avionco (a punk kid looser that can’t keep his airplane on the runway; refer to the captain of the Pinnacle crash in Travers City Michigan a few years back.) choose to stick his nose in my business with Avionco.

ANOTHER BAD MOVE BY THIS IDIOT! Anyway, he has worked closely with the Dodd’s’ in search of my destruction and together, they were involved in some corrupt dealings with some of the PAST company officials here. It seems their little gig went kaput. HA HA

I have now been accused by this, “embarrassment to the American people” that I have turned in his flying history to the foreign aviation officials here! HA! I wish I did! What a wonderful thing that the government here found out the TRUTH of his piloting career. It is plainly written in their regs that a TRI cannot have an accident history for the last ten years. It seems his job is the one in jeopardy now, and all by his own hand. It just goes to show that sometimes there is justice after all.

As you can see, this whole affair is like a soap opera. I have given you the abbreviated facts so that you will know what kind of people Avionco are. Hopefully, I’ll get my money soon too. If you already work for these crooks, I would not recommend confronting them openly if you have any problems. They have a mean and vengeful personality under their smiling Canadian faces.