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6th Feb 2009, 12:19
Scam Scam Scam do NOT part with your money:*:*

6th Feb 2009, 14:57
See more on this company here:


and here:


Thomas Weni
12th Mar 2009, 17:05
Oh my god it is true...we are losing our jobs because a scumbag like you is posting something like this!!!:ok:
Wonderfull...I do not care what you say. I worked for ARC until a few weeks ago. Guess what...I like so many others have lost our job. I did not work for Aviators Trading but they are a part of ARC and are currently battling to keep paying their employees. Oh by the way...I guess you never were thinking of that when you posted...I was with Marketing of ARC but you should have come to Headquarters instead of posting. I hope you get really sick man. :*...I do not know your case but we had more than 37 airlines which we did consult and assist in building up. Now that times have become difficult, they can not afford the ARC service anymore. Some did not even pay their bills. And what are you crying for? Go to your mom if you can not take it.

Susan R.
12th Mar 2009, 21:15
Who are you "dump me"? Thomy, nice to see you still active. Eventhou the company should have held you!!!! Lets hope that things will get better. Jobs everywhere? Mr. "dump me" seems to know it better than anyone else.
Well look Mr. "dump me" no one here is crying and saying pilots are all bull****. But do you know that 92 people lost their job at ARC in the past few weeks?

Did you know that our success lies above 69 % in placements?
Did you know that ARC had 37 airlines which used the consulting service frequently?
Did you know that airlines can do what they want with Pilots after employing them?
Did you know that ARC has been in this business for so long?
Did you know that Pilots from everywhere around the world incl. SA have been working because of ARC?
Did you know that ARC has saved several airlines in the average more than 7 % on operative costs?
Did you know that ARC has about 20 companies affiliated with its structure?
Did you know that Direct Aviation has been announcing positions they do not even have contracts for ?
Did you know that ARC was not far away from having a setup for a national carrier in Africa?
Did you know that aviation is not allways...oh there are a lot of jobs in the internet, I will get one?
Did you know that est. 84.000 people wishing to fly are on the employment market?
Did you know that the forecast for the next 2 years is more than bad with about 18.000 pilots leaving employment due to bad figures of the airlines?
Did you know that open positions are mostly targeting professional piolts, with much experience...which I would say you do not have?!
Did you know that Aviators Trading ARC is the strongest german company in the african aviation market with crew supply and consulting?
Did you know that after you are employed with a operator the service of Aviators Trading terminates?
Did you know that most operators keep you for the probationary period and then let you go back to where you came from?
Did you know that Aviators Trading has been spending money to secure positions for Pilots?
Did you know that Aviators Trading had two offices until shortly?
Did you know that Aviators Trading had to rescue Pilots out of areas where civil war came up, eventhou it was not the duty of the company to do so?
Did you know that Aviators Trading has spent thousands of dollars to keep pilots has helped more than 700 pilots in the past year to get employed? Ask Parc Aviation, how many did they get employed?
Did you know that the ARC Group is only trying to grow its only airline to secure the employment for pilots and provide them with line training?
Did you know that ARC partners are not smal fish as I think you are?
Did you know that ARC has internal training for all employees regarding their skills?
Did you know that ARC has tried to help alitalia Pilots and that it was not their mistake that it did not come to that?
Did you know that ARC has been handling and consulting airlines which did send their pilots into unemployment?
Did you know that ARC is the only company that gives pilots a chance to decide about the career and everything related to it?
Did you know that ARC has been able to consult airlines gain more growth?
Did you know that ARC was intending to open a office in Japan?
Did you know that ARC was intending to open a office in New York?
Did you know that ARC was able to expand over the last year so dramatically that new business sections came from no where into somewhere...not because ARC wanted them but at least 51 % of clients suggested new business fields?
Did you know that developments with airlines (big players) were foreseen by ARC by more than 90 %?

So you Mr. "Dump me"...I hope I did as you requested and "dumped you".:hmm:

I am still with the company but I have seen people cry in the last few days. So stay on your level and keep away from the professionals which are doing their job in helping people!
I do not want to lose my job, only because you here think we are stealing money from people. I have worked way to hard for this to come that far. And by the way...so has Mr. Benz, so has Mr. Schattert, so has Mr. Starcke, so has Mrs. Dammer, so has Mr. Torben, so have all of us.

I personally know the case mentioned above with the 27k. But I will not name names...these 4 Pilots were abandond by a nigerian operator before they could end their training. And as if that was not enough, they did not read the contracts they got where it was clearly stated that Base flight was not included. ... Eventhou, Mr. Benz and two other members of Aviators Trading tried to help them. But economic crisis came and there was nothing Aviators Trading could do anymore....so, trying to prevent other people from doing the same mistake....give me a break you :mad: ! Simply tell them to read the contracts carefully. Take your time. Sit there and ask every question you want to know. Clear all that is not mentioned in the contract ...which is basic...and then look where it takes you from there.
Hell no will I not lose my job because of you and a few others...I will work double as hard to get pilots somewhere...while you sir will be flying a :mad:.


12th Mar 2009, 21:35
500 Euro for an interview??!?!:ugh: How about hotels food and transportation to and from the interview?

Stay away from these :mad: scum bags!

Their other scam is that they have been deported from Nigeria and need your bank details so they can transfer their lottery winnings to you account:ok:.

12th Mar 2009, 22:09
nice battle here from unhappy jobless pilots...so you guys are saying we were not real before we lost our jobs? Go cry to momy?? 500 Euros for the interview????Where did you hear that? Holly s:mad:t!!!

Now the 500 euros do not have to be paid until you are there....and if you do not like it, keep your 500 bucks and go back home. Only as susan said, Aviators TRading is spending money to hold positions open and if you pass and refuse simply because you are from a competitor wishing to spy on the system, then you better pay if you refuse the position held for you.

But I guess its no use getting mad at someone from SA...you guys do not know it better...that is why you guys were stuck in Apartheid until the 90s.

I am as well not in the company anymore... but I am not crying. I am trying to find something new and it does not help if my new employer thinks I have been working for a company that has pulled of pilots. If you do not know, shut up and stay with your mama.

Did you come to Aviators Trading? Have you been to ARC Headquarters? Have you even spoken with someone from ARC...I mean anyone of the 20 companies? What are you? Where did you come from? You do not even know that there are pilots out there spending 120k for the education....
And then you think they are stupid for spending the money???Hey, susan, calm down...do you think this is worth it? Look at this place...I just checked on this place and it is full of recruiters beating each other here....

Do what you can in the difficult times and let my friend just go his way. I got the sms as well, and I must say...when I heard about this site I simply wanted to check...but please any former ARC memners and still ARC members, do not go for these guys here...they simply need a toilet to **** in...and this is the place.

12th Mar 2009, 22:38
Domian, bist du das?
Nein, ehrlich das ist ja mal richtiger mist hier!

Sorry for the german, but my english is bad.
Domo is correct. We should stay of this place. Auch wenn ich jetzt arbeitslos bin...I am employd no more. ARC was good. WAS!!! not is!!! I do not know now.
But at ARC COOP we did never take money from any pilot.

Pilot had chance up to very end to not pay. I know pilots even never paid the money after have a job. Many of them.

Ach jetzt auf deutsch. Wir haben echt viel mit den Piloten mitgemacht. Und komisch, dass hier nicht einer etwas positives schreibt...ach ja, die haben ja alle einen Job und keine Zeit für den Mist hier.

Also aus sympatie für die noch verbleibenden Kollegen bei ARC und Aviators Trading, ARC AOC Div., ARC Consult...etc....

Keep as good as allways.....work hard it will all be ok.

15th Mar 2009, 00:20
Why is it always first time posters that want to praise Aviators Trading??

Obviously a complete scam by a low life, scum bag and pathetic individual!!

Teddy Robinson
15th Mar 2009, 08:12

There appears to be some 'history' .... so .. everyone, draw your own conclusions about the single posters.

I have no personal axe to grind, but having been in the aviation biz for 30 something years, apparently predatory behaviour of this nature is something I dislike intensely... and for the record, every airline that has invited me overseas for an interview has paid my expenses, and in some cases for my time.

To my eye this looks highly dubious.

15th Mar 2009, 09:36
The flurry of posts from newly created nicks is sadly a pretty typical behaviour for recruiting agencies or similar stuff (DLR test prep schools too) in germany. We had and sometime still have the same problem on www.Pilots.de (http://www.pilots.de) when it comes to topics like that, same for other dodgy aviation companies.

However paying upfront for a typerating without a written contract with a guaranteed job is somewhat stupid, hope not many step in to that particular trap.

22nd Oct 2013, 11:35
This site makes clear that Mr. Benz is a fraudster.

Program Description (http://www.pcjassociation.net)