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View Full Version : Interim Procedure for ATPL(H) restored

Alex Whittingham
5th Feb 2009, 09:31
The CAA have restored the interim procedure for helicopter ATPL theory following complaints that they neither consulted with industry nor gave enough notice when it was withdrawn at the end of November.

This procedure allows helicopter pilots to study the fixed wing subjects at ATPL except for Performance and Principles of Flight. It is particularly useful for pilots who wish to gain both fixed wing and rotary licenses because you only need to do the ATPL(A) exams and P of F(H) for a double credit.

When the procedure was removed in November the CAA immediately stopped pilots applying credits from the procedure. Pilots who had completed the ATPL(A) and only needed Principles of Flight (H) to claim both sets of theory were told that they couldn't, that they had to do all the ATPL(H) exams from scratch.

If this is you, you can now once more claim your credits under the interim procedure, sit P of F(H) and get both licenses issued. Do it quickly, though, because this window will eventually be closed, and we have no idea when. It will certainly remain open until the end of April 09.