View Full Version : Only Muslims?

22nd Sep 2001, 19:41
I think not.
The first terrorism aimed at civilian flights as I recall was by the Greek-Cypriot terrorists who planted a bomb in an aircraft about to take off with 80 women and children in 1957. Fortunately they got the fuse wrong and it blew up 5 minutes before take-off. Subsequently the same 'heroes' were successfull in blowing up a comet in mid-air in the 1960's killing all.
It is also interesting that these people laundered the bulk of Milosivic's millions,
and in all probability (as alleged by an exCIA boss and NATO Gen Clarke) that Cyprus is one of the financial centes for Bin Laden.
So money and terrorism crosses all religious borders. Are the lauderers and their greed not equally to blame as those who pull the trigger?

26th Sep 2001, 09:09
You must be Muslim or Croat?

26th Sep 2001, 12:39
Sorry to disappoint you I am Presbyterian