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View Full Version : Ryanair Pay Cut ?

2nd Feb 2009, 21:02
Can anyone confirm if there is to be a pay cut in RYR in all bases ?
It is being talked about , in the current EU / global economic downturn .
I have been hearing cuts of up to 20% .

2nd Feb 2009, 21:15
any chance or comfirming where you heard this from first???

is this RYR contracts I guess?? any mention of brookfield??? is it Just basic, or basic and sector cuts??

2nd Feb 2009, 21:18
when u say being talked about....what do you actually mean?
People exaggerating in the crew room or official memos as im yet to hear about it as are the other FR pilots i know....

2nd Feb 2009, 21:42
Did'nt hear it in the crew room , have heard it said over the last week jumpseating from different crews from different bases .
The first of which was ex STN .
I have'nt seen any memos either .
I would have ignored the rumour , only that , at this stage , there have been
quite a number of crews saying it .
I was posting this thread to see if anyone could shed some light .

2nd Feb 2009, 22:02
This is all pure speculation and guesswork at the moment.
Later this month there are to be meetings with management, pay and conditions will be discussed but no details have been released yet.
I'm sure after the first meeting it will be leaked here but until then it's just anybody's guess what will happen.

3rd Feb 2009, 16:18
Would RYR guys be willing to take the cut?

Take example after the U.S. You won't see a dime of it back when things get good.

3rd Feb 2009, 16:40
"Would RYR guys be willing to take the cut?"

I don't think willing enters into it. If there's a pay cut they will take it and like it or else.

The Real Slim Shady
3rd Feb 2009, 18:09
It's relative.

If the pain is spread around then everyone in the company should expect a pay cut: those on the highest salaries should lead the way and take a larger paycut than the shop floor.

The individual responsible for signing off the hedging agreement should suffer the bulk of the cut.

The pilots should be paid bonuses for saving the company fuel.

The office staff for saving the company electricity, just as the cabin crew receive commission for sales.

I like planes & stuf
3rd Feb 2009, 19:07
The pilots should be paid bonuses for saving the company fuel.

Where do you draw the line between a prudent go-around and the skipper looking for a slightly newer Beemer?

3rd Feb 2009, 20:03
If a company is on its knees and a pay cut would be part of a rescue package , then a temporary pay cut would be resonable to protect everyones jobs.

When Micko has 2 bil in the bank and still looking to make a profit this year, then any sort of pay cut would be totally unacceptable.

Cloud Bunny
3rd Feb 2009, 22:20
Totally agreed! Mick in his bit to the Press stated (and its on the website) that we will still make a profit this year. The memo that has been sent around refers to the 4 year agreement (for the bases that signed upto it), not to our basic Contracts of employment. Any pay cut would come in the form of cutting allowances. If the company was on its knees then this would be a logical step to take, however for a company that is cash rich and remains on course to make a Profit during some of the worst trading times the industry has seen this is totally unacceptable and not justified. A pay freeze, yeah maybe I might go along with that if it was proved beyond doubt that it would enable the company to remain profitable and safeguard jobs, but this just sucks if it proves to be the case. Why the guy is so hell bent on p"*sing off the very people that keep the aeroplanes in the air and enable him to turn a profit is beyond me. We, not just the Pilots, but every member of staff who works their butts off to make this company turn a profit overall, should be congratulated and encouraged to keep up the hard work - not punished. I actually like FR as a place to work, good crews, good banter, fantastic aeroplanes and some really interesting flying that keeps the skills sharp and at the moment reasonable pay, but when we get things like this through it just feels like we're all being used so the top brass can line their pockets and as soon as they have enough we'll all be taken outside and shot! :bored: I just hope as a group we can make enough noise at these meetings to push the point through that this is grossly unjustified and wont be tolerated.:* Rant over.

4th Feb 2009, 02:55
All I know is that if cuts on pilot pay are supposed to SAVE an entire airline from failing... then that airline has much bigger problems then pilot pay. RYR doesnt seem to be in THAT bad of shape.

Remember that every inch you give, will be 10x as hard to get back.. if even possible. Like I said before... just look at the U.S, and how much guys here sacrificed, only to get shafted and see nothing back.

T&Cs/pay are deteriorating around the world, non-stop, at an alarming rate. Keep all this in mind when negotiating and getting promises from your company.

4th Feb 2009, 17:16
They will call that bluff in a heartbeat BALLSOUT. Consider the current market. Consider that the bad times are just starting. Consider that they have cadets lining up around the block with a credit card in their hand. Ryanair have pushed their pilots for years and will continue to do so. With such a divided workforce and each man looking out for no. 1 rebellion seems unlikely, especially at a time like this.

6th Feb 2009, 09:54
Think this has to do with the paydeal that was agreed a while back - one of the conditions of the paydeal was that if the company posts two consecutive quartely results that show a loss it can be re-examined as a condition of that deal.

What you hear will be mostly speculation - the first thing you realise when you join Ryanair is to stop worrying about stuff you read on Pprune! :ok:


6th Feb 2009, 10:09

I don't think there are quite as many cadets with the available funds as you imagine.

Remember it is virtually impossible to borrow money at the minute, especially to become a pilot.

Don't believe the hype from the Pikey Spiv Scheister. He is a £@$&, who will take the food from your children's mouths and the shirt off your back in order to keep selling his soul to the Devil.

6th Feb 2009, 10:35
Might this thread not be better on Rumours, for that is all it seems, and the more this continues the more creedance it will assume. I remember an entertaining film about a US president who was campaigning for re-election. He needed something spicy to show leadership. Out came the spin doctor Robert de Niro. The president announced there was no truth in the rumour XYZ and if there was then he would deal with it. The rumour was dressed up and kept alive by press leaks. Statements were issued and a fall-guy (Willy Nelson) was wheeled out as a returning hero saved from....... The president won and there was no truth in any of it. A pure con.
So, before this thread explodes out of all proportion and assumes a modicum of truth, please take a long deep breath. Who knows, you may have given MOL an idea and opened the door of possibility. When it happens no one will be surprised and all resistance will be damp and muted.

6th Feb 2009, 11:42
sorry Rat5 and Horgy but it aint rumours.

These paycut road shows have been scheduled at a some bases already and NOT just those who joined up for the last deal with the 2 quaters of losses (and we can really shaft you) clause!

Once you join Ryanair you realise thast most of the things you read on pprune are in fact true!!!

6th Feb 2009, 16:19
Horgy you will wake up one day

6th Feb 2009, 17:39
Yep, I know of 2 bases which are having a road show in the next 2 weeks...FACT.

6th Feb 2009, 18:30
Roadshows start on Monday, we will soon know the story!

Capt Ted Crilly
6th Feb 2009, 21:01
should be renamed the MUPPET show if you guys get a paycut,as fr are still on course to make 85mil profit this year!!!!!


Cloud Bunny
6th Feb 2009, 23:09
Todays memo??? Where you based SNAM? Not had anything on my Crewdock.

9th Feb 2009, 15:26
I disagree. 99% of what I read on Pprune regarding Ryanair is pure ****e.

I'm at STN and i've seen no talk of roadshows. I'm not here to tow the company line just sort fact from fiction, so if you kind chaps are better informed, perhaps you could let me know where your based, and what the memo said (in PM if appropriate) because i've seen nothing to confirm what is at this stage, still a rumour in my mind.

Oh, and thanks for your input readingfc.


9th Feb 2009, 15:48
Indeed, I am BRK, but I have a large number of friends at STN on Ryanair contracts and the ones I've spoken to haven't heard of such a cut.

I'll be out on a traditional Stortford monday nite out this evening though, so i'll ask again then.

I'm not shouting people down or writing people off straight away, but with so much pants on here about Ryanair, until I see proof i'm very rarely going to take Pprune as gospel.


9th Feb 2009, 15:49
I'm BRK and got the memo for my base.

9th Feb 2009, 16:24
Take the Blue and yellow specs off for once Horgy, smaller bases got the memo.

Cloud Bunny
10th Feb 2009, 15:22
So whats going on then? Meetings supposed to have taken place yesterday at some bases, no? Heard every rumour going now..."lose all allowances, halving of allowances, reverting to 5/3, reduction in A/L entitlement etc etc" Does anyone know what has been proposed? :confused:

Horgy: Everyone based at STN (i assume only those on FR Contracts) got a memo on Crewdock about meetings to review the 4 year deal last week.

10th Feb 2009, 15:31
If you work for Ryanair you can read a little more on Repaweb, if you registered.

If not, well you can't be THAT interested anyhow. :hmm:

Cloud Bunny
10th Feb 2009, 15:44
Yeah, but is it 100% fact as taken from meetings that have already taken place?

11th Feb 2009, 08:57
Some bases are being offered a pay rise. this of course doesn't rule out pay cuts in the future.

11th Feb 2009, 13:01
Cloud Bunny, thanks for clarifying that for me.

SD - You need to change your attitude. I quote from my previous posting

"I'm not shouting people down or writing people off straight away, but with so much pants on here about Ryanair, until I see proof i'm very rarely going to take Pprune as gospel."

As I already stated I was at STN, what good is it you telling me i'm blinkered for not believing it when the memo was sent to a base other than that where I worked? :ugh:


11th Feb 2009, 21:36
STN based BRK contract. Got the memo. It wasn't compulsory reading so you may have missed it!!

Cloud Bunny
11th Feb 2009, 23:00
So can anyone shed some light? Are our Ts and Cs about to be slahed so much I might as well jack it in and go labouring? Suspense is killing me!:ugh::ugh: Meetings have been going on for 3 days now, surely someone must have been?!!

11th Feb 2009, 23:06
I heard 5% pay cut or pay freeze and month off unpaid on the table at East Mids base

Info almost from horses mouth as I was flying during meeting.

12th Feb 2009, 08:59
Perhaps if you were members of REPA - Ryanair European Pilots' Association (http://www.repaweb.org) or Balpa then you may find information a little easier to come by?

12th Feb 2009, 09:04
Possibly, I do have zero interest in BALPA though, I hear more useless storys about them that positive ones!

are they possibly like MI5 where we hear there failures but not there successes? either way for now I would rather keep the membership fees and spend it on sweets.

12th Feb 2009, 09:34
It costs you nothing to join REPA. If you work for Ryanair and want to know what is going on it's about time you joined.

REPA - Ryanair European Pilots' Association (http://www.repaweb.org/)

12th Feb 2009, 11:17
Just heard a report on Radio Five Live that RYR are cutting 200 jobs. Pilots, Cabin crew and Engineers staff. Flights out of DUB also to be reduced.

Also reported here

200 jobs to go at Ryanair (http://www.irishnews.com/break.asp?tbrk=brk&par=brk&catid=5834&subcatid=642&storyid=398659)

Anyone got anymore?