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View Full Version : Firefighter aviation or crupdusting

29th Jan 2009, 17:53
Hi everybody! I'm a spanish guy with experience in agricultural aviation and would like to know if you know any company that needs pilots. thanks.

Hola a todos, soy un chico de españa que ha volado con los airtractors, me gustaría viajar a sur america y probar suerte en la fumigación o en la aviación contra incendios. Si alguien pudiera darme una idea de como está el mercado laboral se lo agradecería.

un abrazo a todos

take care everybody!!

30th Jan 2009, 18:22
Why South America ??
Is it the only place that they do it???

1- Most of the pilots in the Contries that do it are locals, they are not used to expat hiring ..... ..... unless you have their nationality.
2- There is NO Aereal Fire fighting that I know in S.A.
3- The only one that I can think of is the Colombian Goverment, they have to spray half of the Country :}

Keep it Safe.

31st Jan 2009, 05:30
The Colombian government isn't doing the spraying.

Argentina has air tankers.

joe grind
31st Jan 2009, 19:45
Possibly the banana growers, Dole, Fyfe in Honduras.
Colombian gov might not be directly doing the spraying but Colombiano's are doing most of the driving.

1st Feb 2009, 09:17
True joe ...
Is the Colombians that are doing the job, God help them ..
I just would hate a disgruntal farmer with a shutgun after my little C-Tractor loaded with fuel and chemicals ... not a prety picture ..:}

joe grind
1st Feb 2009, 16:09
And the poor farmer, they fly with 4 chopper escorts loaded with big weapons.