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coke drinker
29th Jan 2009, 04:27
Was flying out Wagga Wagga way earlier today and heard an aircraft call Melbourne Centre and ask if she would call their fuel people for them and organise a fuel delivery! We waited with baited breath for some sort of exciting rejection...but disappointment, she agreed readily. So kudos to the Controller, but surely that isn't in their job description!

29th Jan 2009, 04:48
heard a similar one on Essendon Tower a few years back. Aircraft taxiiing in from Mt Hotham, asked tower to call a taxi.

He came back on a minute later and asked, "oh can you make sure it's one that can fit ski's in"

29th Jan 2009, 04:49
Happens often on the night shift with freighters. No problem. Don't tell management though or they'll start insisting we charge for it.
We try to be helpful.

29th Jan 2009, 05:58
I once asked centre to call my family to tell them I would be half an hour later than my planned arrival as they were my sar-time holders. They had no objections, but a taxi might be pushing the friendship a little. :rolleyes: Good idea though :ok:, I've often considered that myself for a quick getaway from the airport, but I usually just make the call myself when on base :\

Howard Hughes
29th Jan 2009, 06:13
We quite often get the reverse! "VH-Hughes, message from your ops centre, they want you to divert to Wagga"...

Bugger, thought we were home and hosed!:*

29th Jan 2009, 07:45
In a maritime environment, Harbour control always organises taxi for the pilot and master if necessary.

29th Jan 2009, 08:09
Flight Service used to do quite a bit of that sort of thing. I think it was even part of their service by the manual (AIP) - back in the days of providing services to aircraft.

Recently I haven't had so much luck find anyone listening to Flghtwatch! And Centre get pretty busy - requests are "by workload". Oh well.

29th Jan 2009, 08:31
In a maritime environment, Harbour control always organises taxi for the pilot and master if necessary.

29th Jan 2009, 08:40
Yes, in the days of Flight Service.... there was a SERVICE !!

Most of the guys would oblige with simple requests etc especially at the out stations where everyone new everyone!


Roger Standby
29th Jan 2009, 09:02
I'd rather make 10 phone calls for pilots to their companies/refuelers/families for every one SARTIME cancellation request because someone can't be bothered switching on their mobile phone or walking into the office and picking up the landline (I acknowledge that most have genuine reasons for doing it over the radio, it's the lazy minority that gets my goat).

29th Jan 2009, 09:08
It's sad Sufish that you have resorted to repeating yourself to get your message across.

29th Jan 2009, 20:16

Atlas Shrugged
29th Jan 2009, 22:26
Once heard a bank runner on flightwatch asking for a pizza to be delivered to YORG late on Friday night!

No guesses as to who that was!!

29th Jan 2009, 23:03
About a month or so ago I heard an exchange that went something like this

Bris Centre: Qantas XXX request

Q XXX: Go ahead

Bris Centre: I believe you are carrying a good friend of mine, do you think you can send out a hello from me and get them a complimentry drink or something?

short pause........

Q XXX: yeh sure go ahead the details.

we couldn't believe what we were hearing, I guess If it was me being asked I would be happy to oblige, ATC have helped me out more times than I can think. :D:D

30th Jan 2009, 02:56
Now with fewer new generation aircraft not being fitted with ADF's, it's getting more and more difficult to get a score update on the cricket and the AFL!! Gota love ATC for their endless abilities :ok:

30th Jan 2009, 03:06
ROH ... I am sure we have no idea what you are talking about :}

31st Jan 2009, 13:21
Probably something like the BN ATIS at origin time last year....

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