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View Full Version : Bristows buying something big?

28th Jan 2009, 17:32
Just heard a rumour that Bristows are buying a large helicopter company. Anyone know anything more?
Someone mentioned Sikorsky but can't believe that.

28th Jan 2009, 17:46
Could be that they bought Norsk Helikopter AS a while ago, to be named Bristow Norway AS ?

28th Jan 2009, 18:00
No, this is something new on the horizon from what I hear. Heard it from a few people now but no idea what truth is in it.

Can't see them buying up another company like Bond or CHC etc but they did buy up that training place in Florida.

28th Jan 2009, 18:54
Not sure but having spoken to a couple of people today, they seem to think something is happening. Guess we'll just sit and watch and wait.

28th Jan 2009, 19:42
Chc Uksar?

28th Jan 2009, 20:29
CHC Scotia??????????

T4 Risen
28th Jan 2009, 20:57
Its got to be them buying Aberdeen Airport......... The fixed wings could all go to Longside, Insch or Whiterashes and we could go back to the good old days when there were more heli departures than fixed wing. No more holding for ages at C3 for a plank at 6 miles or waiting for Nigel to read back his clearance while you are waiting to get yours, life would be simple...just need to bring the rigs in a bit closer so we can get home before lunch and life would be rosey.....

28th Jan 2009, 20:58
Caverton, of course!

Night Watchman
28th Jan 2009, 21:11
Is it Woolworth's? :confused:

Taff Missed
28th Jan 2009, 21:59
Agusta-Westland maybe?

28th Jan 2009, 21:59
MyTarget, so funny you should say that.:E;):eek:

28th Jan 2009, 22:13
Rotorcraft Leasing....and get all their 206's/407's back.

Then the Old Farts at Warri can have yet another place to homestead at and fly until their 80's!

28th Jan 2009, 22:28
It must be Mil.

After all, they are a company that builds very large helicopters.

I'll get me coat........

29th Jan 2009, 02:25
Chc Uksar?


Variable Load
29th Jan 2009, 02:46
BIH - now that would make a lot of sense. They are obviously struggling financially given the recent announcement that the Penzance Heliport will be closed.

This then gives BHL another route into SARH (different financing?). It also gives Bristow the Falkands work again.

Does that mean TJ will be back in the Bristow fold? Interesting ;)

29th Jan 2009, 05:26
Variable Load - I'm with you on that one - I don't think Bristows wanted to leave the SARH process but didn't have much choice as they were teamed up with AW. AW were banjaxed when the 12 base solution was stipulated making the EH101 too expensive - it only made economic sense if the numbers of bases could be reduced along with the numbers of airframes.

I think Bristows themselves would admit they made a huge mistake losing the interim contract and it would seem they are intent on pursuing the big one.

29th Jan 2009, 08:57
I don't think Bristow so much lost the interim contract, rather that it was taken away from them. After 20 odd years with one operator and with SAR-H on the horizon the powers that be wanted to see how another company operated.

29th Jan 2009, 09:06
After 20 odd years with one operator and with SAR-H on the horizon the powers that be wanted to see how another company operated.

Should read "...they badly wanted to see how another company operated"

And they came to the right place. A company hasn't operated this badly since the Viking helmet manufacturer launched their new range of helmets with the horns on the inside!


29th Jan 2009, 13:34
MyTarget, so funny you should say that.http://static.pprune.org/images/smilies/evil.gifhttp://static.pprune.org/images/smilies/wink2.gifhttp://static.pprune.org/images/smilies/eek.gif

Why pray tell!

29th Jan 2009, 15:07
They could be buying a Halo (Mi-26 for the civillians out there) - they are pretty big! :)


30th Jan 2009, 20:55
Severn Aviation, JAA Certification Bristow Academy formerly Helicopter Adventures Inc - Helicopter Flight Training (http://www.heli.com/helicopter-programs/jaa-certification/5-single-engine.php)

31st Jan 2009, 06:31
OMG:uhoh: That means they will be employing the Dark Menace:)

31st Jan 2009, 06:55
That's old news!:rolleyes:

Horror box
31st Jan 2009, 18:03
I guess it is no great secret that First Reserve really don't have any interest in aviation other than its perceived ability to make money. Unfortunately CHC was purchased before the current financial crisis, so I bet First Reserve are starting to feel a bit of pressure. Have a look around at the other companies they own and see how many of them are turning a profit right now. My guess is probably most have seen a reduction in share price and value over the last 12 months. First Reserve modus operandi is purely as an investment company - turning numbers, and make them bigger, then sell. Zero care for the company, its personnel, or anything else , as long as they can make a profit when they sell, it doesn't matter what they do to it.
Some of the CHC contracts are certainly struggling right now, and probably starting to cost for First Reserve. They will have in their business plan / investment plan a financial point at which they will ditch before it goes any lower, and this will mean selling. Where many companies would ride this out, I doubt any sensible investor would compromise their strategy if they were doing their job properly. I fear CHC will feel the effect of this soon, and we will see the demise of the organisation, and the selling off of business units piecemeal. I would definitely not be surprised if Bristow has their eye on this, and are waiting to capitalize, but it will all boil down to price. Will they want to take on the burden? Maybe they are looking to buy parts of CHC maybe not, but I am pretty sure CHC is about to be broken up, so this could be a strong contender.

Vie sans frontieres
31st Jan 2009, 18:50
Do Bristows have bundles of cash in reserve then? Their share price on the NYSE has more than halved since the summer.

31st Jan 2009, 19:02
Welcome to the Stock Market....in case you haven't noticed we are in a slight dip in our economy over here.

Price of oil is less than a third of what it was a year ago...

The market has lost about 30% overall in the past year...

Commercial Credit is in the toilet....

and the near future looks a bit gloomy.

31st Jan 2009, 20:30
Well, they saved enough on the coffee and tea expenses at the Lagos BRC by making the staff pay for each cuppa....they now have the extra funds to invest in acquisitions of new companies.

unstable load
31st Jan 2009, 23:05

Thanks for the thoughts about CHC. At the end of the day we will be nothing more than we currently are to them, a number. The only good point if you can call it that is the fact that whoever takes over will need people to do the work so most/some of us will get to change shirts and move to the new tent as the circus continues to play on.

Special 25
1st Feb 2009, 06:18
I don't know why everyone is so hostile towards First Reserve. They aren't a helicopter company, they have no knowledge of helicopters and their open policy is to strip, lean out, and sell on a more profitable business. Yes, its harsh and I have little time for this asset stripping, profiteering companies, but they make no bones about what they do - They are an investment company, so we can hardly argue about their lack of consideration for staff and helicopter operations.

As to what they'll do now is difficult to say. I guess they will be looking to cut their losses and write off this investment as a disaster - There isn't much positive outlook for the whole industry for the next few years so there is little chance of FR being able to recover much, so they might as well sell off and realize what they can.

As to what Bristow might want .......... I think SAR would make sense. Monopolies and Mergers wouldn't allow Bristow to take on Oil & Gas and I dare say Bristow wouldn't want much of that anyway. UKSAR would give them a slice of business immune from the peaks and troughs of economy and recession, and of course put them back into the running for 2012 SAR Harmonization.

As to my actual guess on this thread, if they are going for something big, my real belief is that its more likely to be British International. Keep Penzance and the Falklands and sell off the Navy contracts which are a bit out of Bristow's comfort zone. Still, whilst there may be investigating potential purchases, it wouldn't surprise me if they just do nothing and batten down the hatches,

Cyclic Hotline
1st Feb 2009, 10:11
First Reserve is solely an energy related company, so there should be little doubt that they fully understand the cycles and challenges of the business.

As for helicopters; well, that remains to be seen. As for employees; well, they are just another resource! :eek:

To this day, the home page of First Reserve Corporation still shows a picture of a Bristow S76 landing on the Anglia A. I think this may reveal much more about the extent of their knowledge of the helicopter industry. ;)

1st Feb 2009, 11:47
As one who is no longer involved in the discussions above, I see an ever repeating story developing. Over the years that I was involved we went through many worrying times. Some developing from a decreasing oil price or a less than committed owner with the rumor network that developed many scenarios of doom and gloom. In the end we had no control, stuff happened and things muddled along, some stayed on and the last in generally left. The bad times got better and it all looked good again.
The one big change is that now the finance houses are the ones with the say. The old way is gone, the changes will happen whatever they involve and when the time is ripe it will be known in the bizarre and give a chance for further discussion.
Until then keep the thread going, its great reading and gives me a chance to catch a few interesting bits of news.


1st Feb 2009, 12:25
Quite right, let the good and bad times roll

1st Feb 2009, 14:53
Bristow have become relatively cash rich by raising money on the NYSE.