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View Full Version : Echo Loading CPL Performance, Fuel SG

28th Jan 2009, 02:01
Hey everyone,

Just looking for a bit of help on something thats been bothering me. I'm about to sit CPL Performance and I'm having trouble with the specific gravity of fuel used for the different loading systems.

The ATC theory book uses a SG of 0.71 for Echo Loading, whereas the Bob Tait book uses a SG of 0.72. Adding to the confusion the Bob Tait supplement uses the 0.71 figure.

Can anyone advise me as to which SG to use for which loading system. ATM I am using 0.71 for all except Bravo which uses 0.72.

Thanks in advance


28th Jan 2009, 03:55
Just as a matter of interest what are the different loading systems?

28th Jun 2009, 05:40
use the one in ERSA conversions .72 last I looked.
I think the issue is with the fuel companies not wanting to be pinned down.
Anyway the answer will be still within the "CLOSEST TO" answer group that Mr CASA requires

28th Jun 2009, 05:42