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View Full Version : BIG news at EVA

Agent Mulder
27th Jan 2009, 22:09
1. Shines had resigned
2. 2 747 freighters to Dessert
3. 2 MD11's to Dessert
4. 30 Pilots from 747 going 777.

Flying Mechanic
28th Jan 2009, 01:46
and hoiw about some big news!

28th Jan 2009, 03:18

28th Jan 2009, 03:47
My dear friends, EVA is not the only company which is sending
freighters to the desert in Taiwan.
CAL is also sending three B744ERF to US for storage.

They are not renewing contracts for pilots and the expatriate's salaries
were reduced around 30%.

So, not BIG news but BAD news in Taiwan.

28th Jan 2009, 04:38
I was just wondering how long the planes can sit in Taiwan unused in 100pct humidity before things start to get bad for them?

Because Far Eastern Air Transport recently went bankrupt and according to my sources their planes are still in Taiwan, including several very serviceable 757s and Md80s. How long can THOSE jets just sit?

Dont the bankruptcy admin people know those planes need to get sold off or put to desert storage in the US?

28th Jan 2009, 04:39
My dear friends, EVA is not the only company which is sending
freighters to the desert in Taiwan."

I've never seen the desert in Taiwan....where is it located?

28th Jan 2009, 04:56
I feel that this thread has become a trifle silly. What you're talking about is "pie in the sky".

28th Jan 2009, 05:39
yep ...dontcha just love a meat pie at fl 410 ? bliss

28th Jan 2009, 11:17
Last time I checked CAL was a former union company called Continental Airlines. They are parking jets in the Taiwan desert?

28th Jan 2009, 11:33
I guess the CAL referred to is China Air Lines

28th Jan 2009, 11:54
so...30 744 guys to 773, what bout the MD guys, are they getting sent home?
when is this all going to happen?

Flying Mechanic
30th Jan 2009, 04:12
i hear its only one MD11 to the Desert, and MD11 flying should be picking up.
Who will replace Shine? Ted would be a good candidate!

30th Jan 2009, 05:18
Would that by Shy Ted?

Flying Mechanic
31st Jan 2009, 09:13
its 3 747 to the desert, some Cadets going on MD11 to gt the MD11 pilots numbers asn they r expecting more flying for Md's in the next few months.

31st Jan 2009, 10:06
good luck to all involved in cargo, you are gonna need it...from what ive been reading all roads lead to further downturn in cargo.

Gaius Westman
31st Jan 2009, 12:18
When is there going to be some good news in our industry?

Flying Mechanic
1st Feb 2009, 05:34
in 2 years time when the world might be out of this mess!

Agent Mulder
6th Feb 2009, 05:42
2 years ago there were over 300 expats....now its 160! the writing is on the lovely green wall......even shine has seen the light!

6th Feb 2009, 08:08
But at least Eva is not retrenching people, so whoever is in is safe at least for now, by the way where is Shine going??? SAL????

6th Feb 2009, 14:18
by the way where is Shine going??? SAL????
Nowhere... Which Shine are you guys referring to. The janitor Shine???
I see there is a Shine walking around on the 9th. Alive and well

8th Feb 2009, 06:44
i hear some guys regularly fly more than others, anyone have any inside info on that? :ugh::ugh::ugh::=

Flying Mechanic
9th Feb 2009, 08:08
yep its the luck of the fleet 777 guys do 90 hours, and have alot of time off, 330 guys, do 70 hours and will fly 15-20 days a month, 747 guys, used to fly alot , with cargo down turn , there hours are coming down.....and MD11 guys, dont do too much flying.Some 747's cargo will head to the desert. Uni Air the regional arm of Eva is doing well and making money!