View Full Version : "Gateway" in an application form

26th Jan 2009, 16:39
Could anybody tell me what "gateway" means in an application form?

Thanks in advance

26th Jan 2009, 17:03
If you are applying to be a FO, i believe it means you have to write down in which base you want to be assigned to (Lets say London Stanted for example).

I might be wrong on this one, so others feel free to correct me if I am.

Take care

26th Jan 2009, 17:04
Very likely to indicate nearest main airport (for your travel).
If you are Las Palmas, LPA, but if "they dont go there", indicate MAD...
Happy contrails

26th Jan 2009, 17:14
If it is relation to a NetJets Europe or US application then go to the relevant NetJets website and select from their options.

NetJets don't operate out of bases like airlines do, but they use a selection of reasonably busy international airports* to fly you to the aircraft.

*some exceptions....

26th Jan 2009, 19:40
OK, I got it. I didn't see the Gateway map in NetJets Europe website (it seems I had a problem with my connection).

Thanks a lot to all of you.
