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View Full Version : Guardsman Attacks P** Taking Tourist in London Today

Roger Sofarover
23rd Jan 2009, 18:27
How funny is this. The Guardsman should have ripped his throat out.:D:D

YouTube - [NEW] Queens Guard Attacks Tourist In London-23rd January 2009 (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xDPK1kPWj1E)

The more I watch it the more I feel that the girl holding the camera should have got a slap as well.

23rd Jan 2009, 18:39
Don't blame the Guardsman one bit.Pity a member of the public didn't belt the lad and save the soldier the carpeting.

N Joe
23rd Jan 2009, 18:49
Hopefully, his CO will just go through the motions when delivering the bollocking and his SNCO will then buy him a beer!

Does such common sense exist in the Army?

N Joe

23rd Jan 2009, 19:18
Reminds me of my somewhat dubious moment of glory leading a 4 flight parade through Ipswich some years ago on the occasion of the Freedom parade. After marching past the dais, with a copper on a motorbike keeping the way clear ahead, some tosseur on a pushbike decided to make some sort of 'peace protest' by riding across my bows holding up a 'peace salute'....

"F*ck off right now, or this sword goes right up your ar$e", quoth I, somewhat sutto voce.

"And I won't see anything", said the copper.

So f*ck off he did!

Free beer in the RAFA afterwards as a result....:ok:

23rd Jan 2009, 19:32
Whats the betting this lad got back from the Stan recently having witnessed god knos what death and destruction...

To then come home to have the pi$$ taken out of you by some disrespectful chav scrote...

The only regret I have is he didnt stick the little tw@at followed by a mag of 5.56

23rd Jan 2009, 22:04
Well done, that man! Let's hope his CO will treat it like we all know Harry's CO will his error.

Since 1997 our wonderful government has every four days (on average) enacted a law under which you can be imprisoned. Whatever happened to the one where p*ss-taking chavs like that one can be locked up for disrespecting the Armed Services? It might also straighten out one or two in Peterborough.

23rd Jan 2009, 22:21
Fingers crossed nothing happens to him BUT if something does we should start a campain to get the guy out the glasshouse or chip in for his fine !

23rd Jan 2009, 22:30
Disgusting little chavs. Try extracting the Michael in 'SOME' countries and see the result!

23rd Jan 2009, 22:37
I think I recall reading that the p$sstaker (p@sstaker) was a Columbian tourist.So maybe not a chav-just a thick tourist with no manners.

24th Jan 2009, 01:13
Guardsman, I salute you!

Double Zero
24th Jan 2009, 01:55
Something about this screams ' fake set-up ' to me;

on the other hand, if it is genuine, I agree the guardsman deserves a pretend rollocking then beers all round.

I'm sure any fine could be covered by a whip-round, hopefully sense will prevail but knowing how officialdom treats real people...

24th Jan 2009, 03:25
It is in the region of St James's Palace, possibly outside Clarence House?
The Colombian tourist is also quoted as being an undergraduate at Oxford!

I've little doubt the Guardsman will be disciplined, possibly get an extra guard or two.

24th Jan 2009, 04:00
Reminds me of my somewhat dubious moment of glory leading a 4 flight parade through Ipswich some years ago on the occasion of the Freedom parade. After marching past the dais, with a copper on a motorbike keeping the way clear ahead, some tosseur on a pushbike decided to make some sort of 'peace protest' by riding across my bows holding up a 'peace salute'....

"F*ck off right now, or this sword goes right up your ar$e", quoth I, somewhat sutto voce.

"And I won't see anything", said the copper.

So f*ck off he did!

Free beer in the RAFA afterwards as a result....

Just as a matter of interest. does anyone else think like me that these peace protestors protest in the wrong place? When I worked at Faslavatory it always amazed me that the peace campers would deliberately try and impede daily business in whatever way they could. knowing that (a) the politicians weren't there to see it and therefore would make phuq all difference and (b) if they really cared for the environment then why go trying to break into place where they could conceivably do some real damage to it. I think they would make more of a statement by camping outside No 10.

I have no problem with people who are sinceire in their beliefs - Like Bill_Hicks_rules for example on the Future Carrier Thread. I would never even consider trying to argue with the chaps opinion but why not take it to a more appropriate forum, or even petition number 10?

Please exuse the Mong spelling - its bee a long day

24th Jan 2009, 04:15
Posts #2 and #5 I totally agree.
Seeing that vid and the disrespect shown to a member of the armed forces really makes my blood boil. I wish I was there to sort the little sh!t out.

24th Jan 2009, 08:00
If this is genuine, then I'm afraid I think the Guardsman was wrong. Of course I understand his frustrations but it's still wrong. What he did undermines our armed forces.

Being provoked is something military people are trained to deal with aren't they? You're supposed to follow orders and not be deviated by idiots like that student. If you didn't the whole military ethos would collapse.

Furthermore, now this is in the public domain, surely only more idiots, and I include some media elements here, are likely to make additional attempts to undermine our services.

Al R
24th Jan 2009, 08:09
I agree with everything that Hipper has said.

fade to grey
24th Jan 2009, 08:32
I bloody don't...
every one has their limit and he was pushed too far.About time we regained some respect in this country - by bayonet if necessary.

5 Forward 6 Back
24th Jan 2009, 08:40
I think it's a shame that he got to the end of his tether. A much more pleasant outcome would have been if a member of the public (or an out-of-uniform member of the forces?) walked up to the idiot and smacked him instead.

Al R
24th Jan 2009, 08:57
Fadi to..: every one has their limit and he was pushed too far.About time we regained some respect in this country - by bayonet if necessary.

Are you saying that men we commit to Helmund can snap when some runt takes the piss?

Agreed with the other comment though - as a passing civvy, it would have been a simple process to quickly and efficiently dislocate his patella. It would also be fun to hear that annoying whine on YouTube turn to a shriek as he tried to march up and down pulling one helpless leg behind him.

Pontius Navigator
24th Jan 2009, 09:12
The guardsman was one of a pair guarding a gate.

He marches up and down to relieve the tension of standing still.

As he turned about he noticed that the potential intruder was between him and the gate he was guarding. He showed considerable restraint in using a free hand rather than rifle butt or bayonnet in preventing the person from intruding into the place he was detailed to guard.

I submit, your honour, that the guardsman was merely executing his duty, with remarkable constraint, as ordered. There is, therefore, no case to answer.


Al R
24th Jan 2009, 09:27
I would submit that if assaulting someone is the byproduct of relieving tension, then the aim of marching up and down clearly isn't working and needs to be reconsidered. And we don't want that, do we?

Al R
24th Jan 2009, 09:50
I wouldn't dissagree with that in the slightest and I'm pretty certain it'd be a valid and justifiable defence. But it opens up a whole new can of worms doesn't it? HM Queen guarded by downgraded nutters etc.

What is more worrying is that he didn't use his brains either, and did it it infront of the world (although understandable behaviour for a woodentop). The Sgt of The Guard should have allocated a man to quietly follow them back to their hostel and then torch it as they slept.

On a larger scale, where would we be if everyone was able to snap simply because some insignificant scroat took the piss out of them?

disclaimer: only joking about the torching the hostel bit

Buster Hyman
24th Jan 2009, 10:28
I think he should be severly disciplined. Honestly, he's provided with a perfectly good bayonet & failed to use it! Shame on you!:=

Squirrel 41
24th Jan 2009, 10:30
I'm with Hipper and Al R on this one: so far 17,718 views of this YouTube vid have been made, and all the public will see is a tourist innocently sodding about and the bloke who should be under control and able to control himself in the face of provocation (eg on peacekeeping / patrolling in the badlands) losing it when not faced with any kind of threat.

I understand his frustrations, but this isn't big or clever!

And looking at the amount of foliage on the trees, it certainly wasn't shot yesterday, either... so much for the "forces friend" at "The Sun" :hmm:


(edited for grammor....)

24th Jan 2009, 10:57
It probably isn't fake as dressing up in the uniform and carrying a replica gun doesn't go unnoticed for very long in London. The Mall is in the background with no traffic so it was shot on a Sunday, probably in the afternoon.

The shot has been taken into an edit suite and the graphic inserted over the slomo so it has been handled by professionals. We have to wonder at the timing of the release of the video, if not obvious now it may become apparent what the Sun are up to (if anything) in due course.

The idiot mimic may well be speaking during the entire walk, so it may be something he said that triggered the response. (or the tone of what he was saying if the guard did not understand the language)

It is curious as to why the clip apparently ends where it does. The reaction to stop filming seems too fast for an amateur who would tend to take a few seconds longer to react. Looks like the end of the clip has been edited for maximum effect, which suggests that the next few seconds after the guard pushes the idiot are less dramatic, like maybe the guard quickly gets back to marching and the idiot makes an apologetic gesture.

If it is a setup then it is VERY clever has they didn't go overboard with an OTT reaction.

Would like a translation of what the idiot is saying


24th Jan 2009, 12:15
The whole things screams "fake!"

IF however it IS genuine then I believe this guy will be in very deep pooh. It is one of the hallowed traditions of this mob that they NEVER react to provocation by tourists and bystanders and will ignore whatever is done in the way of jeering, catcalling, mimickery and posing photos being taken.

As for you lot advocating that he should have murdered the nerd, get a life you saddos..................

24th Jan 2009, 13:17
Some would say the tourist has committed an offence. Obstructing a Serviceman in the execution of his Duty?? Attempted suicide in a public place?

24th Jan 2009, 14:24
If this is genuine, then I am with the Guardsman all the way.
Al R, you seem to be mellowing too much in your old age, and maybe are forgetting how YOU felt when doing stag/guard. I may have done my guard duties twenty years ago, and while most were boring and tedious, it was not uncommon to be spat upon, called names, made fun of, and on one occasion shot at five times with a repeating shotgun at close range*!, so bear in mind that WE don't know what was on the guardsman's mind,or what he had recently been through!

That said, although I applaud what he did, it was still wrong (as per code of conduct) and could have better been dealt with by an outsider summoned from the sentry boxes foot buzzer (if fitted)

*As for the shotgun incident, my trusty pick axe handle (no weapons in those days) was applied surgically the the assaulter's head, and he decided to lie down and rest there and then.:}

Al R
24th Jan 2009, 14:51
Provoked, yes. Responded badly, never. Different in the bar mind. But whatever I was (or wasn't) like, being provoked by a nerd on PDs is nothing to being prodded with harrassing, nuisance or ranging fire - what would he have done then (assuming the guy was pukka)?

I've just watched The Big Match from 1979 and I was struck by the lack of dissent towards the ref and between the players. Perhaps its just the way we are these days, perhaps I'm in that Twilight Zone between being a nipper and a grumpy old man.

Must dash, 007 is on ITV4. :suspect:

24th Jan 2009, 21:14
We don't know how the film was edited, there could have been considerable prior provocation ect, I hope the CO gives him a hefty fine because it will be more than repaid in free beers ect.

24th Jan 2009, 22:32
The sentries at Buckingham Palace used to be outside the main gates on the public footpath but were moved inside because of public interference of varying degrees.

27th Jan 2009, 16:55
Just seen this. Why did he only cuff him? I would have thought one of those ammo boots administered to the twits jacksie would have been much more effective. OTOH, of course, he should have let it go. There's always the possibility he could meet the pillock off duty in some London hostelry later that evening. THAT would have been poetic.

27th Jan 2009, 17:24
I'm with Al R, Squirrel and, dare I say it, pr00ne. The civvy moron wasn't doing anything bad - he was just being a dick - and I don't like the idea of ill-disciplined guardsmen roaming the streets (at least, not on duty). While I don't know the background of the story (was this day 874 of a sustained campaign of piss-taking?), I don't expect servicemen in uniform to react as they would off-duty in a town centre at kick out. Sure, it's popular to want to smack a piss-taking civvy, but what the civvy did was hardly a capital offence. If 'our boys' start lashing out at the smallest of provocations, we just become any other army.

27th Jan 2009, 19:27
On another board, someone posted this:
To return to the topic of the Scots Guardsman's actions: the soldier's unit has let it be known that there will be no official disciplinary proceedings against him. I'm pleasantly surprised at that. A perusal of the Sun (sorry, curiosity got the better of me) readers' comments reveals 99% support for the Guardsman. Dissensions came from a wacko Irish Republican who just hates the Brit Army, and a bleating tree-hugger.

fade to grey
27th Jan 2009, 21:29
I don't think anyone is really advocating murdering someone....:ugh:

Slightly surprised at some of the lawyer style tree hugging responses here.

We train young men to be aggressive fighting machines, it is a fact of life that this mentality may manifest itself in a number of ways in a number of situations.We gave him a rifle and bayonet so he must be guarding something..Yes, a chav ******** is no great threat but how far does it have to go, what next ?grabbing his gun for a laugh to put on youtube.Come on.

I take it none of you have ever had a night out in camberley (old days) or bicester or any pace else the army are, if you want serious 'loosing it' i suggest you try it.

27th Jan 2009, 21:39

If that is true then it's nice to see the military, unlike the civilians who have posted on this thread, taking such a sensible and pragmatic stance :ok:

28th Jan 2009, 07:37
My stepson is in the Micks, says this incident was genuine enough and also it happened over a month ago!!

Load Toad
28th Jan 2009, 07:52
The civilian was a dick head and deserved a slap for taking the pish. By another civvy perhaps. But the soldier should have been well above it. Can't be the first time a guardsman's had to put up with some 2@ takin' the pish Shirley? That said I hope the gaurdsman receives nothing more than advice on how to slap dick heads in a stealthy manner.

29th Jan 2009, 05:18
As a former USMC Sgt, I can tell you that there are many, many ways by which his superiors can make their displeasure known without "official punishment".

The decision to "keep it in-house" was probably based more on legal issues, not as an "excusing" of his behavior.

With the state of society in both our democracies, formal punishment would have been followed by a claim for monetary compensation for "physical & emotional damages" from the a$$hole civvie... and would signal an "open season" for those who want a fast buck to try ever-increasing levels of harassment of Guards to try to provoke a reaction that could then be sued over.

No, this is exactly the right way to handle it... put a damper on any cash-hungry a$$holes & solicitors, while making the individual who lost self-control/discipline pay for his indiscretion out of the public gaze... and he will be punished, make no mistake about it!