View Full Version : Clicky Ankles

23rd Jan 2009, 12:46
Hey guy's.
First up... I already have class 1 medical. But both my ankles constantly click. Loud. It's not painful, and I've see a podiatrist but to no avail.
The podiatrist wasn't really sure what it is or how to correct it and also the doc for my class 1 medical didn't pay any intention to it.
Just wondering if anyone else has this and whether it affects you in the industry...


23rd Jan 2009, 19:20
In the absence of other symptoms, its probably insignificant.

Like having a big nose, or ginger hair, its just unfortunate. Probably best ignoring.

(We're not sure why it happens- some say it's ligaments crossing, others say gas release.)

24th Jan 2009, 04:41
I would be delighted to have clicky ankles as my only medical problem :bored:

24th Jan 2009, 05:48
It's called aging, my friend. If aging in itself affects medical status, we're all in trouble.

I'm 54. My shoulders are sore (lots of swimming when I was younger - still do it some), achy lower back (lots of things), arthritis and missing cartilage in my left knee (American football), and several previously broken bones and previously sprained (and broken) ankles (motorcycles and football). My hearing ain't so hot, either, and I wear multifocals. I also use Advair and Vasotec. Everything on my damned body clicks - and sometimes hurts - but everything still works, sort of. My medical exams go just fine. So will yours. :)

others say gas release.

Yeah, that too. :E

24th Jan 2009, 06:35
Thanks for your reply's :)
I'm only 21, so I hoping I'm not aging too quickly otherwise I'll have to start planning my funeral now :-)
I did a web search and I guess I have subluxating peroneal tendons... go figure. Which isn't too serious.
I'm currently training in Aus... and just making sure in the future, I'm going to have sufficient ankle function left to kick enough rudder in a wing drop :-)

Ken Wells
24th Jan 2009, 15:58
Hey guy's.
First up... I already have class 1 medical. But both my ankles constantly click. Loud. It's not painful, and I've see a podiatrist but to no avail.
The podiatrist wasn't really sure what it is or how to correct it and also the doc for my class 1 medical didn't pay any intention to it.
Just wondering if anyone else has this and whether it affects you in the industry...


I used to have a clicky knee, went bungie jumping off Vic Falls bridge in 1997 (before retard Mugabe totaly destroyed Zim ) and I've never had a problem since!!!:ok:

Nearly There
24th Jan 2009, 16:28
I have it in my left ankle after a fall recently whilst out running, my foot turned inwards on a pothole in road, since then ankle clicks, doc said its due to tendons stretching and they are now long enough to ride over the bone they where nicely tucked behind..doesnt hurt just clicks, also said it will be always like that now, and quite common in footballers due to similiar injuries..

25th Jan 2009, 08:58
I've got a very similar case to Nearly There but whilst playing football. It mainly happens to me whilst making rather quick turns. I wouldn't worry about it anomaly.

26th Jan 2009, 00:11
My ankles, knees and wrists have been clicking for years, since I was a kid. Usually after I've been resting and not moved them for a while. Doesn't hurt, hasn't deteriorated over the years and there are no other symptoms.

Shouldn't worry about it.

27th Jan 2009, 17:23
My knees have clicked for years, and as with Flintstone it's usually after a period of inactivity. Never had any pain from them so I don't let it worry me.

I've heard somewhere before (can't remember exactly where) that the source of the clicking is a fluid which gathers in the affected (not infected!) area during inactivity, and I also heard that it's tendon related as Nearly There pointed out.

Loose rivets
27th Jan 2009, 19:44
Rotorhead...Despite empathizing more than a little, your post gave me the best laugh of the year.

I fuss over every little thing, and I'm lightly to pull an engine to pieces if something don't sound right...but, with clicking bits, I wouldn't worry if nothing hurts, but, I would still try to relax the foot totally - quite hard to do - and then shake it. Gently at first, then more if all feels okay. I've had some good results with shaking me bits back into position. Sounds funny, but it really works.

NZ X man
11th Feb 2009, 03:00
Should not effect your medical, but it will be hard for you to sneak up on the boss and ask for a raise.:\