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22nd Jan 2009, 19:56
Please sign up for this petition, if the Gov't get their way they will start taxing us punitively for our Flight Allowances...:mad::mad:

Petition to: Abolish proposed increased taxation of aircrew subsistance/flight allowances. | Number10.gov.uk (http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/flightpay/)

The more that sign, the more chance!!!! we have of making an impression

22nd Jan 2009, 20:29
Hope the petition has the desired effects, but 'poor' Gordon is in such deep guano on so many fronts, that I doubt he has enough cash money available to afford this! I have signed it though!

Loose rivets
22nd Jan 2009, 20:48
What happened with that Birmingham small operator that was suddenly told (many years ago) that they had to pay back taxes on flight crew allowances, the rest of the nation still paying them tax free? I gather it threatened to destroy the company's finances.

It was all to do with the power of local tax inspectors.

Mister Geezer
22nd Jan 2009, 21:39
It was all to do with the power of local tax inspectors.

Still is and it is a farce really!

23rd Jan 2009, 12:52
Barrow Boy, you should add this to the Cabin Crew thread as well. They will sign up in droves, I hope!
I would suggest you change the heading.
Try something like; 'Sign petition to stop flight allowance tax increase'

24th Jan 2009, 11:59
Not to sound negative but come and join our club - at flybe we already get taxed on our mammoth £1.90 flight pay anyway!

24th Jan 2009, 12:49
What is the current status on ryanair sector pay, how would this change the taxation on it? I've heard both that it's taxfree right now, and that it's taxed before the money goes to the crew so I'm not sure what's true.

24th Jan 2009, 14:55
Signed . . . . . . . . .