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View Full Version : MCC simulator BE2000 or B737-400

20th Jan 2009, 12:22
Hi there,

I would like to hear some opinions about MCC in simulator of BE2000 or B737-400, and if you think that a aviationjob seeker will give more value for the MCC in the simulator of B737-400.


20th Jan 2009, 12:32
Won’t make the slightest bit of difference what you did it in with regards would it help get a job.

What I would say is if it’s not much more in cost, to do it in the 737, then do so and enjoy yourself.

The MCC is just a tick in the box. Have fun and remember that the MCC course is all about CRM.

It’s about learning how to be a great partner in a 2 man crew environment and good teamwork.


20th Jan 2009, 13:09
Thks for your opinion EGCC4284.

But you think if I have MCC in 737 it will help more to get a job (i.e. more points in a job interview) then in a BE2000 or the principal matter is to have MCC independent of the simulator?

thks and sorry if made any mistake in english,


20th Jan 2009, 13:54
In the current climate it won't make any difference what you did your MCC in.

The only way it would help is if you take a simulator assement in a jet like the 737 having done your MCC on one similar then you will find it less daunting and easier to adapt to and so you may perferm better.

On the whole I would recommend the 737 as its a good start. Its closer to the things you may be flying in the future unless you have a desire to go into air taxi work then go for the B200.


20th Jan 2009, 14:37
I agree with Nick14

It won't get you an interview but will be of good for if you do ever get a sim check in a 737 for a future job assesment

Doors to Automatic
20th Jan 2009, 14:54
Given that the majority of jobs for new FOs are on 737-series you would probably be at a slight advantage if you chose the 737. What is the price difference?

20th Jan 2009, 15:31
I Live in Portugal, and I´m thinking to make the MCC in UK to improve my english and to have an experience abroad my home country I think it will be good for me.
The difference is 1000 pounds. What do you think?

20th Jan 2009, 16:05
I would strongly recommend that you improve your english BEFORE you start your MCC as I know of a couple of people who were unable to cope during the course due to language difficulties.

Maybe spend a few months listening to english radio to get used to the local accents and local terms.

Best of luck

20th Jan 2009, 16:21
Thks for your opinion Nick,

I´ve study for seven years in Portugal in Cambridge School, and I will go some days before the begining of the MCC to try to catch the accent and improve my English. This is one of the points why I want to do the MCC in UK.
But about the difference of 1000 pounds from the MCC in BE2000 to a B737-400 what do you think?


20th Jan 2009, 19:49
wouldn't have thought a language barrier is a problem on a MCC course - is just an attendance course anyway

20th Jan 2009, 20:22
Look at it another way, doing the MCC using a 734 won't harm your chances. It will also be useful (if you do some preparation) for a Sim Assessment, which may very likely be in a recent(ish) 737 series sim.

You can also draw (as much as humanly possible!) on that experience when going for that 737 job about how "educational" the whole experience was (don't b*llsh*t too much though).


21st Jan 2009, 05:47
is just an attendance course anyway

It is possible to not be awarded an MCC certificate if the score for the various exercises is below a 4. The average is a 3.

21st Jan 2009, 07:46

Your written English is not perfect but it is better than the English displayed by many of the young Englishmen regularly appearing on this website. Well done. Writing in a second language is harder than speaking, so I anticipate that your spoken English is perfectly good enough for the MCC or a job interview.

The dilemma you are facing over the choice of MCC is one I have had over the past month or two. There are plenty of people who regard the MCC as a tick-box course where the quality of the CRM element is the only consideration. Even those people cannot make up their minds and after a little thought realise that experience of a better quality simulator will benefit your career prospects. For instance, both EGCC4284 and nick14 above initially dismissed the advantages of the 734 until nick14 pointed it that it could help with the sim assessment.

I have yet to do my MCC course, although it is booked, but my choice was heavily influenced by the benefits that the course could give my career prospects. Your choice of MCC course could be influenced by any of the following:-

- Don't think of the MCC course as a tick-box course. It's a chance to immerse yourself in an Airline Environment. Yes, its emphasis is CRM, but you also learn a bit about operating the aircraft. Therefore, you might prefer an MCC which utilises an aircraft appropriate to your career path.

- In which MCC course are you most likely to make useful contacts?

- An MCC course may be linked to an Airline's recruitment process. It may not guarantee an interview, but in this economic climate I would advise maximising your chances!

- Following from the above, the course may involve an assessment which could lead to a job interview. Getting a 4 or 5 out of 5 for the MCC is often necessary in order to pass the assessment. Work hard at the MCC and do all the suggested preparation before attending the course.

- If your first experience of a 737 cockpit is on your job interview day you could be overwhelmed. 20 hours in a jet Flight Simulator during the MCC will give you a little confidence.

- Time on a full-motion Flight Simulator looks better on the CV than a generic FNPTII, even though your experience levels are largely irrelevant because there are few jobs for newly qualified pilots.

- If you want to become a Flying Instructor, you probably want an MCC which utilises a cheaper, prop sim so you can save money for your FI Rating.

- The cost of the course might determine your choice. An MCC on a 737 Full-Flight Simlulator can cost upwards of £5000 :eek:. You must balance the benefits against the cost.

- A lot of employers are now asking that you complete a JOC if you haven't any experience on Jets. Experience on a 737 FFS might obviate the need to pay extra for the JOC.

- There are always other personal factors. For instance, you could benefit your English by being in the UK for a few weeks. An MCC in, say, Germany, would not help much, even if it is conducted in English.

I am sure there are more factors, but the above are the ones I concentrated on.

Good luck.


21st Jan 2009, 08:23
A certain FTO does an MCC on a full motion generic 737 sim for £2995.

21st Jan 2009, 08:27
If the difference in price is only 1000£ I would go for the 737 sim.

As stated in other posts if you are lucky to have an interview afterward, you will not be "impressed" by the sim. Furthermore on any MCC there is usually some spare time so you can handle the sim nd fly manually which will make difference in an interview.

If you are intending to self fund a type rating afterward, you can do the MCC in the Be200 as it will make no difference....

Good luck!

22nd Jan 2009, 13:36
Thank you all for your opinion, It´s helping me to clarify some doubts that I had about the MCC.


22nd Jan 2009, 21:19
If it helps, there's a certain place in Bournemouth (namely European) are offering an MCC for 2399GBP on a full motion sim, their website states it's done on the L-1011 Tristar sim although recently they seem to be using their 737-200 sim.

Considering that another school (in Bournemouth as well) offers an MCC for 2000GBP on a FNPT2 sim, for me personally I think 2400 quid is a great deal and for the 400 more i'd take the full flight sim anytime. Personally I think European is great good value for money, but I stand to be corrected. ;)

Here's their link:

MCC Courses | Flight Training | European Aviation (http://www.eaac.co.uk/flight_training/mcc_courses.jsp)

Sorry guys not advertising here just trying to help :ok: