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View Full Version : WIVES AND PPRUNE!

5th Oct 2000, 02:31
My wife has had to put up with me forking out thousands on getting to my dream.No holidays,staying in to save money,getting a crap credit rating because we have(I mean "I" )too many loans,hours of sitting on her own while I have studied,been on courses etc etc.

In all this time she has never complained once,she has been 100% supportive and has kept me going when it all seemed to be getting too much.

SO, why now does she seem to get really irritated while I am pruning.Don't get me wrong,I certainly do not spend every spare moment at the pc,In fact she is on it more than I am.So why ,when I say ,"I'm just popping up to have a quick look at Prune love",does this wind her up sooo much?

Any other Pruners suffering similarly?

Cheers for now,


Pilot Barbie
5th Oct 2000, 03:15
That's easy. After giving up so much else, she wants something that doesn't cost anything: you. Men! Sheeeessshhhh! :)

5th Oct 2000, 06:28
Autothrottle, Be nice to her or we will have to change your name to selfthrottle!

WX Man
5th Oct 2000, 11:49
You have my sympathy. Just done 6 months studying and passed the IR exams, and her upstairs was very supportive. As soon as I'm done, and I'm back to my old ways of checking PPRuNe once a day for about 30 mins, I get called a nerd who never goes out.

On top of that, Miss WX (or should that be WX Girl) is a right old nag... I just keep telling myself that I'm just holding short, ready for departure...

It's like playing the stock market. Every so often you get a bad share, and you're just waiting for the right time to offload it without losing to much.

Sometimes women can just be far too much trouble... maybe I should go and bat for the other side. Then again, I see all these luvverly freshers here at University, and i think that going that way you really do miss out on the joys of being with the opposite sex.

5th Oct 2000, 13:50
Ah Pilot Barbie, how right you are !

Having been a miserable git for two years to save all the money for my comm AND HERS, it's a little difficult to deal with the fact that she (my totally superior half) would happily give it all up just to have more fun with me (and get me off PPrune or MS Flight Sim).

Doesn't seem to make sense that what she wants doesn't cost anything and ironically that's often the hardest thing for a man to accept ! Time is free but it's the most precious thing anyone has got to give...

6th Oct 2000, 05:56
Mine stays with Mum Thursday night.

Is that why I'm still here at 3 a.m.? :)

FE Hoppy
6th Oct 2000, 16:19
A word to the wise.
In my DIVORCE too much time on the internet was used as unreasnable behavior. donīt think it was the first case but probably a first for pprune where i spend a lot of time.
keep checking the clocks guys.

Buffy Summers
6th Oct 2000, 23:00
I do know of one couple who used to read alot and also internet alot. They solved the whole problem by getting a laptop. That way, one half sits on sofa ppruning. Other half sits on sofa reading/ watching TV/ looking over other half's shoulder. Ah, the joys of togetherness....

Of course if you are ppruning to avoid other half/ talking to other half/ facing other half then you need to think long and hard about what you are doing.

I'm free for drinks tomorrow night :) :)

6th Oct 2000, 23:31
Is it considered sad to have pprune set as ones home page or just good time management? My wife thinks I've got another woman in the study!
Hmmmm...maybe...just maybe.......

7th Oct 2000, 02:54
Mrs. G-ALHI, having viewed the contents of this website, has ventured the opinion that we ALL have a lot of growing up to do....

G-ALHI, age 55 1/2.

7th Oct 2000, 19:24
I'm with buffy on this one.
Sit together.
Solution is two computers.

Bird Strike
8th Oct 2000, 07:37
We have his and hers computers, and we're often PPRuNing at the same time.
I even have PPRuNe as my home page. I guess that make both of us sad nerds.

9th Oct 2000, 16:06
I agree that the best solution is the laptop. Our only problem is "your lap or mine?" Then there's the lap dancing! Sure beats watching "East Enders"