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View Full Version : Virgin pilots discontent

18th Jan 2009, 11:27
Anyone know why virgin pilots are talking of industrial action. I recently sat behind a couple of them on the car-park bus, and they seemed very upset at something their management are doing. Redundancy perhaps? Whats the rumour?

18th Jan 2009, 12:16
Perhaps your queery should be directed to Virgin crewmembers. They probably have the scoop... and will share is they think its appropriate.

18th Jan 2009, 12:59
"Virgin pilots discontent"

Oh really!! They should think themselves fortunate they have a job at present, or does the world owe them a living?

If that is true then my advise for them is to stop winging and go find another job if things are not to their satisfaction at VS. I say to them, welcome to the "real world" where redundancies and furloughs for the rest of us mere mortals are a fact of life.

Virgin and BA are not immune to the realities of these bad times (worse to come). Jobs for life are a thing of the past, for a lot of us.

18th Jan 2009, 13:07
wow, now there is someone with a chip on their shoulder if ever i saw one! You don't even know what they are unhappy about!

Tight Seat
18th Jan 2009, 13:19
Doubleu Anker,

That was the best rant in ages, well done, you have just made my Sunday! Did you once catch a dose of a VS lass?

ross o carrol kelly
18th Jan 2009, 14:01
hey double-w@nker,

what the matter??? did virgin turn you down,or was it a virgin girl or boy??? :}

18th Jan 2009, 14:21
dublo wanquer knows no other way to write; it's the same whatever the subject. If you have lost the will to live and more time on your unemployed hands then search his or her (I suspect a him) posts and see what I mean.
I suspect the pilots were moaning at the fact that they weren't chosen for the TV ad with all the glamour puss models in tight skirts.

18th Jan 2009, 14:23
Never applied to VS for a job, so difficult to be turned down. Never hit on VS cabin crew either.

Tight Seat
18th Jan 2009, 14:25
Do you just hate the guy who looks back in the mirror then?

18th Jan 2009, 14:27
Well thats a bit of a bugger doubleu-anker cos at least it would have explained your strange unhinged rant. Or at least given us a reason other than simply your personality. You Numpty!

Ho hum!

18th Jan 2009, 15:28
All very good, but can anyone answer the original question.

18th Jan 2009, 15:37
Yes. Don't earwig on other peoples conversation and then report on Pprune.
Would you like it if someone listened in on YOUR conversation with a colleague and then posted it.
Get a life my friend and button up.

And no I'm not a VS employee!!

Don't take this the wrong way. End of.



Dan Winterland
18th Jan 2009, 15:45
Show me a pilot, no matter how good their job seems to be, who hasn't been pissed off by their company's management at sometime or other, and I will officially be astounded.

But -anker has a point. I was pissed off enough by Virgin Atlantic to leave. A good move as it turned out to be.

18th Jan 2009, 16:01
Dan, DWnker must be a cousin of our friend Trevfly on Fragrant Harbour.

18th Jan 2009, 16:10
Dan W

Cor you must have been p**sed off! I worked for VS back in the good old days of the classic. What a fantastic place to work, we were the envy of many airlines. I know things have since changed and not necessarily for the better but hey a job at the moment is surely good. IF they are talking about action to maintain their pay and conditions then fair play to them in the current days where our job as aircrew is being de-valued by the bean counters and the glut of european 'imports' who think the pay is good compared to where they come from flooding the market and taking away jobs from the UK boys, and susequently keeping pay low because they are earning a 'fortune' compared to back home (EEU open doors s**t) Any action has my support to maintain all T's and C's.

European Guys this is not a personal attack on you. I would do the same if the grass was greener on the other side:)



18th Jan 2009, 17:44
Yes. Don't earwig on other peoples conversation and then report on PPRuNe.

My God, can you mkagine your taxi driver on the way up to Leeds earwigging, and coming on here to enquire further? Heaven forbid! Don't they have an oath of silence or something?

18th Jan 2009, 17:49
Could it be about seniority following the VS/BMI merger :E

18th Jan 2009, 17:56
Hey Toxic of Tunbridge, I think we are on the same wavelength!!



Mods please lock this thread. What the Virgin boys want is up to them. Don't let the earwiggers interfere.

Leo Hairy-Camel
18th Jan 2009, 20:02
Could it be about seniority following the VS/BMI merger
It's always about seniority, Kerdunker. Whole bally system should be done away with. Creates dead wood and pissed-off pilots.....oh wait, is there any other kind?

virgin mary
18th Jan 2009, 20:38
Its all about pay. the pilots rejected an offer from the company so the company decided not to give them a pay rise this year. Obviously the Cabin Crew can expect the same.:* No redundancies for pilots or Cabin Crew yet:)

18th Jan 2009, 22:19
Mods please lock this thread. What the Virgin boys want is up to them. Don't let the earwiggers interfere.

Using that argument, you could close every thread on every bulletin board on the Internet.

19th Jan 2009, 00:51
Yes you could!
But in three pages this thread has not gone anwhere.
Feel free to resurect the subject if it has some merit, but as far as this forum goes it seemingly doesn't.