View Full Version : JAR 1 Medical

18th Jan 2009, 00:23
Hi All,

Im thinking about going for the JAR 1 medical in April, giving me some time to cut down on smoking and get into shape, Im just worried about the examination, Ive had the class 2 which was simple enough but dreading the class 1, Im 5"11 and weigh 13.5 stones,i wanna drop a stone before i go for it and cut down on the cigs, I smoke 5-6 a day.Do they make you run around Aviation House all the time or is that just if you suffer/erd from breathing problems like asthma? and is it true that you have to strip down naked and get fingered and fondeled?!!

18th Jan 2009, 04:13
..........that sounds like what happend to me at Kestrel..............

18th Jan 2009, 09:52
First they strap you to a gurney and test all sorts of psychotropic hallucinogens on you then its 4 hours of mega gym beasting, three days of sleep deprivation, followed by 24 hours of interrogation, then a 15 mile speed march, carrying 65lbs. If you survive that, it's on to the full cavity body search by a former womens prison officer (she IS goooooood). All this on a can of coke and a mars bar. :eek:

Alternatively, it could be one of the biggest non-events you'll ever come across.

Seriously, it's nothing to worry about. No running around the block, the blood test is a pin prick in the thumb, urine test in a plastic cup, ECG, drop and cough, general examination, lots of questions, very thorough eye exam. That's it.

18th Jan 2009, 15:44
you don't even get the rather nice Irish nurse flashing things at you to try and stimulate you any more.

18th Jan 2009, 19:28
Oh dear, the forum's spiralling......

Kestrel, at 24 yrs old, they're very unlikely to find anything untoward, if you've enjoyed a good life up 'till now. The tests they will perform will not be that invasive.

Your habits are unlikely to make a difference at this stage, but in the long run, maybe an idea to pack up the fags.

Good health. Make a post when all is passed to share the experience.:)

18th Jan 2009, 20:04
I was there last week for initial class 1
i was like you dreading the finger up the bum and drop and cough as that is what i heard to but known of that happened was there for about 3 hours not the most exciting time to be had


18th Jan 2009, 20:37
Thanks for your replies, helps me put my mind at ease. I think its more to do with getting into some dodgy things when i was younger :ugh:, as you do! and not going gym in about 2-3 years that worried me,but yeah Ill let you know how i get on :ok: