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View Full Version : RAF Uniforms - What To Do With Them

17th Jan 2009, 15:43
Does anyone know of any organisation that collects used RAF officers' uniforms? I have a No 1 and a Mess Kit, in pretty fair shape, which I'm looking to dispose of. I left the Service in 97 and I can't see any way I'll need them again. I'd like them to get re-used if possible, but not being sentimental about these things they'll get dumped in a few days to lighten the load when I move house.

They'd suit an athletic, rugged 6 footer with a deep manly chest of about 44 inches diameter and a lithe waist of about 34 inches. That's who they were made for, but I have them now.

PM me if they are of any use to you.

17th Jan 2009, 16:16
You could contact your nearest ATC Wing HQ - I'm sure they'd find a wearer who'd put them to good use.

The Air Cadet Organisation Web Site (http://www.aircadets.org/map_test.htm) should help.

Pontius Navigator
17th Jan 2009, 17:40
They'd suit an athletic, rugged 6 footer with a deep manly chest of about 44 inches diameter and a lithe waist of about 34 inches. That's who they were made for, but I have them now.

PM me if they are of any use to you.

With a circumference of 11 feet 6 inches the original owner must have been absolutely gianormous.

17th Jan 2009, 18:14
Pontius, Imagine my red face! Thank you for pointing out my error.

Pontius Navigator
17th Jan 2009, 18:48
Pilot, obviously :)

Runaway Gun
17th Jan 2009, 19:18
MB, you have a PM...

17th Jan 2009, 22:09
You could probably flog them on Ebay for a few quid, there is always people out there looking for that uniform thing

Beatriz Fontana
17th Jan 2009, 22:10
KeepItTidy, students going on University Challenge, perchance?

18th Jan 2009, 09:07
Or Stephen Fry for wearing on QI? I notice that after the furore caused by the Student on UC wearing an item of uniform, the airwaves are distinctly silent about Fry wearing an officers' No1 SD hat for part of this week's show (admittedly with a King's Crown).

18th Jan 2009, 15:06
Thanks for all the responses and interest ( and correction:*) but I think I've located a good home for them.

Romeo Oscar Golf
19th Jan 2009, 12:53
I gave mine (and my Omani kit) to the local thespians. I believe they made good use of them.:E

19th Jan 2009, 15:36
Oh 'Thespians'. Ah, I thought you said....

Google Image Result for http://www.anenglishmanscastle.com/images/Lesbians%20in%20uniform%20kissing.jpg (http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.anenglishmanscastle.com/images/Lesbians%2520in%2520uniform%2520kissing.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.anenglishmanscastle.com/archives/002390.html&usg=__4V2iPwRnJAmykTicMQ7UdsB2bHA=&h=141&w=200&sz=16&hl=en&start=4&sig2=6k08X5oZpA8DRYpaxyhiQg&tbnid=eIgIWdT0K9OO9M:&tbnh=73&tbnw=104&ei=i6t0Sb6BEtXkmQeEp_yIBw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dlesbians%2Bin%2Buniform%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26s afe%3Doff%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-GB:official%26sa%3DG)

I'll get my coat.

19th Jan 2009, 15:41
I gave mine to Doncaster Aviation Museum as they had a 'thing' about Finningley at the time.

I don't miss it.

21st Jan 2009, 16:58
You could always give them to the circus for another bunch of clowns to wear.

Pontius Navigator
21st Jan 2009, 18:13
Oh 'Thespians'. Ah, I thought you said....

I'll get my coat.

TD, hard to tell, I would go 50-50 on that one, then ask a friend.

21st Jan 2009, 18:31
As long as you don't 'Ring' one, Pontius.
