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View Full Version : Another Loss - Duxford Preparations

5th Jul 2001, 14:44
Press Association 5/7/1 11:45 BST

A vintage aircraft has crashed while taking off during preparations for one of Britain's biggest annual air shows.

It is not thought that anyone was injured in the accident at the Imperial War Museum's aviation headquarters at Duxford, Cambridgeshire.

The two-seater T6 Harbard, crashed as journalists were gathering to interview veteran fliers who will be guests of honour at the Flying Legends air show at Duxford on Saturday and Sunday.

A spokesman for the Imperial War Museum said the aircraft involved in the accident was a two-seater Second World War American training aircraft which is based at Duxford.

He said it was not scheduled to take part in the airshow at the weekend.

"There was an incident involving the Harbard which was taking off," said the spokesman. "I don't believe either of the two people on board were injured.

"The emergency services are on the scene and the airfield is being cleared."

Two men were seen to walk away from the stranded two-seater plane and neither appeared to be hurt.

The accident comes a month after three people were killed in two air crashes during a flying show at Biggin Hill in Kent. A De Havilland Vampire and an American King Cobra crashed during the two-day show.

But the Imperial War Museum spokesman said he was satisfied that safety precautions and standards at all Duxford air shows were first rate.

5th Jul 2001, 15:10
Would that be a Harvard?

5th Jul 2001, 15:27
Almost certainly!

Glad the crew got out ok but once again it raises the issue of the safety of the vintage aircraft...

5th Jul 2001, 16:15

Of course since Biggin Hill there have been no accidents involving civilian owned light aircraft have there??

6th Jul 2001, 02:54
Some pictures here.
